

When we got home, there was Euri, who was enraged when she spotted Kazuo. I could see she was enraged. I can see the flames erupting from her translucent body.

This is a furious Demon!

"What is this? Why is there a Ghost hanging around you!?" She exclaimed, actually— She isn't upset that Kazuo is hovering around me. She's undoubtedly upset because I failed to keep my promise to her. I understand how concerned she was; conversing with other spirits is a foolish thing to do. I clapped both of my palms, forcibly smiling against each other.

"Euri, calm down. Allow me to explain, "I mumbled hesitantly. Euri gave me a brief look before returning her gaze to Kazuo.

"You don't need an explanation! Leave right now!"


Euri's voice is possessed. Ruru had hardly reacted when he was forced to step outdoors.

That's why she's our housekeeper!

Her voice is so strong in this room that she practically owns it.

Kazuo has no choice but to knock on the door incessantly because the door has been shut. "Ehh! Please let me in! I'm terrified of the dark!" He nearly cried because of what Euri had done to him.

I attempted to persuade Euri once again.

"Umm.." I don't know how I squeaked out of nowhere.

Will I be able to calm her down? Her look is so terrifying that she could turn to me and unleash a scary lecture, but who cares? I still need to help Kazuo!

Okay, Ellice, straighten everything up. You've got this!

"Would you just settle down for a moment, Euri?" My eyes were locked on a burst of glare. I raised my gaze at her, a well-damned nervous smile on my face.

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Could you just allow him in? He had previously protected me from my teacher. That madman would have raped me if it hadn't been for him."

She fell silent after hearing my argument, as though she was pondering attentively. "Did I hear that correctly?"

It was as if the devil had possessed her! Her voice changes its pitch far too frequently.

"Where is that fucking human?! I'll kill him myself!" Euri's emotions varied from rage to what she had just heard.

What if she witnessed the entire thing? That teacher went straight to the afterlife.

This is my opportunity to persuade her!

"That's why I'm pleading with you to let him in. He didn't do anything wrong." Euri finally reconsidered her decision. However, as I opened the door, "Kazuo, what's your name? " You may now—" Kazuo has already left.

"Where did he go?" I asked myself.

"What's wrong?" Euri said, "Kazuo is not here." I responded.

I exited the patio, but I couldn't find Kazuo anywhere. "Kazuo?" Calling his name did not help; all I could hear was the wind whiffing past my ears.

So going to the first level is my only choice for finding him.

If I recall correctly, he stated that he was afraid of the dark, but he is no longer to be found. So I ended myself in a wide-open space where the sun couldn't be seen.

"Ellice! If you can't find him, go back inside!" She shouted from our apartment, "I'm alright. Don't worry!" I replied.

A minute had gone by. An elderly guy came to a halt in front of me and immediately approached me "Ellice? What exactly are you doing here? It's getting dark, so you better go back." I faced him because I knew who he was. He was residing just next door to our flat.

"Yes." I response shortly.

When I was about to continue my search, the elderly gentleman spouted something eerie, "You can see me?"

His voice suddenly becomes somewhat rough. His voice abruptly gets a little harsh.

When I glanced at him again, he was already in front of me, with a horrible expression on his face.

I was surprised to the point I almost lost my balance and fall to the ground.

He continued asking me, "You--you can see me, right?"

This is, no doubt, a ghost! But when did he died? It seems no one knows about it. He must not know I can see a spirit, but I answered him earlier, I should look in other direction ---GASP---- He held my shoulders tightly, the elderly guy looked at me squarely, as if he sensed my attempt to ignore him.

"Don't attempt to ignore me, sweetie!" His face was gradually turning violet, and blood was flowing around his neck.

I want to scream, and my mouth is open, but my voice is failing me. I'm terrified; this isn't the first time this has happened to me, but I disregarded it a long time ago. I can't determine if a person is a ghost or not.

I screamed at him, "I'm sorry! I can't even see you!" I tried to imagine my dread by closing both of my eyes.

"Ellice, you must help me! Please, you recognized me, right? Someone assassinated me inside my flat. My body is still within; kindly help me—-" The tightness of the hands that had gripped me earlier vanished, as did the old man's presence.

"Shut up, you scumbag!"

When I opened my eyes, I finally heard Kazuo's voice. I caught sight of something I shouldn't have.

Kazuo's hand was already inside of the soul's body. As the soul disappearing little by little, my eyes were widened.

The elderly guy began to beg, "No way! Please, please, please do not do this!"

But I don't know how to stop him from disappearing, so all I did was watch him until he was totally out of sight.

I became enraged when I noticed Kazuo's evil smirk.

"Ka...Kazuo...? What did you do?!" I shouted angrily.

Kazuo looked at me as though he was perplexed as to why I was so upset.

"What's the deal? Didn't I save you? " He spoke in a hesitant tone.

"What happened to him," I questioned unexpectedly, my gaze fixed on his.

Instead of making an apologetic face. He burst out laughing and exclaimed, "I annihilated his soul. Isn't it true that I'm amazing? I can touch objects and destroy someone else's soul. I want to be able to touch you someday."

He then gave me a cold chill as he looked at me with his demonic-possessed eyes.

As I inadvertently released my thoughts, a sound snapped within my mind,



"You're a scumbag! Spirit of evil! Please leave me alone!!" I dashed back inside my flat, never expecting to have to leave him alone in that dark place.

"If only he hadn't done it..." I muttered something to myself.

I informed Euri she couldn't let anybody in without my consent; after that, I shut myself in my room and went to bed. I almost wept out of dread, but instead, I pulled out my phone and accessed the nuko blog to watch a live broadcast.

I took out a sigh, "Why am I being bothered by him this much?" Kazuo's image was all over my mind. That is why, rather than watching. I attempted to get information about his background. Looking for the live stream that had been sent to me.

"No data found." But I couldn't find it anymore.

Did they already delete it? Or is that video just an apparition?

Following that, I opened my laptop to broaden my investigation.

I typed his name in the guguru search; there were mixed results, although the first one has his name.

"...Loading...." An Anime music video started to play.

I thought the video had a vibrant vibe, but I realized the words were quite frightening when the music began.

As the video progressed, I became aware of lingering melancholy in my head, and I began to remember the words.

"He went ahead and leaped to his death; he has labeled a nuisance; he has no friends; he chats to the cat after school."

"Without any friends?" I halted the film while I took deep breaths. I began to recall his request, "Will you find my family and friends?"

"What the hell is this?" I couldn't help but feel bitter when I heard this song.

Kazuo went after me to fulfill his need, but he'll be furious if I tell him this. "I'm sure he won't like it."

Following that, a loud tap on my window drew my attention. I shut off my laptop and walked over to my window.

Kazuo was the one knocking in earnest.

When I opened my window, Kazuo came out of his tears, apologizing, "I'm sorry! I had no idea you wouldn't like it.

Please don't leave me! I swear I'm not going to do that again!"

"What the?" he asks, his honesty palpable.

"You're like a small kid." As a reaction, I let out an innocent chuckle.

"Come in; you said you're frightened of the dark, right?" You are welcome to stay inside. I'm not going to switch off the light. So you may take a break here."

When I started, he hovers inside my room as I close the windows tightly shut. I sat down in my bed.

"Until when will you treat me as a human?" He asked out of nowhere, "I am a ghost, I don't need rest." he implores, seemingly out of nowhere.

"That's not true," I said. "Everyone, including you, is exhausted. Kazuo has a lot of questions, doesn't he? Not to mention that you're roaming about aimlessly." I added as a smile curved into my face.

"I can see you're weary." Kazuo's eyes widened as if he hadn't expected me to say such a thing.

"Well..." He smiles, "You're not halfta wrong, but when I find out the answers I'm looking for, I will rest in one piece."

He unexpectedly sat alongside me; I don't want to push him away, so I let him do what he wants.

Besides, how can I claim he doesn't have any friends? Because he appears to be friendly, is it possible that the message in the video is a hoax? Probably. I'd better look into it myself.

Okay, I'll call it for the night.

"Good night... Kazuo."

"Hmm, Good night... Ellice."

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