
Their missing sorella
Their missing sorella
Penulis: Yaszy

Chapter One

As I was sitting on the roof drinking the bottle of alcohol that I took from Dave and I couldn't help but to wonder how my brothers were doing. It's been four years since I was taken from them and I wanted to be back with them.

Dave took me to train me to be the best assassin and when he first took me everything was alright then it all took a turn.

Now that I'm fully trained, can't feel pain so Dave created both a knockout and paralyze injection since I can tolerate the regular knockout and paralyze injections.

Dave and his men used the paralyzed injection, I really wish I could burn those memories for my brain.

I have bad bruises on my face and I have seven broken ribs along with deep cuts on my back including on my arms, my knee was dislocated then popped back into place.

I sighed and peeked my head through my window to see that it was five in the morning making me take one last sip of alcohol before climbing through my window carefully then walked to the closet to hid the alcohol.

While, I was in my closet I searched through outfits to find an outfit. I found an outfit and walked out of the closet with it then walked into the bathroom. I closed then locked the door once I was inside because Dave has a habit of coming in while I am in the bathroom.

I turned on the shower to cold temp and stripped out of the bloody clothes I was wearing then stepped into the shower. I quickly took a shower and stepped out of the shower then grabbed a towel to dry off with.

I changed into the outfit I picked out then I dried my hair and walked out of the bathroom. Dave doesn't like it when we cover the bruises or wounds because it shows everyone that he's in control of us.

I walked out of the room then walked down to the kitchen to start cooking for Dave and his guys. I grabbed the ingredients out of the fridge when I walked in and started cooking.

I was finished cooking and I was setting up the table when I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen causing me to prepare myself. "Good Morning Dark Angel." I heard Dave's voice making me roll my eyes before turning around.

"Morning Dave." I said coldly then walked to the stove to grab the food.

I was about to pick up the pan when someone stopped me which made me look up to see Dave with a dark expression on his face. "Drop the attitude now." He sneered making me roll my eyes which made him angry.

"Looks like someone didn't learn from her punishment last night." Dave said making me feel disgusted.

"I'm sorry sir." I said not feeling sorry at all I just don't feel like being used again while lying there not being able to do anything.

"That's my girl now go do the paperwork." Dave said making me walk out of the kitchen then walked to Dave's office to work on paperwork for him.

Once I walked into his office I sat down in his chair then started working on the paperwork for him. while I was working on the paperwork my mind went back to my brothers.

Luciano with the help of Dario took care of us all after our parents died which I am pretty sure was stressful then I know for sure after I was taken that everything got rough for them.

I will do everything in my power to escape this place and get back to my brothers.

I signed Dave's name on the line, adding the document to his completion pile. I moved on to another document, I approved it and signed Dave's name on the bottom of the paper then placed it in the finish pile with the previous documents.

I did the same to the other four files, and placed them in the finished pile, stood up then walked out of his office. I walked back down the stairs then toward the kitchen where Dave and his guys were still eating.

I walked into the kitchen which caught their all of their attentions. "I am done with the paperwork do you need any bombs or guns made?" I asked making Dave and the guys smirk.

"She's definitely the hardest worker out of all of the girls you have." One of the men said.

"She is." Dave said agreeing with the man. "We need more bombs made." Dave added making me nod my head.

I turned around and walked out of the kitchen then walked down into the basement. "Yaszy how are you feeling?" One of the girls asked me.

"I'm fine thank you, Katherine." I said then walked to the room where we build the bomb and guns.

I walked into the room, suited up then closed the door, and sat down in the chair. I picked up the tools and started building the bomb.


I finished building at least fifteen bombs, since I was bored as well and decided to build some guns as well. I stood up and stretched out the soreness in my muscles from sitting that long then I took the suit off.

I looked at the guns I built and picked one up then placed it in my waistband, covered it with my shirt before walking out of the room only to bump into someone which made me look up to see Dave.

"You been down here all morning and afternoon, Dark Angel. How many bombs did you make?" Dave asked making me point to the table inside the room and he turned his head to look then his eyes widened.

"That's amazing work Dark Angel. You can head up to bed." Dave said and I walked away from him then walked out of the basement, headed up to the room I sleep in.

I walked into the room, closed the door behind me then walked into my closet and hid the gun in the vent, so Dave didn't find it. I walked out of the closet then walked over to the bed and sat on the edge preparing myself for when Dave comes in.

I sighed and looked at the time to see that it was already ten at night, If Dave and them were going to punish me then they would have already came in to punish me.

I heard screaming and crying from down the hall, I had enough of them hurting us, so I walked into the closet then grabbed the gun from the vent and followed the screaming, crying.

The door was opened and I saw Dave with his three men beating Katherine making me turn off the safety then aimed it at Dave's head, pulled the trigger causing his body to drop.

I shot the other three men in the head making them drop as well and I took a deep breath before I place the gun in my waistband then rush over to Katherine, helped her up and we walked out of the room.

"I need you to do something alright?" I told Katherine and she nodded her head. "Go to the kitchen and call 911." I added and she rushed to the kitchen then I went to let the other girls know that we're leaving.

I walked into the share room that Jane and the other girls shared since they weren't the best assassins out of all of us. When I walked in I saw the girls huddled up in the corner together.

"Come on we are leaving." I said making them lift their heads and when they saw it was me they got out of the bed then we walked down to the kitchen then as we walked in Katherine was putting the phone down.

"T-they're c-coming." She sobbed making me walk over and wrap my arms around her.

"We're safe now and are going home." I said coldly making Katherine nod her head.

As we were standing in the kitchen we heard sirens making us walk towards the door and Jane opened the door then we walked out and we were immediately lit up by lights.

Cops immediately made their way towards us and when the one noticed me his eyes widened. "Sweetheart what is your name?" The cops asked me.

"Yaszy Mancini." I spoke coldly and the officers all looked at me with so much relief on their faces.

"Inform Mr. Mancini immediately." Another officer said as they directed us towards the cars and we got in back of the cop cars.

Once we were in the cars we were taken to the police station, as we drove down the road I stared out the window wondering how my brothers will react seeing my face and hearing about my injuries.

I watched as the trees and building passed and I leaned my head against the window then closed my eyes. "You okay?" Jane asked from beside me making me nod my head to let her know I was okay.

"Thank you for saving us from that place." She spoke again with so much emotion.

"I figured we had enough being treating the way we been treated." I said opening my eyes to see her nodding her head while wiping tears off her cheek.

The cop pulled into the cop station and I immediately noticed the family car in the parking lot which made me furrow my eyebrows.

I looked towards the building to see a small crowd of parents and I immediately spotted my brothers with the other parents.

The car stopped and I was ready to be back with my brothers. The door opened, I looked to see another cop standing outside the door while holding his hand out but I got out without taking his hand.

Once I was out another officer walked over to us. "We gotta do an interview first then you can go with your brothers." A cop said then we all walked inside with the officer.

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