
Chapter 5

"Liar! I know how my dad died! I have been dreaming about how he died! He was being chased by beasts like you!" she started crying again by remembering her beloved father. 

"You can't rely on dreams Alice! Besides you were just so little when he died back then!"

"I was already ten when he died! I wasn't so little anymore! And who are you to know my dad? Do you even know me, you kidnapped the wrong person, it wasn't me whom you're looking for, so please let me go. I want to go home please!" she said hysterically while talking in between sobs.

"You are referring to a different dad! If you want to know the truth, follow me!" he walked outside the room and directly went to the kitchen. 

"Now eat!" he pulled a chair for her and started setting up the table.

She rolled her eyes in disgust and rested her back on the brick wall. 

"I did not follow you here to eat anything! I want to know the truth for god sake!"

"You'll know after you eat! Now if I were you I'll follow whatever I say! That's, if only you want to know the truth!" he seems very calm while chewing his food.

How unbelievable. Why keep me hanging stupid beast? Fine, just to tell you I'm starving that I can even eat you right now, I'll chew first your eyeballs!

She took a step and grab a chair harshly. She started eating and she ate whatever she grabs like a hungry monster.

Ralph stops eating and just stared at her with a "what the fuck" look on his face.

"What? You lost your appetite?" she said teasingly.

She grabs some water and drinks all the pitcher's content. She let out a loud burp after wiping her mouth.

"Done! Now, spill it!" she started while looking at him seriously

"You should take it easy Alice, we have all the time in the world to talk!"

"No, I don't think so... I feel like suffocating in here can't you see? I don't even feel like breathing the same air with you, so please tell me why you brought me here!" she shouted at him.

She was so mad that she wants to throw that every single plate into his face.

"You really are the daughter of an Alpha. You are so fierce that you can make me shiver a little don't you know that?" he chuckled.

"Stop the bullshit!" she couldn't take it anymore. This beast can make her blood boil in just a matter of minutes.

She throws a wine glass into his face out of anger. But before it hits him, it breaks into pieces and it shattered. His eyes turned red and his face darkened. It scared her to see him in that state but she needs to pretend she's braver than what he thinks she is. She clenched her fist maybe she can just punch him in the face before he can do something to her. She almost fall from her seat when he laughed out loud. Her heart almost jumped out from her chest out of shock.

Goodness, Is it really necessary to laugh at a very serious moment? Is he crazy? 

"You never fail to amaze me my Luna! Relax yourself I was just trying to annoy you..." he continued laughing that he is holding now his aching stomach.

Grrrr... If only I have the strength to kill you, I'd be glad to do it with my bare hands. 

She let out a deep sigh while she try to calm herself down. She keeps silent waiting for him to talk. She doesn't want to waste her time and energy anymore with this dumb thing. He was playing with her emotion and she was stupid enough not to notice it early. 

"You're too funny, no doubt you really are one of us," he said after he recovers from too much laughing.

She still keeps herself silent and doesn't want to interrupt him. 

I am one of them? Huh! Another bullshit!

"It's not bullshit Alice, mind you!" he said while looking at her deeply.

"Huh?" she asked surprised.

Is that one of the boy's abilities? To read minds?


"Your dad was once the Alpha of the Morrigan pack. You were a year old at that time and I was ten years old. Your dad was so happy that our goddess blessed them with such a beautiful daughter. You are his one and only child and a miracle baby. It was one sunny day, he just wanted to stroll you around the forest when the hunters unexpectedly caught him. He was killed by them and you were kidnapped." he started with that serious tone. 

She can sense the sadness in his voice and his aura suddenly changed. 

It was odd that she felt a heart-clenching pain in her chest. She didn't notice she was already crying and she doesn't know why she seems to believe everything he was saying. She wiped her tears and shook her head.

"No! That can't be! That's impossible, I am my dad's daughter!" she said hoarsely.

"Alice, try to remember things back, did you ever feel like something is missing in your life? Try to look further, maybe you can find or feel something off about your life..." 

"No! You are talking crap! My life was good until you came, you see? You are ruining my life, don't feed me with that bullshit!" she said hysterically.

"I'm sorry Alice, I didn't mean to confuse you, but-  ugh! Whether you like the truth or not, you need to believe it, because this is your life! The real you!"

She doesn't know what to think anymore when she suddenly remembers her mom's words on her birthday...

"I hope you'll get to find your true self" 

She gasped and covered her mouth with her palm.

Is this what she meant by that?

She doesn't know how she will react anymore. She just let those tears run down her face.

Ralph stood up from his seat and started talking again.

"After your dad died. My Father became the alpha of this pack and changes its name to Silver moon pack. Before he died I promised him I will find you and will bring you back to where you belong. I have looked for you my whole life Alice."

"What makes you so sure that it was me?" she asked confused and was trying to make sure that he didn't mistake her for someone else.

"We are fated for each other. You are my mate, my Luna. I have your scent and I am more than sure that you are the real Aquila!" 

"Aquila? But I am no wolf, I am a human Ralph!" 

He smiled when he heard her utter his name the first time.

"You have a wolf. Maybe your adoptive parents did something to your body so that your wolf will come out later than expected."

He started thinking about what could it be. It took her some time to think. She knew inside her there is really something off, only that she can't accept it herself.

"Y-yeah, maybe that's the reason why I wasn't allowed to eat meat! I have a rare disease that will trigger once I tasted any meat, that's what they told me." she started to spill out.

Maybe this is really the perfect time for me to know the truth.

"That's it! It blocked your wolf scent too that's why we couldn't find you, and also it will help to hide your wolf!" he snapped his fingers.

The questions that she has in herself have now been answered. She couldn't believe her life will turn upside down in just a snap. 

They allowed me to eat steak on my birthday, that may be the reason why Ralph found me.

"My real name is Aquila? I am not a human? My goodness, please... Is this some kind of a joke, this isn't funny, this isn't funny!" she cried her heart out while screaming! 

She couldn't contain the hurt and confusion she was feeling, she passed out. 


Ralph stayed by her side all along. She wiped her whole body with warm water that will help her nerves calm down. He can't help but feel too much anger for those hunters out there. 

I will kill all of you and your entire family! Just wait and see. It's been too long that I am holding my grudge but this time that I have her beside me, it's time for revenge!

He looked at Alice while she snore in her sleep.

"I'm sorry if it was hard for you to accept the reality about yourself. But this is the right thing to do. You can't live out there. Humans are cruel." he was holding her hand while planting small kisses on it.

She left Alice after he made sure she was good. He called out Beta Steve into his place. They need to gather around to let them know about the next plan to do against the hunters now that she has  Aquila.

"Alpha, everyone is already waiting for you at  the conference hall!" Steve just came in and bothered his deep thoughts.

He just nod at him.

Steve is the Beta of the pack. He is the trustworthy strong and dominant second in command. The pack will always be safe when they're leading together.

"How's Aquila?" Steve asked while walking with him.

"She's not ok yet, she passed out after  knowing the truth." 

"We need to give her some time to accept everything. It's not so easy to flip from being human to a beast," he said while smiling bitterly.

Ralph stopped walking and glared at him.

"Oh whoa! Sorry if I said something bad!? Don't put your anger at me Alpha, I'm not the enemy in here" he chuckled while he put his both hands up.

"We are no beast!" he said emphatically 

"That's not what humans said," he shrugged his shoulders while he scoffed.

"Geeez! Steve cut the crap!" he then walked past him annoyed.

They reach the huge room with that loud noise from the outside.

The members went silent when they entered the premises and greeted the Alpha and the Beta. Everything went like a slow-motion to him as he was about to announce Aquila's comeback. He was waiting for this moment for so long. He wanted to keep this a secret at first for some reason but as an Alpha, he needs to tell it to the other members. 

"I have found Aquila, and as a werewolf raised by humans, it was hard for her to accept her real identity. I need you guys to respect and take care of her as much as you do to me. She may act rude to all of us for the moment and I need your understanding all the way through until she's fully healed!" he stated dominantly after greeting them all.

Ralph is a dominant, cold, and controlling  Alpha. He is too powerful that their pack is being feared by other werewolves pack from a different territory. His words are frightening that it can send chills to someone listening. Aside from having that goddamed perfect look, he got this gladiator-body-like that will make every woman drool over him.

Everyone seemed happy to hear the good news. After all, Alice is still the daughter of the late Alpha. 

After the conference, they decided to have a big celebration for Aquila's comeback. 

Everyone was happy and celebrating except for one person that is plotting evil against Aquila.  The beta's sister, Ashina Sands. The rejected mate of the Alpha.

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