
Chapter 2: Information is Power

You know, loneliness is sometimes far better than having people around you. 

That’s what I’ve always felt anyway. 

I never liked being around anyone. I did go to parties almost every night and hung out with a lot of people but that was all pretend. It was all fake. 

And I hated every single second of it!

I was the head cheerleader, the pretty, popular chick that everyone knew. The cliché blonde girl. 

So, even if I managed the impossible by avoiding all the people who wanted to get close to me for popularity, I had to be around my squad and the football team for obvious reasons. 

And let me tell you, that was beyond annoying!

I don’t know why the cliché cheerleaders are so bitchy but my reason was that I hated everyone and yet I had to be around them. 

You can’t really blame me for that now!

And I know that I could’ve just quit the squad and I could’ve easily broken up with my star quarterback boyfriend and worn an oversized hoodie to school everyday to avoid attention. 

And here’s the shocking news, I once did think about it too… Gotta admit, it wasn’t my finest moment…

But I came from a rich and famous family. 

And that’s definitely not a good thing in my books.

If anyone had found out about who my parents were, I would’ve gotten that unwanted attention anyway. 

People would’ve tried bullying me or tried to get me to be friends with them for the money. Then why should I have even tried to fight a battle I knew I was going to lose?

I didn’t wanna lose. I’d lost too much already… And I hate being the loser.

So instead, I used my name to create my own popular bubble. A bubble in which I was the queen who ruled over each and every high-schooler. 

Those were days… 

I mean, it’s better to rule than be ruled, right?

But in the midst of all that, I forgot that high school was going to come to an end at some point. 

Oh the horror!

That is how I ended up with nothing but a broken heart and loneliness after those four years. 

But I didn’t really care about anything anymore. Just like no one else really cared about me.

And that was why I was sure that if these people decided to kill me or to leave me in this room till I died, no one would know.

No one would care… 

Absolutely no one.

Not even one single person…

The sudden sound of the door opening made me look up.

The guy who looked like a freaking Greek god entered before closing the door behind him. He stood, leaning against the door, and just looked at me with curiosity shining in his eyes. 

Yup! I’m a masterpiece. And I know that very well.

“I know that I look like a mess but that’s all on you, dude! You’re the one keeping me locked here!” I spoke up when he just continued staring at me. 

I mean, I haven’t had the chance to even refresh my make-up or even run a comb through my hair! Not to mention, I haven’t even been able to have a bath after that wild night!

Now that was disgusting!

“Did someone send you to spy on us?” He asked me with a serious look on his handsome face.

What the hell?!

“I don’t even know who you are!” I chuckled. “I just wanted to have a night out. How could I have known that I would witness multiple murders?” I shook my head. 

This is ridiculous! 

This is… It’s just weird.

It was… I didn’t even know what I was feeling at the moment for crying out loud!

This was all just too much happening too fast. And I was surprised that I was so calm about everything. It was like I could feel it in my bones that it was going to be fine in the end. 

“Why aren’t you scared?” The Greek god questioned. “Anyone in your position would be quivering in fear by now.” He added. 

“Well, I am not anyone.” I shrugged. 

The handsome guy was silent as he stared at me as if he was analysing me. 

I was about to say something when he kept staring but just then, the door opened. 

Mr. Naïve entered with a laptop in his hand and a panicked look on his face.

“Someone is trying to hack our systems!” Mr. Naïve almost yelled out in panic. 

“What? Who?” Mr. Greek god looked at the laptop screen with an angry look. “What the fuck is happening, Lucas?” He asked. 

“I don’t know! I can’t do anything! This is too advanced! Whoever it is who’s doing this is so much better than me!” Mr. Naïve, whose name apparently was Lucas, almost whimpered as he looked at the screen. 

“Do something, you idiot!” The Greek god snapped at the shaking Lucas. 

“I have no idea what to do!” Lucas cried out. 

“Just go offline.” I shrugged. The two sets of eyes turned to me. “Get your systems offline so no one can reach it. Or just reboot the system.” I suggested. 

That works sometimes… And I’m speaking from experience. 

Once when I tried hacking the teacher’s computer in eight grade, she just went offline and I couldn’t reach her then… 

But I still saw her picture in a clown outfit that she had on her computer… 

Let’s just say that I've been coulrophobic since that day… 


And once when I was hacking into my father’s secretary’s computer for fun, she turned it off and I couldn’t complete my mischievous work… 

But then I hacked her phone and… 

Well, phones have a lot of secrets… 

And that was how she got fired… And then her boyfriend, my dad’s bodyguard, broke up with her because of… Well, because of secrets that were out in the open because of me.

Let’s just say that that woman hates me… 


“That could actually work!” Lucas exclaimed with wide eyes before he ran out of the room, leaving me alone with the Greek god.

“How did you know what to do?” The expected question came. 

“That’s basic knowledge that panicked people forget.” I shrugged. “I wasn’t panicked since I don’t even know who you all are.” I added for good measure. 

I mean, this guy looks like Mr. Naïve a.k.a Lucas’s boss. He must be… I don’t know. Foolish? 

I mean who can hire that guy? The guy who was so easy to fool?!

“You probably saved our secrets from being exposed and you are so nonchalant about it.” The Greek god observed. “Have you worked with a mafia group before?” He asked. 

He is joking, right?

“Okay, I have two things to say. One, I don’t exactly think that you guys are in the mafia. And second, I don’t work for anyone but myself.” I sassed. 

“Oh yeah! You’re a spoiled rich brat, aren’t you, Mia Queen? How could you have ever worked even a day in your life?” He scoffed. 

Okay… Wow! 

He just touched on a really sensitive topic as if it was nothing. 

If he thinks that I’ll just take his crazy bullshit like a good little girl or that I’ll start crying then he’s got another thing coming!

Wait… How does he know… 

He might have done his research… 

“I’m actually surprised that you haven’t offered money to make us let you go.” He smirked. 

That’s it! 

“I’m not a spoiled brat! I work for no one but myself. But I do work.” I told him, making sure to not to share any details. “And if you even for a second think that my parents will pay even a single dime to get me back, you’re sadly mistaken!” I scoffed. 

If my parents found out that I’m being held captive, they’ll be confused. Because they probably don’t even remember about my existence! 

That must be why they haven’t called or even texted or anything in the past five years… 

“Oh I know all about your work.” The man who was now getting on my nerves said. “You were a cheerleader, weren’t you? I think we all know what work they do.” He shrugged with that smirk still on his face. 

He really needs to shut the hell up now! 

“You know that I’m too rich to be working for any of you enemies and I’m not going to go to the police either. Plus I probably saved your virtual ass. So why don’t you just let me go? Huh? I can go back to my rich princessy life and you go back to dropping bodies.” I sighed. 

I was getting tired of being in captivity now. And the next reckless thing on my list was waiting for me. 

Breaking into some place for no apparent reason… 

I wonder if I’ll get caught or not… 

I’ll still do it when I’m drunk though. That way, it’ll be a bit more fun! 

I’d probably even ask some random strangers to avoid being in a jail cell alone… 

That sounds like a plan! 

Now all I need is to get out of here to actually put this plan into action… 

“I can’t let you go until I’m sure that you won’t be a problem.” He told me. 

“Why don’t you just shoot me in the head and get this all over with?” I asked curiously. 

If he was a part of the mafia like Lucas had claimed to be, then these people should have killed me by now, right? That’s how the mafia works, right? 

“I have a feeling that you might actually prove to be of some use to us here.” He answered. 

“Meaning?” I raised an eyebrow at him. 

“We are going to find that out. Soon.” He replied. 


Why is he being so cryptic about it? 

It’s so weird! 

And a little too over the top! 

“Can I at least know your name? I’m tired of calling you the man who wants to piss me off in my mind.” I crossed my arms. 

“Information is power.” He smirked. 

“And I’m guessing you have a lot of information about me?” I asked with a sigh. 

“I know everything.” He answered smugly. 

“Well, then you know that I am actually really pissed right now and I really wanna punch something… Preferably a human being… Preferably the one who is making me lose my temper.” I smiled through my anger. 

“I’m well aware of that.” He said, walking closer to me. “And it’s adorable that you think that you can actually hurt me.” He looked me directly in the eyes. 

Oh! He’s playing with blazing fire!

“And I think it’s really adorable to think that I would even want to touch someone as infuriating as you.” I spoke through gritted teeth. 

“Don’t say things you don’t mean, sweetheart. Because we both know that you would love to be near me.” He smirked down at me. 

That’s when it clicked in my mind. 

I knew who he was. 

I knew exactly who this guy was! 

I knew his name… 

“Not really…” I trailed off as I looked into his eyes, the same eyes I saw in the picture when I once hacked into my father’s phone. “Archer Allen Knight.” I whispered his name with a smirk. 

He clenched his jaw as he glared at me. 

“Your father once worked with mine. And I have a habit of hacking into devices belonging to people I know.” I chuckled. “I guess you’re a rich spoiled brat too, right?” I smirked. 

“You just managed to extend your stay here by saying that.” He told me. “Now I’m definitely not letting you go that easily.” He added. 

“Well, I am a great catch.” I winked at him. 

His fists clenched as he sent death glares at me, taking deep breaths to control himself. 

“You’re going to regret ever meeting me.” He hissed before turning and leaving the room. 

“Can’t wait!” I yelled after him, chuckling.

Well, that was fun! 

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