
9 || Loving My Brother’s Wife (IX)

Excitement zips through me. It’s a struggle keeping a stern face. “If the queen says so.”

“She says so.”

We haven’t even kissed and she is about to get blowjob lessons. No worries. We will do things backward. I guide her to the bed. Before sitting, I thread my fingers into her hair and tilt her head back to stare into her eyes. She stares back with determination and zero regrets.

The curtains rustle, drawing our attention to what we are about to do.

I am about to commit a sin with my brother’s wife and that kind of sucks. Where’s my loyalty? I may hate Darius’s behaviour but this isn’t the right step. Now is a great time to end it.

Sensing my withdrawal, Denise caresses my balls and I am back on track.

“David.” She brushes her lips against mine, nibbles on my chin and whispers, “Show me.”

“Are you sure, Denny? I won’t be mad if you say no.” In fact, I want her to say no because I can’t bring myself to say it myself. Is it wrong

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goodnovel comment avatar
Alicia Woloszynek
great book so far love the suspense.
goodnovel comment avatar
Xquisit Emric
It’s just good I read this part alone

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