
Chapter 14

The horses were all in the stable. I ran to the nearest one and pulled him up and mounted him, as he climbed on, I squeezed my legs and made him run as fast as I could.

It was still early in the morning and I chose a road that would take me to Riviera. The lands of Duke Charles Edwards, was closer than the capital and the Palace, and he had men, warriors, surely after I told my story, they would protect the princess.

As I rode into the first lights of sunrise I thought about everything that had happened. How was I going to tell that I had been attacked by a werewolf and that I had possibly married a supernatural creature?

Duke Charles was not the least bit superstitious, he would probably think I was running away from my husband out of futility. Men were all the same!

But I could prove what I was saying.

I remembered the inn full of shattered soldiers, all I had to do was say that I had been attacked and ask them to send men to look for survivors, then they would have proof that somet
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