
Chapter 3

The following morning, I had to wake up early for a meeting, and as I passed by Maria's bedroom, I assumed she would still be asleep. However, when I entered the kitchen, Maria was already preparing breakfast in the same attire from the night before.

"Good morning," I greeted as I took a seat at the table, observing her movements with her messy hair in a bun.

"Good morning, how are you?" she replied, turning to glance at me from the kitchen door.

"I don't like tea," I stated abruptly as she placed a cup in front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," she responded, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for the bread.

Trying to ease the tension, I joked, "It's okay, Gena, I can make an exception," accidentally using another name.

"Wait! What did you just call me?" Maria asked, her curiosity piqued.

Realizing my slip, I chuckled nervously and deflected her question to avoid further inquiry.

After dropping Maria off at school, I headed to my meeting with my late parents' business investor, Mr. Kent. He greeted me warmly upon my arrival.

"Good morning, Mr. Elijah Riverdale," he said, rising from his chair as I approached.

"Good morning, sir. Thank you for meeting with me," I replied, taking a seat opposite him.

He inquired about the urgency of our meeting, prompting me to explain my need for a loan to rebuild my pack.

"Why do you need a loan?" he asked, leaning in with interest.

I outlined my plans for the pack and showed him a list of necessary expenses. Mr. Kent agreed to help but offered his assistance as an investment rather than a loan.

"Fill in whatever amount you want," he said, handing me a pen and a blank check.

Surprised by his generosity, I wrote down the amount and returned the check to him. He accepted it graciously, expressing his respect for my parents and their legacy.

After the meeting, I was called to the college, where I found Maria seated with the dean, my uncle.

"What happened? Did you get into a fight?" I asked Maria, noticing her disheveled appearance.

Embarrassed, she apologized, and I escorted her outside to the car before speaking with my uncle.

"You're getting yourself in huge trouble, son," my uncle warned, disapproving of my involvement with Maria.

I defended my decision, emphasizing Maria's need for help despite the past. My uncle remained skeptical, cautioning me not to entangle myself in further trouble.

Undeterred, I reiterated my commitment to assisting Maria, regardless of the consequences. Despite their physical resemblance, Maria was not Gena, but she still deserved support and guidance.

I brought Maria home with me, where she appeared fearful and uncommunicative. Despite my attempts to interrogate her about what happened during my absence, she simply walked into her room and slammed the door shut. 

Later, I changed and went downstairs to prepare dinner. I retrieved the vegetables from the market and laid them out on the wooden table. Filling a pot with water, I placed it on the gas stove and grabbed an empty tray to slice the vegetables. 

Afterwards, I went to Maria's bedroom and called her down for breakfast. She reluctantly joined me at the table and began to eat. As she reached for a spoonful of the vegetable rice, she groaned in pain.

Concerned, I asked, "You okay?" but she only responded with a vague assurance that everything was fine. Unable to ignore her obvious discomfort any longer, I urged her to sit on the couch, intending to check on her injury.

As I attempted to help her, Maria reacted defensively, misunderstanding my intentions. After reassuring her, she reluctantly removed her shirt, revealing extensive bruising on her abdomen. 

Shocked, I asked, "What happened to you?" but Maria remained hesitant to share the details. Eventually, she revealed that her stepfather had been responsible for the abuse, which had occurred prior to our meeting.

Realizing the severity of the situation, I offered to help and began treating her injuries with the first aid kit. Once I had finished, I reassured her that she was welcome to stay as long as she needed and apologized for what she had endured.

The next day, I visited Maria's uncle and aunt to confront them about the abuse. Despite their initial denial of knowing Maria, I managed to speak with her uncle privately. Armed with a bat for protection, I was determined to address the situation head-on and seek justice for Maria.

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