
Chapter 2

Kiara Lester

"Sorry"I apologize quickly as I bend down to pick up everything. I am grateful that my phone has not suffered any damage, I do not want to be forced to buy a new one when I buy it recently.

While crouching down, I notice that the person I have bumped into is still standing right in front of me. He wears black leather shoes.

I swallow saliva and get up quickly without seeing his face.

"Was a bit distracted and...

In a quick movement, he grabs my chin and lifts it up, bringing my eyes to his face.

His sudden touch scares me and paralyzes me at the same time. But that feeling is quickly exchanged for another

My God!

My throat immediately goes dry as my heart pounds.

What are my eyes seeing?

My eyes can't stop seeing the beautiful Russian man I like inches away from me.

He is definitely a Russian, but what a Russian!

I dare to give it a quick review. His eyes are two emeralds of an intense green color, his eyebrows are thick and he has long eyelashes. His nose is sharp but perfectly upturned and masculine. I look down at her lips and instinctively lick my lower lip, her lips are really thick and crimson in color, so they are very provocative. His jaw is square and quite marked.

My curious gaze lowers to his body and runs through it shamelessly, since as I see, he is doing the same with me.

His arms are totally exercised, so much so that even with his shirt on, he notices how much time he spends in the gym. His shirt fits like a second skin on him and all I can think about is how big and imposing this man is.

This man is a stud! I had never seen a man like him. Its beauty goes above any prototype. It's a beauty that screams DANGER.

But a beauty that attracts me.

He's very tall, taller than anyone I've ever seen, so I look really small next to him and I have to tilt my head a little to see him. I'm short and of average height but right now I'd like to be a bit taller as I feel like a pixie right now.

He easily estimated 27 years if not more. He looks very mature and thanks to the little beard that tints his chin, it gives him a rough touch.

My eyes return to his face and I notice the intensity that radiates from his gaze.

"You should watch where you're walking."He speaks and his voice is so deep and thick it makes my skin crawl. He's definitely Russian, his accent so thick you'd know where he's coming from just by listening to his voice.

" Emm" I am enthralled for a moment, but I quickly remember his words and that makes me move away from your touch with a frown"You should also watch where you are walking, it was two of us tripping over"I look at him frowned" Yes, I was distracted, he accepted it, but what about you? You have no excuse.

The man raises the corner of his right lip.

"Mmm" Mutters as if he liked my answer"Who said that he wasn't distracted? Something was distracting " Emphasizes the word "something".

His eyes look at me very intensely so I stir a little.

"Then you have no right to claim anything from me when you weren't very aware of the road either,"I say as I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe if I have the right"He takes a step towards me and I take a step back, still looking at him with a frown."Are you from around here?"I've never seen you around these parts.

I clear my throat.

What happens?

" In fact, I moved a few months ago"I don't know why I feel the need to report it"I live very close to the square, on Ritzon street."I stop"Although clearly I don't see why that interests you.

"Believe me, I'm interested"he smiles showing his perfect white teeth, "and I'm very interested."


He glances behind me and straightens up.

" What's your name?"

" Emm"I doubt visibly."Kiara, Kiara Lester

" Kiara" He tastes my name and delights it as if it were the richest delicacy" We'll see you soon, Kiara." He says before turning around and starting to walk.

I am so shocked that I can't move from my place and I can only watch as he leaves.

When I'm about to turn around, he turns to me and smiles at me.

" I'm Max"He raises the corner of his lips" Now I know how much I love redheads with a viperine tongue.

And without saying more, he turns around and gets lost among the people.

"What the hell was that?" I was startled by the presence of Karla by my side" Who was that man and why did he make you blush?

I quickly bring my hands to my cheeks and notice that they are extremely hot.

"I couldn't detail it well, but Damn! He looks like a big sexy man.” She bites her lip and looks right up where Max just left.

I smile and deny.

" I don't know exactly" I say gaining his attention" We stumbled, there was a lot of tension, we had a mini discussion and that's it" I shrugged" I only know his name is Max and he's fucking hot.


"could see that"She says and bites her lip" If you don't want it, you can give it to me, I'll be delighted to keep it.

" Take your bags"I extend them to them while they grab them" Lots of talking and little movement, I'm very hungry and I just want to go home to devour everything I have in the cupboard.

"And you say that I have a bottomless pit! cheeky."

We laughed and started walking towards the exit.

"Don't think you've saved yourself, you have to tell me everything about that sexy blond"he hooks his arm through mine as we walk.

"Sexy blond?"I ask amused.

"Isn't it obvious"he replies.

funny"God, he's such a God! You have to tell me everything they talked about.

Here we go. i roll my eyes

As we leave the market I am bombarded by all the questions from my intense friend. We called a taxi and when we got in I can swear that they are still watching me.

What a strange and uncomfortable feeling.

After Karla got tired of asking me a thousand questions, she calms down and concentrates on her phone. I relax in the cab seat and lean my head against the cab window.

The memory of Max goes through my head. Incredibly attractive yet incredibly mysterious.

I smile and pull out my cell phone and then send a quick message.

Me: I have news.

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