
It takes two to play the game

Chapter Two

I can’t imagine how we managed to reach safely in one piece after that insane episode of ‘reckless driving with Pete.' If there was something worse than a terrible driver, that would be Pete.

He had zero understanding of road signals and whenever I try pointing it out to him, I was sure to be slandered by him. Correcting him was pointless so I made sure to stay in my lane and avoid having a verbal battle with him.

‘Okay, we are here now?’ he said with a straight face

‘Are you not going to get the door' I asked innocently.

‘Get the door for you? Do you not have hands my darling? He asked with a stern face and deep tone laced with anger.

‘Okay, let’s not make this an issue. You are upset so how about we talk about whatever it is later after my test.’ I tried kissing him but he quickly turned away his face.

‘See ya later Aurora and thanks for the ride, Pete.' Catherine said and hopped out of the car almost immediately. I should have followed suit but I figured I should fix whatever it is that was overworking Pete.

‘What's wrong Pete?’ I asked gently but the response almost made me jump.

‘Everything is wrong Aurora. From your classless baggy pants, and an extra-large polo to these hungry-looking hunting boots, and then, there's your boring hair that you never let out of that prison called a bun. Why can’t you wear hot dresses like your friend Catherine? See how adorable she looks. I’ve told you time after time, you are fat Aurora, wearing all these big clothes does not help at all. You look like a 21st-century Panda. Gosh! I don’t know why I’m still stuck with you, honestly.’

I wanted to shout back at him, the way he did to me. I wanted to say lots of hurtful words to him just so he could understand how he made me feel each time he uses harsh words on me. But I couldn’t shout at him, my fear of losing him was greater than the anger welling up inside of me.

‘Pete, these are the clothes I feel comfortable in and that’s why I love them. I’m sorry if my choice of dressing fails to suit you but I can’t wear those skimpy clothes Catherine wears. They show off way too much flesh that I’m not comfortable showing off.’ I’m sorry if that annoys you but I can’t do otherwise Pete. You met me wearing these clothes and you sure can’t change me now. Have a nice day Pete.’ I tried to kiss him but he moved his face away, again. I made for the door but his strong arms pulled me back.

‘Just to be clear Aurora, keep a safe distance from me throughout today. I wouldn’t want you embarrassing me before my friends with your ridiculous fashion sense and I won’t be picking you up after school either. You can take a bus or go trek home for all I care, now get off my car before I lose my temper.’

The tears dropped before I could hold them in and I snatched my arm away from his tight grip, opened the door, and ran to my class. Stopping briefly to clean my tears and muster enough courage to enter my history class, I pushed the doors open and walked in with my head bent low straight to the back of the class.

‘Miss Richards?’ the dreadful voice of Mrs. Johnson came over and all eyes turned on me. My head was still bent low and I had to keep it just so nobody sees the tears that were streaming down my face.

‘You do realize you are eighteen minutes late for a test of thirty minutes? I’m sure you know you won’t be getting an extra second honey.’ She said with a devilish smile.

‘I’m sorry Mrs. Johnson.’ Was all I could afford to mutter without bursting out loud sobs.

‘Now run along, you don’t have all the time in the world.’ She said while holding out the test questions to me. I grabbed it and ran to my favorite spot at the back.

Passed Catherine's spot and she tried to make eye contact with me which I completely avoided.

After one look at the test questions, after I sat down, it was definite that I was half a step away from failure.

The thought of repeating Mrs. Johnson’s class sent chills down my spine. I tried to answer a few questions but I couldn’t. My head was blank but filled with pictures of my encounter with Pete. Those words he said to me beclouded me and all I could do was cry.

I managed to scribble down a few words that weren’t corresponding to answers to the questions just so my sheet wouldn’t look blank, by this time, the tears were already pouring.

I looked around only to see everybody’s head bent over their desks, writing. Everybody else but me. I couldn’t bear it and before I knew it, I was making my way down to Mrs. Johnson’s table. All eyes were on me again as I dropped my sheets neatly on the table.

She was about to say something to me but I stormed out before she could say a word. I knew the consequences but I just didn’t care.

I walked quickly through the hall hoping to make a peaceful exit without anyone noticing but my plans failed as I ran straight into him, he had a cup of coffee in one hand and a pile of books in the other. I succeeded in splashing the coffee all over his spotless white shirt and books then, when I felt it wouldn’t get worse than it already was, I tripped and fell face down. He bent over and touched my back gently.

‘Are you okay miss?’ he sounded kind, but I didn’t care about kind anymore. If there was anything I wanted, it was to disappear from everything and everyone. I stood up in a flash, and didn’t even pause to look at his face or apologize for ruining his shirt - which was bad of me anyway…

I made for the entrance, moved a few inches when I heard him call: ‘Hey! Not even a word? So not cool you know.’ I paused in my steps and walked back to him slowly.

‘Hi, I’m Uhmm... I… Sorry for everything… for the shirt. I’ll… Excuse me please.’ I was blabbing now and needed to leave immediately. He looked confused, but I didn’t care, I left immediately.

Two, three, four steps away from Mr. Stranger, there he was standing with a group of familiar guys. We made brief eye contact and he cut it out immediately. He looked embarrassed not to say the least and apparently, he saw everything that just happened. If only mother earth will open now and take me right inside it.

I turned around took a sharp right turn and ran straight into the washroom.

I entered one of the cubicles and closed the door behind me after which I dropped down on the bare floor and let out all my pain through tears. Ladies cry in washrooms a whole lot so no one was going to make a big deal out of the loud sobs I was making. Nobody cares anyway… or so I thought.

I heard the sound of running water - someone was using the tap probably, then the sound stopped. Gentle approaching footsteps that stopped just outside the little door and then a knock.

‘It’s freaking occupied. Use the next one.’ I screamed out. Was my loud sobs not enough evidence?

‘Are you okay in there?’ the deep voice I heard was unexpected. What was a man doing in a lady's washroom? I choked in my sobs and replied ‘I'm fine. You are in the wrong place.’ I said weakly.

‘, I believe you are the one in the wrong place.’ He responded and I could sense the amusement all over his voice.

Suddenly it hit me.

‘Oh my God! am I in the men’s corner? I asked with fear

‘Yes you are' he responded calmly. Something about his voice kind of eased the pressure I was having.

Of course, the place wasn’t familiar to me when I entered but I was too engrossed in my anguish to pay attention to the signs.

I stood up slowly, unlocked the door, and stepped out only to stand face to face with my Mr. Stranger. The same person I baptized with coffee was extremely rude too. Can today be any worse than it is already?

‘You again. Having a bad day?’ he asked with concerns written all over his face. He was genuinely concerned and that was relieving.

‘Yeah. A very bad one at that but I’ll be fine.’ I replied with my eyes looking everywhere except his face.

‘Do you want to talk about it?’ he asked and when I looked up at him, he gave me a reassuring smile that warmed my heart instantly. But then again, there was no way I was going to blurt out all my problems and dump them on a handsome stranger with a charming smile who I met barely ten minutes ago.

‘No actually, I’m fine. Thank you for asking though.’ I said and turned to leave.

‘The exit is that way' he pointed out.

‘Oh! Thanks.' I walked out quickly. Thankfully, the hallway was empty.

I walked head down through the hallway with no particular destination in mind. Pete and his friends were gone now so I moved quickly to the entrance of the building.

Catherine was right there pacing the whole place. She was worried and it was obvious in the way she moved to and fro the whole place. As soon as she saw me, she ran and drew me into a tight soothing hug which I sincerely needed.

‘What’s going on Aurora? I was so worried' she asked with that mother-like tone she knew how to command.

‘I'm fine now Catherine, I’ve cried it all out.’ I replied with a faint smile.

‘Tell me what happened Aurora.' She was holding me firmly on my shoulders and looking straight into my eyes. At this point, there was no way I could lie or deny anything. She was just ready to hear the whole thing and I was ready to let it off my chest as well.

‘Pete and I, we had a fight kind of and he said some hurtful things to me. Lots of hurtful things actually and they kinda threw me off balance.’

Catherine wasn’t satisfied with my submission and I knew she would press for more. She didn’t disappoint me though.

‘What kind of things did he tell you exactly?’ Catherine pressed further.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied casually ‘He said that I wear distasteful clothes and embarrass him a whole lot with my fashion sense. He also called me fat.’ I intentionally left out the part where he compared me with her cause It didn’t feel right to bring it up.

‘That fool! I hope you slapped him right across the face when he said all these?’ one looked at my face and she knew the answer to her question.

‘Of course, you didn’t sweet angel but you know what, I am going to do just that for you when I set my eyes on him.’

‘No. Calm down Cathy…’

‘Don’t tell me to calm down girl. That animal doesn’t even know the favor you are doing him by dating his sorry self. Karma will serve him a proper diet soon.’ She was vibrating and fuming all over with anger.

'You know what, I think I'll go deliver that slap right now.' She said and stormed off.

'What! Cathy No, please don't do this I was pleading and running after her as well. My efforts were pointless though cause she walked straight to Pete who was sitting with his clique as usual and delivered two hot slaps across his cheek.

'What the Fuck!' he exclaimed and I felt pity for him when I saw how red his cheeks became.

'Now that's for my insulting my friend, asshole!' This was my first experience of having someone stand up for me and it felt so good.

Cathy stormed right back, grabbed my arm, and practically dragged me out of that place. A smile spread across my face. I glanced back to see Pete staring daggers at me. It was then that it hit me...

Pete was certainly going to break up with me after this.

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