

It took just a few minutes of staying in Selenoid to know how different it was from Crimson pack. They were like day and night, cold and heat, happiness and sadness – very easy to tell apart.

It was very obvious Selenoid was technologically advanced, while Crimson pack chose to do things the traditional way. In Crimson pack, a selected number of people would be chosen to be warriors after vigorous training. Here in Selenoid, everyone was a warrior and trained as equally as possible from the age of sixteen, even the Omegas.

Everyone treated everyone else as an equal. Levels of strength didn’t matter here.

They recognized me as their Luna.

I didn’t know how everyone seemed to recognize me when I just arrived about one day ago, but I didn’t miss the subtle bows they sent my way whenever they saw me, not minding how rough I looked with damp hair and a bodysuit.

“Good day, Luna,” they would say, either staring at me with bright smiles or avoiding eye contact.

It felt great.

It made
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