


The cozy breeze of La Nostra Terra engulfs us as we step out of the airport. Five years have gone, and these places still have the same familiar looks. Still feels a bit like home.

Aunt Anna had already arranged a ride, but then I got a quick text requesting I head straight to the Galiano corporation.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Anna. But I can't join you both. I need to be at the Galiano corporation." I say apologetically, already flagging down a taxi.

"Please take me with you, Mummy!" Sofia squeals, running to me and grabbing my hand.

"No, baby. You should go home with your Grandma Anna. You need to eat and rest. We just got off a long flight."

"But I'm not tired, Mummy." She says with a pout, hugging me tightly. "Please, take me with you. I promise I won't disturb you or do anything stupid. Please, Mummy."

I glance at Aunt Anna, and she already has her permission written all over her face. She got this weird soft spot for Sofia, making her indulge all of Sofia's whims. She never says no to Sofia. I do, a few times, but it's 'Never' for Aunt Anna.

"Alright, baby. You can tag along. But please, stay close to me, alright?"

"I pinky swear it, Mummy." She giggles, waving goodbye to Aunt Anna.

We board the taxi, and I show the driver the address. Minutes later, we pull up in front of the gigantic building. It has a bold GALIANO written in the middle with exotic fonts.

"Wow…" I hear Sofia gasp as we walk through the revolving door. I have a quick talk with the secretary, and she directs me to the fifth floor, to the CEO's office.

But then, he's in a meeting, and I'll have to wait a little more.

"Thank you." I flash her a warm smile, going to the lobby sofas to get comfortable. Sofia stays so close to me, playing games on my phone.

The wait stretches longer than I expected, and I'm almost dozing off when the secretary calls out to me.

"Hello, Ma'am."

"Yea?" I quickly leap to my feet, pulling Sofia with me.  

"Mr. Miguel requests to see you now. You can take the elevator."

Mr. Miguel Galiano. The infamous guru in the business world and the most successful. Back in the years, Father's company used to be at the top. But now, things have changed, and Miguel now rules the business world.

I don't know what rank Father's company is right now. I try not to do any research or read any articles about him and his business. But something tells me they are not doing so great anymore. Because why else will the Galianos take over?

"Mummy, I'm feeling a bit hungry. Can I go get some cookies?"

"Sure, baby." I hand her a few dollar notes. "There's a vending machine down that hall. Do grab something there and come sit here. I'll be back."

"Okay, Mummy." She follows my direction while I turn to the secretary.

"Would you please keep an eye on her for me? I won't be long. I promise." I say hurriedly.

"Sure, Ma'am."

"Thank you." I feel a bit of relief as I find my way inside the elevator, pressing the button to the fifth floor.

Mr. Miguel Galiano turns out to be every bit of the man the media portrays him to be. Tall, lean, handsome, precise. Intense. And a bit aloof.

The meeting takes a longer route as he questions my background, and I try to make him understand that it's personal and has nothing to do with the business.

"Don't get me wrong, Miss Isabella," He chuckles, leaning back on his swivel chair. "I just find you a bit intriguing and familiar too. You sure we haven't ever met?"

"I'd know if we did," I reply brusquely, getting slightly irritated by his prying. And nervous too. His smiles are the coldest I've ever seen.

"Right. Right." He mutters, still watching me keenly. His hawk eyes hover around me, like in search of something. If I didn't know better, I'd think he recognizes me to be Isabella Dante.

It's a good thing I changed the color of my hair to a brunette. I covered the hereditary glowing brown eyes of the Dantes with blue lenses to match Sofia's. Changed my last name to Ricci, but then again, I've been Isabella Ricci ever since Father disowned me. It's good I made these little changes, or he just may have figured it out.

If there's one thing I just learned about my new boss, it has to be the fact that he's obsessed and has an innate hate for father's company. He knows every little detail and hints at them in every conversation.

He stands, adjusting his black tux and stretching his hand for a shake.

"Again, it's a pleasure to have you on board, Miss Isabella. I hope we get to come up with crazy-ass strategies and completely kick out the Dantes from the business world."

My hands are trembling as I join them with his, and we shake. "Kick out the Dantes from business?" I repeat, feeling a bit daunted by his words.

"Yeah. Why do you think I'll be paying you so much? Certainly not to sit around and look pretty." He snorts, withdrawing his hand and stuffing them into his pockets.

I'm too fazed to make a comeback, so I swallow past his rude remark and grab my bag. Kick Father out of business. Is it something I'd gladly do, regardless of the money?

"If you stick around a little longer, you'll meet a good friend of mine. He's a major shareholder and just as important as I am in this company."

I turn and try to give a warm smile. "Should I?"

"Yes, you should. He'll be here in–" He checks his wristwatch– "...a few minutes."

"Alright, Sir. I'll wait. But I need to go check something downstairs." I barely end my words when a knock comes on the door.

"Come right in." He says with a hint of irritation.

A young lady walks in with her head lowered. "I'm sorry, Sir. But I'm here to get Miss Isabella. There's a little Sofia downstairs, and she seems to have caused a bit of confusion."

"What?" I run out of the office but freeze outside the door as a group of black-suited men with tinted glasses marches towards me. To my dismay, they have Sofia, and she's wearing the most sheepish grin. What's going on?

"I hope she's not your daughter, Miss Isabella." The croaky voice of my boss resounds behind me.

"Yes, she is, Sir. Why do you ask?" I retort, hating just how cold he sounds when referring to my daughter.

"Children aren't allowed on the premises. So I'm afraid you can't bring her around here anymore."

His words barely sink in before Sofia breaks away from the hold of the men and run to me.

"Baby, what have you done?" I ask worriedly, squatting in front of her and checking her body for any bruises.

"Mummy, I just saw Daddy downstairs! He came back for us!" Sofia squeals with delight.

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