
Chp 1 Pt 3 The Perfect Life


‘Kai, what do you know about lycans?’

‘Only that they are known to be abuse to their mates to the point they even kill them due to their animalistic tendencies. The human side cannot control the lycan. That’s why the moon goddess cursed them to never find their fated mates again.’


‘Don’t even think about it Kat. The lycans wiped out a whole pack almost two hundred years ago. They are dangerous. Don’t go trying to fix something that should be left alone.’

‘I didn’t say I was going to fix anything.’

‘You don’t have to Kat, I’m your brother remember.’


I cut the mind link before Kai can lecture me any further. There has to be more to the story that he either doesn’t know or is not telling me and I doubt my father will tell me. My parents are extremely protective of me and they think I don’t know, but I have noticed the two guards that have been assigned to me. They blend in with the school staff well enough, but I am not stupid.

The first day of school goes by quickly. As usual, the pep rally is full of school spirit and rowdy football players. Our only cruel teacher, Mr. Deming, gave us math homework. The rest of the teachers gave us a break. I, for one, am glad today is finally over. My wolf, Irena, has been pacing all day and it’s giving me a headache. The only thing she tells me is something is coming, I don’t know what that even means and she won’t explain.

“Hey Kat! Our favorite store is having a sale today. Let’s hit the mall,” says Skye.

“Sounds like fun!”

“Please don’t make us go shopping with you girls,” groans Xander.

“We only have one car to use among us. Come on, you don’t really wanna go home right away do you? Have Georgia come,” says Skye with pleading eyes to our cousin.


Skye claps her hands and drags me by the hand towards the car. We all pile in with the girls in the back and the boys in the front as we make the forty-five minute drive to the nearest mall. Skye and Georgia are gossiping, but I don’t hear a word of their conversation. I stare out the window, lost in thought. I don’t know why, but my mind wanders to the subject of the lycans.

I feel drawn to the subject and want to know more. I really don’t know why, but something is telling me there is more to the story than what we know. If they truly were just these crazed animals wouldn’t we have heard about lycan attacks just like we hear about rogue attacks? It doesn’t make sense that their existence has been kept a secret if we are suppose to be alert and stay away from them. Had I come across one I wouldn’t have known what to do, but what is more odd is I haven’t come across one and don’t know anyone who has.

‘Something is coming,’ whispers Irena with her ears alert as she paces again.

‘Would you shed some light on what you mean,” I reply while rolling my eyes.

‘I’m not sure, I just know something is coming.’

Well at least that is something more than last time. Last time she just ignored me and kept repeating ‘something is coming’. I wonder what could be possibly be coming and how that involves me? Being that we are part angel, I’ve come to learn to listen to my wolf when she says things like this. She has yet to be wrong, but is normally more detailed when it comes to telling of something that is to occur.

“Earth to Kat,” says Skye as she waves her hand in my face.

I blink and focus my attention back on Skye and Georgia. Everyone is now staring me, besides Xander since he’s driving but I do catch him glancing at me from the rear view mirror.

“Sorry what?”

“Have you not been paying attention at all,” complains Skye.

“Sorry,” I reply shaking my head with a guilty look on my face.

“We were talking about Josh, he’s definitely crushing on you,” says Georgia.

“How do you know that?”

“Have you not seen the way he looks at you? He totally likes you,” says Skye.

Now I wish I had been paying attention to their conversation. I want to know everything I missed.

“What’s on your mind,” asks Xander, making everyone giving me questioning eyes.

“Just been thinking about the lycans.”

“The lycans,” say Skye and Georgia at the same time in confusion.

“Why,” asks Kyle.

I must be careful with what I explain right now. I love my cousins, but I am not sure how they would take my theories. I do tend to get myself into trouble.

“Just wondering why they’ve been kept a secret and why we are just now hearing about them. They sound as though they are worse than the rogues but I have never heard of these lycans attacking anyone, have you?”

“She’s got a point,” says Kyle.

“You always agree with her,” whines Xander.

“Well, I hate to even say it, but she is always right. She’s hardly ever wrong.”

“It must be the angel part of her. I heard Angels can see the future,” says Skye almost as if there is a hint of jealous behind her tone.

“We cannot see the future and that has nothing to do with what I said,” I say rolling my eyes.

“She is right though. I have never heard of anyone getting attacked by lycans, just rogues,” says Kyle.

“That doesn’t mean that they are any less dangerous. Even the Alpha has ordered us to not associate with them even though I am not sure we would even know if we are associating with them or not since we don’t know anything about them,” says Xander.

“If they supposedly are more animal than human you wouldn’t be associating with one stupid, you’d be running from one,” says Skye.

“Shut up Skye.”

Everyone laughs as Skye and Xander bicker at each other as they usually do while I go back to my thoughts. I wonder what lycans do look like. Are they like in the movies where they stand on two legs and are kind of ugly looking or do they look like us wolves? I’ll need to see if Kai will tell me more. I am sure he already knows about them with dad training him to be the next Alpha.

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