

I recognized him by his clothes: he had a black t-shirt with a Gucci jacket and pants, not to mention his Gucci shoes: he was the brother of the little rich girl.

     I stood up and from then on we were face to face.

I was 5'6" at the time and he must have been about 5'9", so he was tall compared to me.

     I looked up and stared at him as if I had seen a unique human being that I had never seen before.

- Mmm hello!

- I asked you a question!

- I don't understand. I snatched whose snack and when?

- From my little sister, her name is Maëlla !

Anyway, I'm not here to make long speeches ! Come with me, and quickly!

     He spoke so loudly that everyone who was there started to look at me.

Patrick and Jessy tried to find out what was going on.

- JESSY: Who are you sir and what do you want?

- PATRICK: Where do you want her to go?

     He didn't answer and he pulled my hand to take me with him.

- You're going to sleep in jail today and I hope you learn from it!

     Jessy and Patrick were behind us watching us leave, not knowing what to say or do.

And meanwhile, I decided not to speak for fear that my words would be held against me later...

     We arrived outside the establishment and crossed the road. There was a car that stood out from the others: it was big, black and new with a masculine shape. In my opinion, there are cars that when I see, I know they belong to a woman and the same goes for men.

Just like there are neutral cars, you don't know if it's for a man or a woman.

     We ended up getting closer to the car.

- Are you serious that you're going to make me sleep in jail?

- Not only does she rip my sister's snack out of her hand, she's on my first name basis!

     He let go of my hand. He lowered his head to look at me before grabbing my neck with his right hand.

-- Apparently you are known for making a mess but let me tell you that with me you will learn manners! You will learn to respect people and you will stop picking on students! Do you understand?

     My neck hurt, very much so.

- Please let go of my neck!

- What they will do to you in prison will be worse than this!

     He took his hand away and grabbed my arm to get me into the car in question.

- Open the door and get in!

      I immediately obeyed.

     He also entered and started the car.

On the way, he called someone and since he was driving, he activated the Bluetooth so he could talk without touching the phone, for fear of being distracted and making an accident.

So I heard the whole conversation!

- Where are you?

- I'm getting ready for my internship. Come quickly so we can enjoy the little time left before I leave, my love!

- Okay, I'm coming, I'm driving!

- Okay, I'm waiting for you, kiss!

- Kiss!

     I immediately understood that he was in a relationship.

I would have been surprised if he hadn't been, because he was really a handsome man and on top of that, he was the son of the governor of the country!

- Where is your little sister? She can't accuse me like that and run away.

- What do you care?

     I didn't know what to say so I kept silent.

     We went to the most upscale part of town and he parked the car in front of a beautiful villa.

I had seen this house before because my friends and I would sometimes walk from neighborhood to neighborhood to visit...

- Give me an hour, I have things to do.

- I'm sorry, what?

     He didn't answer. He got out and locked the car doors.

     I must admit that it was hard for me to understand myself, because I had never accepted being treated like that, but with him it was different. I felt fear.

He left and I just stood there by myself. The sun came out and it started to get really hot. I took off my sweater to make it cooler and to breathe better.

     Two hours later, a car came out of the villa with a young, beautiful woman inside. So I assumed it was his famous girlfriend, or wife maybe!

      A few minutes later, he came to join me in the car.

- I was here for two hours instead of one.

- Okay, okay, okay! You're going to file a complaint at the police station! Do you understand, little girl who likes messes?

     That's how I ended up at the police station a few moments later...

He pulled my hand and took me to an office.

- Hello Uncle CHAPÉ.

     He did call the gentleman sitting in the office "uncle".

So they were familiar?

I started to get really scared because I knew that his uncle was going to carry out his orders without even trying to let me explain my side of the story.

- How are you doing, Ariel? How is the family?

     "Ariel? Wow, what a beautiful name!" I said in my heart before coming back to reality.

- I'm fine! Except for Maëlla who told me this morning that this girl had to rip out her snack several times at school!

- I told you not to send her to school!

- It was her choice! But now she's going to a private school for the next few classes. So what do we do with this uh... what's your name?

- My name is...

     My name was written on my outfit so he read it!

- Ah yes, Dassi Kabera!

- What do you want me to do, Ariel? You know very well that it is not like that! There are several...

- Uncle?

     He looked at his uncle with a dark and angry face...

- Okay, I'll take care of her!

- Thanks uncle! I'm going to the car, as soon as you finish you call me!

     I wanted to talk but what can I say?

     He left and I started to beg his uncle, crying, but he didn't care.

He took out a baton and whipped me without mercy.

I screamed in pain but he didn't stop. I had to run away to get him to leave me. I ran out of the office and the police station, crying.

     I found Ariel outside in his car and approached him to insult him despite my crying.

- You are a monster! You think you can do anything because you are the son of the governor of the country, right?

-Do you still have the courage to call me by my first name?

- You're on first-name terms with me and I have to be on first-name terms with you, right? Ah, so that's how we treat the poor, is it? Fuck you !!!!

     He got out of the car and came up to me, all angry.

- Don't you know what you did to my sister and the others? You're calling me a monster, aren't you? What about you? So you shut up right now! Now get in the car so I can take you home!

     I refused. It was out of the question for him to accompany me after what I had suffered.

- No, thank you. Goodbye, then.

     I was still crying...

- I'm the one who brought you here, so I'm the one who'll accompany you.

     Anyway, my house was very far from this neighborhood and I didn't even have 100 CFA francs on me to take the motorcycle or the cab.

I still insulted him before getting into the car.

     We arrived in front of my house at about 7pm.

- Is this where you live?

- Have a nice evening!

     I closed the door and left.

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