
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Sub-title: Just a dream.

I immediately stood up and made an effort to calm myself down. 

I was pregnant and unable to turn. 

I realized my situation was dire.

I murmured to the woman sitting next to me, "Stay behind me, I can take care of them," but strangely, she didn't respond. "I said to stay back!"

She was nowhere to be seen when I looked over my shoulder. 

I turned swiftly to stare at the large wolves approaching me as my heart skipped a beat.

I muttered to myself, "I guessed this is the point where I die."

Without being pregnant, I was certain to fight them hard. But I was unable to do much because of my pregnancy.

I looked up, swallowed the lump in my throat, took a deep breath, and as the wolves charged in my direction, my heart began to beat quickly.

"Father!" I yelled.

Everything was dark, and I had no idea what I was seeing. 

Until I started to hear a voice reaching out to me, I thought maybe.... just maybe it is over.

Miss, Miss, are you all right? A voice questioned.

My eyelids slowly opened, and I looked up to see a pair of brown eyes glaring at me.

"You are drenched in sweat and have been yelling, annoying other customers." She continued, and I hid in humiliation.

I hastily said "I'm sorry," fumbled for my purse, pulled out some cash, and gave it to her before hurriedly leaving the cafe.

I moaned to myself as I moved along the sidewalk.

You silly fuck, Faye. I thought to myself, "How could you be so cowardly in your dream," and I shook my head as I looked up at the sky. I found it hard to believe it was a dream.

It seemed so true. 

Too true.

Mina asked, "Where do we go from here," and I rolled my eyes.

I clinched my teeth and replied, "Shut up, I'll think of something."

She said, "You mean I'll think of something, I always think for you," and I came to a complete halt.



I'd prefer not to comment on that.

I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket in the hopes of seeing a few missed calls and messages.

I proceeded to my call log after unlocking my phone but couldn't find any missed calls.

I refused to believe it.

I had faith that Austin would have called to let me know what the situation looked like.

But what I witnessed was actual. Nobody called, and nobody even asked whether I was still alive. They were unconcerned.

My chest ached, and hot tears welled up in my eyes.

I kept saying to myself, "You can't do this to me," as I looked through my message box.


"You can't treat me like this!" I wept my eyes out and yelled. My hands were trembling and my legs were like jelly. 

I had 5000 excuses in my head why none of them should have phoned.

They could hardly have overlooked me that quickly.

The answer is no.

" Don't let this discourage you; once we find our mate, everything will be OK." My comforter was Mina.

I had to pull myself together.

Whatever occurred, I was destined to be an Alpha anyway. my pack's first female Alpha. 

Nothing can hold me back, I thought, and I would recover.


The hotel receptionist questioned curiously, "Are you here with someone or just you?" and I rolled my eyes.

I giggled softly in response to Mina's outburst, "She must be blind, I want to gauge her eyes out," which caused the woman to raise an inquiring brow.

I retorted to her, "Mina, don't be so foolish." then returned to the front desk employee. "Only me, please, for two nights."

Naturally, I threw myself softly upon the bed. I had my hand on my stomach and was gazing up at the ceiling.

A bed to sleep on for the night, at last. 

I snatched my phone off the bed, opened G****e, and started typing.

Apartments available nearby

There were numerous apartments and agent contacts. I quickly reached for a pen and paper in the hotel room drawer, where I jotted down the names and numbers on a piece of paper.

I said to myself, "Tomorrow."

I put my phone down and shut my eyes.

I was absolutely exhausted.

As the fluorescent light bulbs blazed in my eyes, nearly blinding me, I peeled my eyes open and winced horribly.

Oh, for fuck's sake, I complained as I struggled to get out of bed.

I didn't eat before going to bed, and it never felt so empty.

I had to eat.

I entered the bathroom, took off my dress, and stepped into the shower. The warm water began to drip down my body, and I started singing to myself.

I assure you, it's the best sensation in the entire world.

Mina complained, "We still have to find our mate," and I sighed somewhat.

"Could you give me a moment to rest? Do you believe I don't desire a Mate as well? However, do you know who our Mate is? Alpha Kian Santos is him. The scarred Alpha, the social outcast. Do you want us to be with him for the rest of our lives? I yelled as I turned off the water while banging on my tap.

"He would kill us and bury us alive without caring. Mina, I don't want to die. We'll keep our pup safe and lead happy lives apart from him." I reassured her before encircling my body with a towel.

I tried to come across as strong to Mina, but I was anything but. 

I also had him in mind. I imagined that I wouldn't be in the situation I was in if he were entirely a different guy.

Things would have been different if he had been a typical werewolf; I would have been marked, and my family would have been preparing me to take over the pack.

I'm against Kian Santos. Not at all.

He is my mate, no matter how I say it. I yearned for his company. But for me, it was impossible.

I wished him happiness in life.

I promised myself, "You'll never see me again, Kian."

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