

In the face of death, Riley saw nothing but hope. He could have left her there, he could have left her to die and face whatever the others were facing, but he had thought about her during his plan to escape. Maybe he did love her after all and all he had been doing to her was just to test her loyalty to him. Riley was saddened yet excited, she had lost the pack no doubt, but her mate was finally owing to her, and she smiled.

Shawn on the other hand, was thinking, his shrewd brain was in turmoil. The pack had been invaded just on the verge of his ascension and that pissed him off a great deal. What about his father? He had seen the sad look in his eyes when he had said 'Run!’, he knew that there was no hope for his people that’s why he had sent him away. He had lost his father, and his mother, the pack that was supposed to be his was all gone! Just like that, by a single attack from a pack of supernatural creatures slightly higher than his father’s.

There was only one thing he could do, Shawn was born a leader and a leader he was determined to be. What had his father always told him after all? That he was a werewolf royalty and as that, he was destined to rule someday. The Lycans might have taken his pack away from him, but that didn’t mean the end, he would start up a new pack, one fierce, fearless, and ruthless, and someday, he would take revenge on the Lycans that had destroyed his pack.

He stopped suddenly and looked back, Riley, startled by the sudden halt crashed into him and dropped to the detritus. Shawn didn’t say anything, he just looked back at the great walls of the Greenwoods pack, the place where he had grown and had been nurtured into a complete werewolf, not just any kind, an Alpha werewolf. Maybe he should have stayed back and fought for his honor, his father had always said that that mattered most, he felt like a coward now. But still, his father knew best, he was sure his father had sent him away to start a new pack and he wasn’t going to let him down.

Riley stared at him silently, wondering what exactly was going through his mind. She knew she couldn’t possibly feel the pains he felt because she wasn’t that attached to the pack, it was difficult for her to be when all they did was maltreat her. She thought of her stepparents, helpless and crying in the merciless hands of whoever was attacking the pack, she felt no emotion towards them. She also thought of Lena and her group being killed by whatever ravaged the pack, again, she felt no emotion. All she felt was gratitude towards Shawn, if he hadn’t locked her up and done all those things to her, she would have been fighting a futile battle for her life.

He looked at her, his expression was impassive and his deep-set eyes portrayed no feelings.

“Thank you,” Riley said, getting to her feet.

He arched an eyebrow at her, “Thank you?”

She nodded, “Yes, thank you for rescuing me from whatever was going on there.”

“Lycans.” He said with fury in his eyes. “Those bloody Lycans invaded the pack and they’re attacking everyone. This spells a new beginning for me then.” He averted his eyes from her so she wouldn’t see the murderous glint in them.

Funny how one’s life could be changed so much in the space of a few weeks, Riley thought. He had finally accepted the bond between them and that thrilled Riley. She knew he had felt it from the first day, but something in him had made him reject her and act as though he had felt nothing. But now, in the face of danger, he had discovered his love for her and was going to whisk her away to start up a new life. It was just like she had dreamt, save for the violence and the whole attack on the pack, but she was still somewhat excited.

 “Then why did we stop?” She asked, looking at the side of his intent face.

The full light of the moon fell on his face and for one moment, she saw something scary flash in his eyes and she suddenly felt an eerie feeling of danger creeping up her spine.

 “The new beginning I was talking about, Riley, doesn’t have you in it.” He said menacingly and the edges of his lips tilted mischievously.

She started to back away, fright and panic looming over her mind, what was he talking about? Why did he bring her here and suddenly stop in the middle of the forest?

 “What are you talking about Alpha Shawn?” She asked in a trembling voice, she felt a lump at the base of her throat and her heart was hammering at her side.

He turned and stared at her, his presence suddenly ominous. His eyes, with horror she noticed that his eyes had taken on a blaring red shade attached only to the Alpha werewolves. His hands had formed claws and veins suddenly bulged from the side of his head and his arms, his teeth weren’t normal anymore and he appeared bigger than usual.

Riley knew she was in danger, he hadn’t tried to save her, he wanted to kill her!

“I had brought you to the mansion, and I felt it was only right to end your misery, rather than some stupid Lycans.” He said, walking towards her.

“Please! Please, Alpha Shawn! Spare me!” She cried, shocked by his brutal intentions.

“Steady Riley, it won’t take long and it will only hurt a little.” He said calmly and suddenly shot his hand forward, catching her by the arm.

As a reflex action, Riley didn’t even know when her hand had formed claws, but she lashed at his face and he abruptly let her go, streams of blood running down his face. His face contorted with anger and he lurched at her. She dodged and tried to run away, but he grabbed her, again she slashed at him like a wild cat, but she couldn’t catch him this time. He was too strong and in a minute, he overpowered her and pinned her to the hard detritus of the forest.

“There, there! I said it would only take a moment but you decided to play it hard!” He snarled viciously and raised his hand in the air. “Goodbye, Riley.”

 As his hand came down, a firm grip held it out of nowhere and reeled Shawn backward with unbelievable strength. Standing above her and glaring at Shawn, was the Lycan king, Lucas Earnshaw.

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