
Chapter 70-2

Blake walks in with a man. “I found him watching the show…” he pushes him to sit next to Aaron and his dad.

“Martin…” Aaron hugs the man.

"You think killing us is going to solve anything?" he says calmly taking a sit of what looks like gin.

"The Jackson family has hurt my wife and daughter for years now. I’m here to put a permanent end to that." I deadpan.

"You think killing us is going to stop people from going after them? You’ve made it abundantly clear they’re your weakness? You own cousin sold you out, funded this whole thing." he says in an amused tone.

"You think I don’t have a team on Dean? Dean Blackheart will pay for his betrayal. You didn’t have a cent to your name, you think we didn’t know who funded your little fun?" I ask with a smile on my face.

Did it hurt when I found out what my cousin did? Dean and I wear actually close, he was the only one who didn’t come after me. but he was just lying in wait until I have a weakness and it just happened to be my family.

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