


I find the strip of condoms I’d packed, ripped one open, managed to roll it in with gritted teeth. Maybe she would’ve done it for me, and maybe that would’ve been hot as hell, but since I want to actually get inside her before I went off like a gunshot, I needed to keep touching a minimum.

Of course, as soon as I thought that, she dipped her fingers in my hair and dragged me down, pressing all her soft, lush curves against my body. Her skin was hot and damp from the exertion of her orgasm. Her folds were wet and open, ready for me, begging for me as she spread her legs and reached down to grasp my erection. In my ear, she whispered through gritting teeth, “Hard, please.”

My eyes open like two flashlights beams. I just woke up suddenly, not because of any interruption, yet because of another wet dream of Hazel. I’m going insane about this girl. I’m losing my mind because of this girl. If I don’t find her soon, I might as well kill myself.

Things just keep getting more out of hand, day by day. I dream about her constantly, mistaken other girl’s names with hers—not that I give a fuck. She was clearly everywhere and everything.

It has been five years and I still have her clinging onto my mind, hunting my dreams. I love how she hunts my dreams but I hate how she torments me in my dreams and how I can’t have her to my possession right now.

How I managed being without her for five years is phenomenon. And in those years, it wasn’t easy—I had to fight over what was rightfully mine with my father’s nemesis which delayed my meeting with my future wife. Yes—I have legitimately affirmed her to be my wife because each day, my love for her surges despite not seeing her for years but I knew about all her whereabouts.

I know she finished medical school but she prefers to be a fashion designer. I know she lives with her best friend downtown to avoid her mother. I know that her mother is addicted to gambling and now they were in a challenging state and short of money, all because of her mother’s gambling and debts.

I have my men watching over her and now that my family’s disputes have been deciphered, I finally have the vitality to have space for other things—Hazel.

My phone chimed and I take a look at the screen. It’s the manager from Sandro Casino. I know there has to be a problem for him to call me during my alone time. I pick the call and place the phone on my ear.

“I’m so sorry to disturb you by this time, Signore. But… I think that girl, Hazel is here. You know her mother comes to your casino to gamble and they might be in trouble with Aldo’s son.”

My heart drops at the mention of Aldo’s son. He’s forbidden in there. He’s forbidden in my territory. “Who the hell let him in my casino? Sei fuori di testa?” I was fuming with anger. It wasn’t even because Aldo’s son was in my casino. I know how dangerous he could be and how hostile he thinks.


“Save it! Don’t let anything happen to her!”

Frustration coursed through me as I hung up the phone, the call from the manager of Sandro Casino demanding my attention. The mention of Hazel's name ignited a fire within me. I had dreamt of her for far too long, and I wasn't about to let anything happen to her, especially not in my own casino.

Aldo's son was trouble, a dangerous threat I had managed to keep away from my territory for years. And now, he had somehow infiltrated my casino. The thought alone sent a surge of anger through my veins.

My feet hit the floor with purpose, my mind racing as I dressed swiftly. The only thing that mattered now was finding Hazel and ensuring her safety. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting caught up in this dangerous game, especially when she had enough to deal with because of her mother's gambling addiction.

As I made my way to the casino, my thoughts swirled with resolve. I had just arrived in Italy a few hours ago, and already, I was faced with a troubling situation. My love for Hazel had never waned over the years, and I couldn't let anything happen to her now that I had the power to protect her.

My men would be there, and I would rely on them to help me find Hazel and ensure her safety. But deep down, I knew that my obsession with her had reached a breaking point. I had to see her, talk to her, and make her mine.

The casino loomed before me, a place that had witnessed countless battles, both on and off the tables. But now, the most important fight was to ensure Hazel's safety and to finally have her in my life, where she belonged.

As I head closer to the room, listening to the gut-wrenching pleas and whimpers coming from the room, anger welled up within me. This wasn't how I had envisioned our first meeting, with Hazel terrified and her mother facing such dire consequences. The situation was unbearable, and my only focus was to ensure their safety.

The casino manager had been careless to allow Aldo's son, Ezio, into my territory, but I couldn't dwell on that now. I needed to act swiftly to prevent any harm from befalling Hazel and her mother. This girl had unknowingly taken over my thoughts for years, and now she was in immediate danger.

My heart pounded like a drumbeat as I approached the room, flanked by my well-trained guards. The atmosphere in the casino dimmed as the crowd fell silent, sensing the impending tension.

“He’s demanding an exorbitant sum of money. I don’t think they have that or even afford it. He’s going to cut off the mother’s hand if they don’t pay him back his money,” The manager briefed me on the situation.

I’m not going to let this happen. Not under my roof. “You’re stupid for letting him in my property. He’s more stupid for coming into my territory,” I said nonchalantly despite how I was burning inside.

I couldn't let this happen, not under my roof. The stakes were higher than ever, and the urgency was palpable.

Hazel's whimpering cries reached my ears, tugging at my heartstrings. I observed her for a moment, struggling to maintain her composure. She had always been strong, even when we had faced our tumultuous past together.

Hazel was on her knees, the very picture of vulnerability. The desire to protect her overwhelmed me, and I signaled my men to position themselves. This wasn't the moment for hesitation or doubts. I had to ensure her safety at any cost.

Watching from a good distance, the room was filled with Ezio's armed men, but the force I had at my disposal, including my casino security, was far superior.

The scene played out before me, and as tensions escalated, I vowed to make Hazel mine, no matter the consequences. She might hate me when she discovered the truth of my identity and the history between us, but I was determined to keep her safe and make amends for the past. Hazel was the woman I couldn't forget, and nothing would stand in my way of claiming her.

“Hazel, please don’t let them kill me. Help me…” I suppose that was her mother begging.

I watch as Hazel went in to hug her mother but Ezio shrieked at her, making her to fall on her knees and whimper for sympathy. She clasped her palms onto her mouth to stop herself from crying out.

“Your mother here owes me half a million this time and refuses to pay up. And she’s stupid enough to try to steal more from me after owing so much. La ucciderò! She’s dead!” He sounds angry but not as vexed as I am right now. It is more irritating because Ezio is crippled—he uses a stick to walk ever since his father broke his leg from losing a bet and losing most of his savings.

“What!?” Hazel yelled out in tremor. The anger and disappointment in her voice was clear.

I shove my hands in my pocket. It’s not the time to break in yet but I can’t hold in for another minute. I breath out the sulk buckled up in me and closed my eyes.

“Are you out of your freaking mind? How could you be owing so much? Or how do you intend to pay up that amount of money?” Hazel was so angry that her chest was now heaving up and down. Her breathing was loud. Her eyes were welled up with hot substandard tears. I know she had worked so hard for the past years to save fifteen thousand dollars but it appears that she is going to give it up now. I am not going to let that happen to Hazel. She does not deserve this kind of grief and discomposure.

“Look, Mr… I am so, so sorry for my mother’s immature actions and imprudent thinking but please, let’s make a negotiation. I will write an undertaking and pay it back later, I swear…”

“Oh, shut the f*ck up! I’ve met thousands of people like you. I’m not falling for this shit! I want my money right now or your worthless mother gets it.” He pointed the gun to her mother’s head which made Hazel yelp out.

One of his guys grabbed Hazel by the arm and it felt as though he stabbed me in the chest.

“Oh my God,” she gasped, clasping her hand over her lips. “No please, mom…”

“No, please. Don’t do that to my mother, I beg you. I promise to pay you back every dime of the money when I get it. Just please, don’t hurt her.” A great sob escaped her, and she covered her face with shaking hands. Hazel was so frightened and anxious of what’s about to happen.

I’m coming to rescue you, Hazel.

He took in her appearance for a moment—I’m going to kill Ezio. I’m going to kill his father for bringing him into the world. Hazel is beautiful and hot, and she might be of use to him, I could see the way he was drooling over her. With a body like that, he bet he’d make a fortune with her.

“Okay. Here’s the thing. Since you want to have your mother alive, I’m gonna need something instead to cover up the debts. I have a strip club. Seeing that you’re so sexy and beautiful, your body would be worth that kind of money. You’ll be able to get back the five hundred grand in a couple of months or a year.”

Her entire body jerked to a standstill suddenly. I felt the muscles of my heart tighten with incredible force. “You want to buy my body?” Those words hurt my heart—they hurt my soul when she spat it out.

He looked around to his men and spoke again as he laughed. “Did I stutter?”

“I’ll buy your body instead of the money or I’ll blow up your mother’s head right before your eyes, easy.”

I couldn't remain hidden any longer. It was time to reveal myself, to protect Hazel from this dire situation, to make sure that she didn't have to pay this exorbitant debt.

“Okay, that’s it!” I burst the door open with my men rushing behind me. They secured the place and disarmed all the weapon’s Ezio’s men had. He didn't put up a fight; he knew his life depended on compliance.

Hazel was left speechless, her bewilderment clear as she stared at me. Her eyes questioned my sudden appearance, and I knew she was wondering if this was another cruel twist in her predicament.

"I'll pay their debt," I declared firmly, determined to protect Hazel from this nightmare and make amends for the past.

My sudden appearance in that room shifted the atmosphere entirely. The focus of every individual in the room shifted towards me, and Hazel's reaction was what held my attention the most.

She gazed at me in shock, her eyes traveling from head to toe as if she couldn't believe her own eyes. Her parted lips hinted at her astonishment. The last time she had seen me, it had been a different world, a different life.

Seeing her again brought a mix of emotions surging through me. There was a longing deep within me, a desire to be near her, to hear her voice, to see her smile, to be in her presence once more. I had yearned for everything about Hazel for so long, and now she was here, right before me.

The look in her eyes as she stared at me was filled with a combination of amazement and disbelief. She appeared to be both mesmerized by my presence and shocked by the revelation that I intended to pay their debt.

I had walked back into her life, and it was clear she hadn't expected it. She couldn't take her eyes off me, and I was equally captivated by her gaze.

My men handed a briefcase filled with cash to Ezio, who seemed awestruck by the amount of money inside. He grinned broadly, the sight of money bringing a gleam to his eyes. It was evident that this man was easily swayed by wealth and power.

“My five hundred grand plus interest.” He mentioned the sum, along with interest, Hazel's attention never wavered from me. She appeared to have many questions, and her eyes held a certain peace when they met mine. I was firm to be the source of her comfort and solace.

I approached her, my eyes locked onto hers as she finally took notice of my extended hand. She hesitated, and her caution was warranted. I knew that trust needed to be built, and I was willing to do whatever it took.

"Are you alright?" I asked with genuine concern, and she nodded in response, relieving me of some of the worry that had been gnawing at me.

I ordered my men to assist Hazel's mother while instructing everyone else to leave the room, leaving only Ezio and me. It was time to set some boundaries and make it clear that crossing them would not be tolerated.

Ezio's expression revealed his fear. He had every reason to be afraid, for I held his fate in my hands. I decided not to end him just yet. He needed to suffer for his actions before meeting his ultimate fate.

I made my intentions clear to him. "I don’t want to see you anywhere near her or her mother. Ever again."

His reaction was one of momentary shock and a hint of defiance. But he soon understood that he should be grateful to be allowed in my casino.

"You’re already too stupid to win unless you threaten someone for money. So, I don’t have a problem with you being here. You bring money to my business. I should be thanking you, but don't ever cross my boundaries again. I will fuck your miserable life up, your father can testify that!"

Without waiting for further discussion, I walked to the door. Hazel was waiting, and I was eager to be near her, to answer her questions, to be a part of her life once more.

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