
Chapter 187: Natale, Part 25


An orderly tries to block the way, arms outstretched in front of the door. "Sir, you can't..."

Klempner simply brushes by him.

From beyond, Mitch's voice. "Let him in..."

The orderly spins, mouth open. "What? All of them?"

"Yes!!!! Ah... Fuccckkkk...."

The monk's feet skid uselessly over the polished floor as he tries to resist his inexorable forward journey into the delivery room. His voice rises to a wail. "But I'm not a priest. I can't do this."

Klempner growls, "I don't care if you're a priest, a rabbi, an imam, or if you ran the Bring-and-Buy at the church garden party. The lady here wants our child born in wedlock. You're going to marry us."

Klempner turns his attention to Mitch, lying on her back on the delivery table, yelling her way through another contraction. She flings out an arm, grabbing at his wrist. He winces, but lays his other hand on top. "We'll just let this one pass..."

The midwife, checking a bleeping monitor, flashes a look at Mitch. "Yo
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