
12. Stolen Alpha

Aaro’s pov

Motherfucker. Maybe I should thank Storm; I had the most fun I've had in years, and hearing him tell me he switched rooms without so much as asking me reminded me that I had merely traded one prison for another. I should have looked for exits when I was with Eve and found out information I could use to escape, but instead I ice skated like a damn fool, and now I was paying the price.

I kept reminding myself I could be off worse, but that didn’t really make any fucking difference. I was still bought; I was still forced to be marked and have sex with someone. They can call it "mating" all they fucking want, but I know what it really means. Maybe I should just get it over with and make sure at least the "mating" part is on my fucking timeline.

I got into the shower, trying to decide my next move. If I convinced Storm I was all in, maybe he’d trust me enough to let me wander around the compound on my own. Or maybe he'd let me go to the pack by myself in time. It would be easier to escape from there than from this fortress filled with technology I don’t fucking understand. If I couldn’t even work the shower, how the fuck was I going to escape?

Even if I didn't have my fucking room anymore, that meant I had to act the part all the fucking time. I couldn’t let my guard down like I did today. I had to play the part of the perfect future Luna, and I had to keep my eyes and ears open. One day I would get out of here, preferably before he marked me.

I got dressed in the sexiest dress I could find. Last time Storm tried to kiss me, I stopped because I felt guilty about Ero. But this time, if he tried, I would let him, because of Ero. If this was my way out of here, I would kiss Storm. I'd to whatever it fucking took.

The dress didn’t have the effect I wanted because, when I stepped out of the bathroom, Storm growled and told me to put on another dress. Fine, I’ll pick another dress.

Storm followed behind me and unzipped my dress. His hands were so warm, and his touch felt nice. I stayed in place, unsure of what to do. Maybe I made a mistake. What the fuck did I know about seducing someone?

"I’m sorry. I didn’t know the dress was so revealing." Storm said.

So he wasn't angry at me? He just didn't want people to see so much of my body?

Before I could say anything back, he kissed my back. His mouth felt warm, and the area where he kissed me tingled. "I wish I could see inside that pretty little head of yours."

"No, you don't," I said, shaking my head. He really fucking wouldn’t like what was inside my head. I was nothing like he thought I was.

He traced my spine with his fingers, and I had no fucking clue why that felt so damn good.

"One day I’ll get to know the real you."

"Be careful what you wish for," I whispered. If he ever knew the real me, I would probably have to kill him, or he would try to kill me. It would probably end in a bloody mess.

I turned around and looked up at him. I was always the tallest at school, but with Storm I had to look up. Not by much, but it was a weird fucking feeling to be shorter than someone.

My dress fell down my body, and I let it fall, knowing I wasn’t wearing a bra.

"Fuck." Storm said, looking down.

Okay, how do I play someone who wants to be with him but isn’t experienced at all? I can’t really seduce him, do I just wait for a moment like last time? What the fuck do I do?

Storm smiled and ran his finger across my face, "what are you thinking?"

"I don’t want my first time to be on my birthday. I don’t want to be forced to be marked and mated on the day I meet my wolf."

His smile changed into a frown. "You know it’s not my fucking choice either."

"I know, Storm. I’m saying, I’d rather uhm be with you before my birthday." I said awkwardly, hating myself for the way this came out.

Storm laughed and shook his head in disbelief, and I felt even more mortified. Was he making fun of me?

"First you don’t want to kiss me, and suddenly you're throwing yourself at me?"

That fucking dick. I pulled my dress up and put on my fake smile. "I was just trying to make things easier for us. Since we’re sharing a room now. But we can wait; it’s fine."

"Shit, Aaro. I didn’t mean it like that. This entire situation is messed up, and I guess I just find it hard to believe you could change your mind so fucking fast." Storm said.

I turned around, taking another dress from the closet. It was a lot simpler, as far as fancy dresses go, and my boobs didn’t fall out of that one.

"Don’t worry about it; I’m sure it will be very special for us. Especially knowing that the whole house is aware of what we’re going to do. Who wouldn’t want their first time to be public knowledge? Maybe they can all inspect me later to make sure you really took my virginity. I’m surprised your father didn’t check to make sure Myrtle didn't lie about that, like he did with my blood."

Fuck. My big stupid mouth. I walked as fast to the bathroom as I could without running. Shit. shit. Why did I say that? Why couldn’t I just held my tongue like before?

Storm didn’t say a word. I got dressed and walked out of the room, and he was waiting for me at the door. He still didn’t say a word while we walked to the dining room, and I was scared shitless of what he would say when he did finally open his mouth.

He pulled out a chair for me, and we sat down.

"What did you do today, Aaro?" Luna Ruby asked me.

I smiled at her, "I went ice skating with, -"

Storm stopped me from saying Eve’s name by squeezing my leg and shaking his head.

Luna Ruby nodded her head, already knowing how I was going to finish my sentence. "Well, she might be able to show you how to skate. But I can show you some really useful skills, like how to be a Luna. Tomorrow you’ll shadow me for a day."

"Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you, Luna Ruby." Maybe I could get out of the house again and find a way out.

Storm put an obvious fake grin on his face, "yes, thank you Luna Ruby. Please don’t tire her out, because starting tomorrow we won’t be dining here anymore. I am planning to take my future mate out every night until her birthday. Get to know each other."


Storm’s hand was still on my thigh, but this time his finger kept making patterns on my skin, and it was giving me a strange feeling inside my stomach. For some reason, it was really hard to focus on the conversation at the table.

"Don’t forget to eat, Aaro." Storm said.

I nodded my head and started eating. Thankfully, Storm and his dad seemed to be mindlinking and Luna Ruby was busy talking to the beta's mate, so I wasn’t forced to engage in any small talk.

Suddenly, Storm's claws extended and dug into my skin, and I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. Storm let go of my leg, and I wondered if he realized what he just did. I quickly grabbed my napkin and placed it on my leg while pretending nothing had happened.

"Thanks for fucking dinner, but I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. Aaro, let’s go." Storm said, and he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dining room.

Once again, he was silent on the way back to "our" room. He started pacing the room and either mindlinking someone or talking to his wolf, and I had no clue what to do. Do I get changed? Do I go to bed? I pulled my dress up, feeling my leg getting wet.

He stopped pacing and looked at me. "Why the fuck are you bleeding? And don’t start apologizing again."

Okay, fuckhead, it’s you who needs to apologize anyway. I looked down and saw I had blood running down to my ankle. I had forgotten to apply pressure with the napkin when he pulled me away. I didn’t really hurt that badly anyway; those bruises from ice skating hurt a lot more.

"It’s fine. I’ll clean myself up."

"Take off your dress." Storm growled, and he started pacing towards me and pulled the dress up even more. 

He took a step back when he saw the puncture marks his claws had left. "I did that, did I? Fuck, why didn’t you say anything?"

"It’s fine."

"It’s not fucking fine, Aaro. Stop saying that. I’m fucking everything up. I thought taking you out on dates would make you more comfortable around me, and maybe you wouldn’t feel so forced by this whole thing. Despite hurting you, I’m not a bad guy. I don’t want to force you to have sex with me. Don't get me wrong: I'd have sex with you in a heartbeat. But I want you to enjoy it and want it—to want me. I’m, -"

I walked toward Storm and kissed him. Anything to shut him up, anything to make him not feel like this. Yeah, he could be a bit of a dick, but he was trying, and he got me out of those awkward fucking dinners with my "future in-laws."

The kiss was nothing like I suspected. It was good, so fucking good, and once Storm got over the shock of me kissing him, he took control of the kiss. He fought for dominance, and I let him, knowing I had to play the submissive girl even now. He grabbed me by my ass and pulled me close, and I hissed, feeling him touch the bruise on my ass.

"I’m sorry." He said. He kissed me again, this time with one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my head. We stopped when we were both out of breath. This was so different from the time I kissed Birdy. This wasn’t soft and unsure. Birdy and I didn't know what we were doing. Storm kissed me with passion and determination, and he knew exactly what to do.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to pretend to want him. Maybe I could find a way to enjoy mating with him.

Storm kissed the top of my head and then walked into the closet to grab something.

"Here, put this on. I’ll grab some bandages for your cuts."

I took my dress off while he went into the bathroom and put on the t-shirt he had brought. Didn’t he mind me wearing his clothes? When I finished getting dressed, Storm came out of the bathroom holding a first aid kit.

"Sit down, please." He said and pointed to the bed.

I sat down, and he carefully placed a band-aid on each wound. They were already healing, but because I didn’t have my wolf and they were deep, they would leave a scar. When he was done, he still held on to my leg, and he gave me a kiss on top of each band-aid.

"That was a fucking good kiss, by the way."

I suddenly felt very shy, "Thank you, Storm."

"No, thank you. I’d like to do that again sometime. But first, let’s sleep. You must be fucking exhausted."


my boys have no school this week, so the updates might be less often this week. We're not going away or anything. I'll try to do fun things with them closeby, because I don't have a drivers licence so I'll have to us my bike or public transport. My boyfriend does, but he has to work. 

I was always scared to drive, but I have decided to try a trial lesson this month. I'm so scared haha, but we'll see how it goes. 

Comments (14)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marj Babcock
Loving this story.
goodnovel comment avatar
Naomi D.
glad you like it!
goodnovel comment avatar
Melissa Brown
I am excited about the next book I love it!!

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