
Chapter 11

When midnight came Mermiah got up slowly from her bed because she's planning to escape from her two friends. She got out from her room carefully and manage not to create a sound while swimming out to her room she  glance to her friends for a while to make sure if they still sleeping soundly before getting out from her room. She used her invincible ability when she saw your one of the merman guards who's checking the whole palace from any harm. Only royal merpeople has the ability to be invincible even the half-blood royals but the ordinary merpeople doesn't have the ability. Finally she reached the experimentation room and she carefully exited the secret passage.

When she was about to swim away from the palace someone grab her from her fishtail. She became nervous and furious at the same time. She was nervous because she was caught on act of escaping the palace without his grandparents and parents permission.  And furious because no one is allowed to be touch her &n

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