
Chapter four

(Sedrid's pov)

After I left the castle I rushed to meet up with my troops, if I don't take the prince's head my head will be taken in his place and I don't wish to die yet. We were only a few hours away from the island of the sirens so I asked my men to rest and gather enough energy because we will need it, the sirens are very skilled warriors and will be very difficult to defeat, to make every thing worst the so called tribreed prince is there with them "This while assassination is suicidal" I said under my breath. If I don't die in the battle field I'll die in the hands of those vicious rulers "why does my life have to be so difficult" I asked myself, the reason why I decided to join this army was so that I could survive this hardship that was brought upon the whole kingdom when the new rulers started to rule.

I called on my fellow generals so that we can re-strategize and make a solid plan, after a while of heated conversation we had our plan, my troops where well rested and the horses were well fed, it was time to march towards our deaths. We are to attack the sirens from behind because the front entrance to their island was through that deadly river and we wanted to use the element of surprise, we planned to attack unawares because we can't take them head on. We got into the island of the sirens without being noticed, I gave my orders to my men they started to surround the island so that there was no way to escape. After we had surrounded the island I raised my hands to give the signal for my men to attack and with that we started running into the town and attacking the sirens. Tents were set on fire and women and children were screaming for help, the warning bells has been rung so the warriors are expected to be here anytime soon, we had the upper hand. My men were tearing the place apart and looking for the prince but we couldn't find him "general we can't find the prince" one of my men reported to me "keep on searching" I shouted with impatience. We had to find him or else I'll be dead before I have a chance to report my failure, after a while the warriors came rushing towards us and the prince was running to the battle with one of the sirens from the river. When they got to us the battle got heated up, arrows were raining from the sky and my men were dying but we still had the upper hand and that was when the so called tribreed prince shifted into a dragon and started to rain fire on us. In a matter of minutes half of my men had been killed, the tables had turned and we were losing "retreat" I shouted to my men I was following behind them when I suddenly stopped in my tracks and the first thing that came to my mind was that I will be killed if I return without killing the prince, I'll rather die in battle than to go back and be torn apart by a werewolf, with that in mind I turned around and started running towards the arrows, I got hit in the chest by one but I continued to run towards them, I got hit by several arrows before I dropped to my knees, I whispered thank you to the sirens before I closed my eyes to accept my fate.

The island of the sirens

(Asher's pov)

When I and Evie got to the village my mouth dropped open with surprise and I froze. The island that took my breath away a few moments ago is now on fire and the villagers are running for their lives, we were only gone a few minutes and everything now is on fire. Immediately I and Evie got to the army the first person I saw was the gang leader from the tavern then anger boiled in my veins and the next second I shifted into a dragon and started raining fire on the army, I was raining fire on them while some of the sirens where firing arrows and the rest are engaged in sword combat. It took only a few minutes to turn the tables around, the gang leader saw that he had lost the battle so he ordered his men to retreat, while he was running he stopped suddenly and turned around then he started running towards the archer's. The archers continued shooting arrows towards the army and the gang leader was trying the best he could to make sure that he was hit by as many arrows as possible as if he wants to be killed, he took several arrows then fell to the ground and before he died he whispered thank you to the sirens "that's strange" I thought to myself.

The battle was over in a matter of minutes, the sirens were trying to pick up and gather the things that weren't burnt in the fire, I shifted back to human and joined them. After we were done and the villagers were safe I decided that it was time for me to leave because if I stayed longer those men will regroup and strike again. I took one last glance at the village then turned around to take my leave without anyone noticing "and where do you think you are going Mr?" I heard Evie say, I turned around with a guilty smile "I am leaving" I said "you are leaving without even letting me know?" She said starting to get agitated "I am sorry but I don't won't to cause you more pain than I already have" I said while looking at my feet "and who said that you are responsible for the attack" she said "I am Evie, they came here looking for me and because of me your village has been destroyed " I said, she knew that I wasn't going to change my mind about leaving "so let me come with you" she said "what!!! No Evie you know that I can't let you come with me" I said looking at her apologetically "please Asher I want to help you" she pleaded "Evie it's too dangerous I don't want you to get hurt" I said to her "I can protect myself" she said "I know that you can but everywhere I go trouble follows can't you see your village?" I said "Asher, do you think this is destruction? This is just a tip of the iceberg, when those so called rulers decide to destroy, this will be like child's play, besides, you'll need as much help as you can get if you want to stand a chance against those heartless rulers" she said, this conversation wasn't going anywhere and she had a point I'll need all the help I can get "okay, I'll let you come with me under one condition" I told her "and what will that be?" She said with curiosity in her eyes "you'll promise to listen to everything I say" I said, she raised her head slightly as if she was thinking of what I said "okay, I promise" she replied after a while "okay then, you can come along we'll leave at dawn" I told her, her face lit up with excitement then she ran towards me and gave me a hug and a peck on my cheek, I was caught off guard and froze, I didn't return the hug but she didn't seem to mind and with that she ran back to the village to prepare for our departure.

I'll be updating the next two chapters on the 30th of may which happens to be my birthday, so I'll update the next two chapters later that evening.

Follow me on i*******m @pere_theheartbroken_poet

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