
Chapter 2

“Starting today you will be living in this house with me. Your room is down the hall. If you have a specific food that you like please let me know so I can have it delivered here. I’ll order some clothes for you. Until then I’ll find you something to wear.” I spoke out nonchalantly as I walked into my home. 

“What should I call you?” Neko whispered. 

“Master,” I replied curtly and made my way to the kitchen. 

“Are there any specific skills that you have?” I questioned as I felt Neko following me. 

“I can play the piano.” 

“Anything useful?” I added in annoyance. 

“I can cook and clean, but in my last home I was used merely for sexual pleasures,” Neko whispered. 

“I won’t be needing you to satisfy my carnal needs if that is what you are implying. I just need you to cook and clean. Do you think you can handle that or should I hire someone useful?” I questioned as I pulled out a bag of chips from the pantry. 

“No! Master please, I can do that.” Neko spoke out in a worried tone. 

“Very well, I would appreciate it if you could cook something. I'm hungry.” I sighed as I sat down on a stool next to the kitchen island. 

“Right away Master.” Neko smiled with a glint of excitement on her face. 

I ignored her and opened the bag of chips letting the smell of them waft in my face. I began to eat and watched as Neko familiarized herself with the kitchen. Neko had yet to take off my jacket but I didn’t mind. She could keep it for all I care. 

“Do you have any family?” I questioned. 

Neko froze and her ears dropped as well as her tail. 

“I did but they are dead now.” Neko whimpered. 

Oh God, what the hell was I thinking asking that? Now the waterworks were going to begin and I have enough of a headache already. I sighed in annoyance and quickly rose from the kitchen making my way out of the room. I was NOT a very emotional person and to be quite honest I didn’t know how to handle other people’s emotions. 

I sat on the couch in my living room and turned on the tv. I laid back on the couch as I switched channels on the tv. The sound of my phone ringing drew my attention away from the tv and to my cell phone. 

“Hello?” I spoke out as I answered the call. 

“Tesoro, you left so soon.” My father slightly cried out on the phone. 

“Arcano, it amazes me how you are considered a famous Mafia Don when you call me whining,” I comment as I roll my eyes and focus on the tv once again. 

“Just because I run a business doesn’t mean I am going to be a heartless father,”  Arcano replied. 

“Is there a reason you are calling me after I just saw you?” 

“Can’t I miss my daughter?” 

“No, No you cannot. I won’t allow it” 

“My daughter, how is it that all your life I have loved you and cared for you and you show no emotions, whatsoever.” 

“Maybe I’m a sociopath.” I chuckled at the thought. 

“Don’t joke about that.” Arcano reprimanded me and I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn’t see me. 

“And stop rolling your eyes, I can feel you rolling your eyes at me.” My father added. 

“Whatever. I’m going to hang up now.” I complained as I stood up from the couch. 

“No, wait I have another gift for you for your birthday.” My father exclaimed. 

“What is it?” 

“15 million dollars to help you start your own business.” My father chuckled in delight. 

“Very well, I’ll pass by tomorrow to pick the money up. Goodbye,” I hung up without giving Arcano a chance to reply. 

I dropped my phone on the couch and made my way to the kitchen. As I got closer I could smell the food that Neko was cooking. 

“What’s that smell?” I questioned as I walked into the kitchen. 

Neko had found an old apron I had hidden away in one of the drawers. It used to belong to my mother. 

“It’s lasagna,” Neko smiled as she jumped up in excitement. 

“I see.” 

“I haven’t been able to cook in a long time, I forgot how much fun it is to cook.” Neko smiled as she walked over to me. 

“Master, are you sure you won’t be using me as a sexual companion?” Neko questioned in a disappointing tone. 

“I’m sure.”

I stood up and walked to the fridge pulling out a bottle of water. I looked at Neko and noticed the frown on her face. 

“Very well Master, If you ever need me to satisfy you sexually please don’t hold back.” Neko smiled with hunger in her eyes. 

“Are you a lesbian Neko?” I questioned as I squinted at her with suspicion and made my way back to my seat. 

“I honestly don’t have a preference.” 

“Don’t be ridiculous Neko. I don’t do women.” I spoke as I stood up from the seat. 

“Call me when dinner is ready,” I spoke out as I walked out of the kitchen once again. 

I could hear Neko whimpering behind me but I simply ignored it and continued my walk to my room. 

I opened the door to my room and walked into the bathroom. I turned the hot water on and let it start to fill up the jacuzzi with hot water. Once the jacuzzi was almost filled I turned the water off and began to strip my clothing. I climbed in once I finished and sighed as I relaxed into the water.

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