
Day 2–Calm Before the Storm


The pale light of dawn crept over the horizon as I slowly opened my eyes. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest as I sat up, remnants of yesterday's grueling training session. Jeremy's regimen was taking its toll, but I could not let pain or exhaustion stop my progress. Too much depended on it.

Jeremy was already up, stoking the glowing embers of last night's fire back to life. The dancing flames cast flickering light across his stoic face. Our eyes met, and in his steady gaze I found reassurance. Today would be another step forward.

"Ready for some breakfast before we start training again?" Jeremy asked, holding up two speared fish he must have caught at sunrise. My stomach grumbled in response.

As we cooked the fish over the crackling fire, Jeremy said, "Today will be different. We're going to focus on mental preparation."

I blinked in surprise. "Mental preparation?"

Jeremy nodded, turning the sizzling fish over the flames. "Physical strength is critical. But against
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