
Chapter 2

I didn't go out all night after I gave Rod water. He fell asleep on the couch when I came back.

My life became peaceful within a week. I study in one of the prestigious schools here in Cagayan de Oro in front of the Lifestyle District.

After class, I went straight to the mall that was just a walking distance from my school. I’m going to buy a food. Atty. Manilou gave me a lot of money earlier.

My tuition fees is not a problem to her because I have already paid it. I am a scholar of the school. So I'm quite busy and I have to participate in events as payment for my education.

I was going to the fourth floor to eat Beef Siopao but from the railings above, I saw Rod looking at me. Next to him was a beautiful woman who was talking next to him.

He just nodded while staring at me. I was nervous so I looked away. I'm riding the escalator and right now, I want to go down even though I'm going up.

I looked behind and there were many people following me plus Symon, my crush, was there too with his friends. They were wearing marine uniforms.

I don't know if I'll go down again but I'll just look like a fool in front of Rod so I went upstairs to the food court and pretended not to know him.

Symon and his friends were very noisy in the background. They were all talking about this girl who is famous in the nursing department. I sighed. Men…

I went to the counter and ordered Siopao and cola. After I paid, I sat down to an empty table.

I don't like to share tables with anyone but since there are quite a lot of people, I'm pretty sure someone will sit next to me later.

I was about to eat my Siopao when suddenly someone spoke behind me. I stopped when I heard Symon's voice.

"Are you alone?" he asked showing me his complete set of teeth as if he was modelling the toothpaste brand. I wanted to close my eyes when I smelled his scent. Hmm. I like it.

"Hey sister," I couldn't answer Symon when Rod's voice echoed between us. We looked at him together when he suddenly put his arm around my shoulder and sat next to me.

Suddenly my heart beat fast. What is he doing?

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know you were with someone," Symon said and left with his friends feeling embarrassed.

When they disappeared from my sight, I turned to Rod. His death glare was thrown at me. I gulped. What did I do wrong?

"You should focus on your studies. I don't want you wasting mom's money on useless things." He said and looked at my lips—or I just assumed things?

I nodded slowly. What is he doing? Why did he put his hand on my shoulder?

"Good," he coldly said and took my siopao and bit it.

"Eat that. It's a waste of money if you won’t eat that," he said and left with his suitcase. I looked at the siopao he bit.

For some reason, my brain went blank and I think I was going crazy. Oh my God. What’s happening? I do not know.

When I got home, I caught Rod's car outside.. He was kissing someone else. I frowned.

How many girls does he have? Does he like this? A playboy?

I ignored them and continued to enter the house.

"Hello, March. How's school?"

I was surprised to see the attorney on the couch reviewing on her case. Maybe she has a new case that she’s handling now.

"Hello, attorney. It's fine," I said.

"Isn't it your internship in the second semester? Do you have any company you wanted to apply?”

I shook my head. "I don’t have in mind yet."

"Oh, okay. Your brother Rod can help you. He is the acting CEO of his father's company now. He can help you into his company."

My brain reacted immediately, especially when I remembered that he kissed someone else outside. I don't think I’m fine to see everyday like that. That's so displeasing in the eyes.

But who am I to say NO? Attorney is the one who made the offer, I can’t refuse.

"Thank you, attorney," I just said and bid my goodbye before entering my room.

This day is a tiring one.

When it was dinner, Attorney Manilou called me to eat together. Of couse, Rod’s there, smirking at me, so here I am again, feeling uncomfortable around him.

I was eating quietly while Rod was being scolded by his mother because of his attitude as being a womanizer.

I wonder if he has AIDS. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he have because he slept with different women every day. I don't believe it's just a kiss. It's more than that.

I just did my performance task and I finished at ten o'clock. Because I was thirsty, I went downstairs to drink water. I'm just praying the Rod isn't there because I might pass out.

I got really hysterical when I saw him. I could still remember the Siopao earlier. I eat that but I left the part where he had a bite. I’m afraid there was a virus left there.

I was about to go inside the kitchen but I stopped for a moment. I took a peek first inside and when I saw that he was not there I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You looked relieved,"

I screamed at Rod's whisper in my ear. My eyes widened as I looked at him.

He put his hand on my mouth to shut me up!

"What are you peeking at?"


He raised an eyebrow at me and then released my mouth.

"Hmm..." He said not believing anything I said.

"Are you looking for me?" I saw a strange sparkle in his eyes.

I was immediately nervous as I looked at his lips that he’s biting.

I wanted to escape but his grips pushed me to stay.

"Tell me... are you looking for me?"

I want to leave because I know, anytime by now, I’ll be dead. I don't know what Rod did to me.

I think I need to see a quack doctor because I think Rod casted a spell on me.

How can he do this to me?

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" he said and let go of me. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at me carefully.

I wanted to fight his gaze but I got intimidated. I cursed myself. This is so unfair.

He shook his head and turned to leave. And swear to God, I only breathed a sigh of relief when he disappeared from my sight. His presence can take my breath easily. What the hell?

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