
The gift

"Sandra! Sandra!!" Donald called but Sandra didn't answer.

Donald quickly keep his book down and run fast to catch up with Sandra. Donald caught up with her and held her by the shoulders. "Please stop. I didn't mean to offend you" Donald said.

"If you wouldn't take it from me, just let me go. The only prerequisite that can stop me, is for you to take this necklace from me," Sandra said with an irked face.

"No problems. I will take it from you. Just come back," Donald assured.

They came back and Donald took the necklace from her.

"I know you don't want to take it from me because you don't like taking things from rich people. I don't like that attitude of yours Donald," Sandra said.

"Am just sorry," Donald apologized.

"The only thing that will make me dislike you is cheating." Sandra suddenly said with her eyes fixed on Donald.

"Same with me. If I discover such act, I wouldn't ask you before staying away completely from you," Donald said.


Mrs Susan's phone rang, its a call from Engr. Mason Alfred who is her business associate and her partner in crime.

"Hello Engr.!" Mrs susan said after answering the call

"How are you Susy?" Engr. Mason said

"Fine,  and you?"

"Am fine. You know its been a year since i lost my wife and my doctor had instructed me to lessen my work to help my health" Engr. Mason said

"Yes" Mrs Susan asked further 

"Alex will be returning from UK to help me while he continues his education. I believe he will get to meet your daughter as planned" Engr. Mason announced 

"Wow! That is the best idea of the century" Mrs susan said with chuckle

"Looking forward to see him" she added

"Okay" Engr. Mason said and hung up the call

After the call, Mrs Susan felt excited because her plans would finally work. She stood up from her sit and went to meet Sandra in her room .

"Alex,  your future husband would soon be back in the country" Mrs Susan said with a smile

"My future what?" Sandra asked

"Husband" she confirmed

"Really? Mother am not in this" Sandra disagreed 

"How dare you, is it because of that pauper called Donald? Listen, i don't want to ever see you close to him ever again! Let's wait till Alex comes back first and I will tell him to report you to me whenever he sees you close to Donald" Mrs Susan yield amidst clench teeth as she angrily walk out on Sandra

Sandra is a girl who have never disobeyed her mother,  she had live with her mother all her life and she know that if she goes against her mother's word,  she might be deprived of many things. Sandra went to her bed that night crying and shedding tears. She was disgruntled by her mother's statements. She thought of how to get out of this hook but she couldn't figure out any way.


    The next day,  Sandra went to school with a long and devastated face. She feel difficult to disclose her mother's decision to either Clara or Donald.

"You have been moody ever since you came to school,  are you okay? Donald asked sandra during break time"

"Nothing is wrong; am fine"

"No you are not" Donald persist

"Am fine Donald!" Sandra almost yelled this time 

Donald left her with so much worries in his mind. A lots of questions about the unpleasant mood of Sandra were running through Donald's mind. Donald tried to investigate from Clara but it was unfortunate that Clara also doesn't know about the cause of her unsual mood.

After school dismissal, Clara and Sandra  were in an unsual silence while in the car home

"Sandra, when did we start hidding secrets" Clara brake the weird silence 

"Clara, i don't know how to air it,  especially when Donald is around" Sandra said

"Sandra please just tell me already" Clara pleaded

"My mother don't want me to be friend with Donald" Sandra said in a sobber

"Really,  how did she even know of Donald"

"She saw the write-up Donald gave me on my birthday" Sandra answered 

"Hmmmm... Its not going to be easy because your mother is a hard nut to crack" Clara said and they both kept quiet through out the rest of the journey.


The next day, Alex arrived in the country. his father was quick to inform him that he would be resuming school in Webb schools the following week 

Engr. Mason told Alex that the death of Sandra's father, chief David is the source of their wealth and the only way to sustain the wealth without future problems,  is to make sure he gets into union with Sandra.

"But why dad" Alex asked out of confusion 

"Its not time for you to know why. Just do what you are asked to do for now. And you must do all your possible best to win her. A mistake or an attempt to evade from getting her will cause you nothing but your life. Understand!" Engr. Mason threat 

Alex nodded in agreement without further doubt and investigations because he knows how dangerous his father is

"Freshen up, we would be visiting Sandra and her mother tonight" Engr. Mason added as he walks out of Alex's room

Soon, Engr. Mason and Alex arrived at Mrs. Susan's residence. A knock landed on Mrs. Susan's door, she quickly went for the door and open it. It was Alex and his father 

"Look who we have here! Come in! Come in!!" Mrs susan exclaimed

"Good evening ma'am" Alex greeted at his entrance 

"How are you son?" Mrs susan answered

"Am fine"

Engr. Mason gave Mrs Susan a light hug. "Where is Sandra?" Engr. Mason asked 

"In her room," replied Mrs Susan. "Let me get her," she added.

She head to Sandra's room,  on reaching the room,  she found her lying with his face down. 

"Sandra,  we have visitors" Mrs Susan said 

"The visitors must have come for you, not me. Am not expecting any visitor today" Sandra retorted

"You dare not answer me in a disrespectful manner" Mrs Susan said amidst clench teeth 

"Stand up and come for the visitor immediately" he added and turned back to the sitting room 

Sandra became so uncomfortable and pissed by her mother's autocratic commands,  but she had no other alternative than to respect it.

She sluggishly stood up and walked slowly to the sitting room.

"Wow! What a gorgeous damsel" said Engr. Mason immediately Sandra entered into the living room 

"Good evening sir" Sandra greeted 

"How are you my daughter?" Mr. Mason said 

"Am fine," Sandra replied with a frown face.

'Is it the Alex? I rather commit suicide than accepting a rough looking guy like this' Sandra thought to herself.

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