

"Honey, finish all your breakfast, dad will be here soon for you." Ash tries to sound as kind and calm as possible, hiding the despair in his voice, because yelling at his 5-year-old son is not a good option, not when he does not have the right Blame but it's so damn late for Ash.

Mornings are usually quiet for some and a complete disaster for others, perhaps it all depends on the time you wake up and the number of activities you have to do. In his case, the Ash morning is turning out to be a total disaster. Keeping you up late finishing one of the biggest projects you have to deliver on the weekend is the main reason your day started off on the wrong foot, but being lazy and to put off the damn project would be even worse; neglecting qualifications is not something that remains on their blueprints. Not today, not ever.

He goes from one place to another inside his house, looking for what he needs for work, as well as the belongings of his little boy, Jai, who is sitting at the table eating that sandwich that Ash managed to prepare in record time. He is fortunate that the house is only one story, with the rooms closer together, and the idea of ​​walking up and down stairs like crazy is not at all attractive. Leaving aside the time and fatigue saved by not having to go up to another floor, there is also the advantage of being able to monitor your little child and take care that he is kept safe. And no, Ash is not some overprotective omega for his puppy, rather his puppy is too hyperactive in the morning — and at any other time in the day — to be left alone for long is really bad idea for his son.

Just then, Ash nearly tripped on the living room rug as he was about to grab his jean jacket from the couch. He murmurs an endless number of bad words, hoping that his son does not listen to him. Upon obtaining the garment, he hurried back to the dining room to see if Jai finally finished his breakfast. Seeing his little boy take one last bite of the bread made Ash feel bad; that was not enough breakfast for his son, and the boy's question is enough to confirm it.

"Daddy, can I have a glass of milk?" He looks wide-eyed at Ash, who frowns in concern.

Look at the watch on his wrist, how the hell he manage to be this late? He was about to go to the kitchen and get it  what his son was asking for, when the doorbell began to ring. 

They both know immediately who it is, well of-course they know, Ash was the one who invite him. He ran towards the front door, he really run towards it, he really running out of time today. The omega takes advantage of his long legs to reach and open as quickly as possible.

"You're just in time," he exclaimed, relaxing his shoulder a bit as he stepped away from the entrance to admit the man standing in front of him. He ducked before walking through the door, taking the boy in his arms enthusiastically.

" The house is a mess, sorry. Jai just had breakfast, although it wasn't much, so if you can give him something else I would really appreciate it. No sweets, you know how he gets when he eats a lot of sugar... "The words came out of Ash mouth by themselves. That happens whenever Ash is nervous or in a rush.

And for while Ash continues speaking, the other speaks in a low voice with Jai; probably promising to buy him ice cream just say goodbye to Ash. 

Ash walks to grab his jacket and put it on correctly, running his hands through his hair in an attempt to fit it in the best possible way. He takes all the things he needs, taking all important folders, a briefcase with even more papers, the house keys and his cell phone. He does all of this while still telling the newcomer what to do with the child.

When he turns back to the other two, he realizes that he is not being heard by other male. 

"Sebestian, are you even listening to me?"

Sebestian was caught making funny faces with Jai, who was seated on the table by his father. Before Ash wake-up call, Sebestian stood up correctly, with a smile plastered on his lips and a funny look, listening to the omega talk non-stop has always caused him slight grace and not because Ash was a joke.

"Ash, I know you need Jai, you don't have to give a speech or an instruction manual." He carefully took  down from the table towards Jai. 

"Get your shoes, we are leaving baby. "He gently ruffles Jai's hair, before he runs to his room. His eyes follow the boy until he is lost behind the open door, he turns his gaze to Ash, who has stood right in front of him an unamused face.

Sebestian not a stranger, he is Ash ex-husband. Sebestian wears a tailored black suit, with a well-tucked white shirt, a navy blue tie, and well-polished black shoes. An alpha with dark brown hair, that gives off a delicious aroma of coffee and with its attractiveness it captivates anyone. The people closest to Ash often asked him his reasons for leaving  alpha like Sebestian, so good and considerate... Well, that's another story.

"You have to relax."

"Seriously Seb? Relax? The meeting is supposed to held at 11:00 is an hour and a half early, I'm damn late for work, all because I occupy the night to finish a project. I have a lot to do and I'm sure you do too, so I apologize for making you come here at the last minute, I will try to free early and pick up Jai as soon as possible after work."

At this point in the conversation (more like Ash speech), Sebestian grabbed Ash by his shoulders, giving him a little shake so he would stop talking and pay attention. Because when Ash gets like this, he stops listening to everyone around him.

"Ash! Listen to me carefully, keep calm. Number one, I can take care of Jai  as long as it takes, it's not a bother me in anyway. God, he's my son too. And number two, are you at least listening to yourself? You can't go Jai from my office, for two reasons: it's too far from your work, and your car is broken. Are you hoping to take a motorcycle taxi from your job to mine and then another ride here?"

Although he don't like to admit it but Sebestian  is right. He let out a heavy sigh, relaxing his shoulders just a little, thinking about how the hell he will manage all this alone. Damn the moment her car broke down, now he has to take a motorcycle taxi to work and God knows how much they'll charge him to the center of town. 

"I'll come get you after you get off work and bring you home to Jai, okay?"

"It's not necessary, you can just bring Jai home, I..."

"I don't want but's, now go and put your things inside the car, I'll take you to work."


"You're late Ash, do you really want to wait for transportation and want be to more late for your  work?"

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