
The Healer and The Alphas
The Healer and The Alphas
Penulis: BJJ Creation.

Meeting my mother

Stepping into the airplane, Lily's eyes widened with wonder. The inside seemed like a magical world to her and she wondered if she would have experienced this if her father was alive.

Lily wasn't happy that her father wasn't alive, just that her father couldn't afford the bills since he was poor.

Excitement filled her heart until her senses were overwhelmed by the most mouthwatering scent she had ever encountered, the smell was so potent that it made her weak In her knees and light-headed.

The scent she smelled seeps into her every free space of the air, every control she has within her preteen body is fighting against her base instinct to search for the owner of the scent among the multitude of passengers inside the plane.

Suddenly, a chilling voice broke the enchanting silence. Startled, Lily swiftly turned around and found herself face-to-face with the source of the irresistible scent. He was undeniably handsome, with sharp features that could captivate any heart. He stood tall, his eyes piercing and intense, as if gazing directly into her soul.

Time seemed to stand still for that moment.

But reality snapped back, and Lily's face flushed with embarrassment as she realized she had been caught staring. Regaining her composure, quickly she moved aside, feeling a mixture of humiliation and excitement coursing through her veins. But the boy spoke in a rude and disdainful tone before she could gather her thoughts.

"I guess you've never been on a plane before. You must be poor, judging by the way you're looking and blocking the way for others," he sneered, his eyes dark and stormy with annoyance as he glowered at her.

Those words cut deep into Lily, igniting a surge of anger within her. How dare he judge her based on her innocent excitement as a first-time traveler?

Since it was his intoxicating scent that had caused her to lose control. And seeing that he couldn't be older than her by more than a year, made her more furious.

Defiance welled up inside her, and without thinking, she almost responded with sharp words to defend herself against his unfair judgment. Yet, the boy walked away before she could say anything.

"He's such a joy killer," Lily muttered, pushing aside her anger and embracing the excitement that the boy's scent had awakened in her.

She proceeded down the aisle, determined to find her assigned seat. Peeking at the number on her boarding pass, she navigated through the maze of seats.

As she reached her row, the scent grew even stronger. Her heart sank when she realized that fate had placed her right beside the cold-hearted boy who possessed that irresistible scent—the same boy who had stirred up her emotions just moments ago.

Wanting to calm herself down, She took a deep breath, trying to calm She wondered how she was supposed to sit beside the boy whose delicious scent was calling out to her. But anger still lingered within her, Lily found herself increasingly drawn to the boy as the flight went on.

She secretly wished to hear his voice, to understand him. But his earlier rudeness made her hesitate to start a conversation. Still, she couldn't help but think of ways to punish him for his manner, all the while yearning to hear his voice again.

Pulling out her game, Lily started playing and turned up the volume, hoping to disturb the cold boy sitting beside her. Still, when he didn't react, she couldn't help but steal glances at him. She wondered about his thoughts, his name, and if they would ever talk to each other before they departed.

Just when she was about to give up, his harsh voice halted her. "You, how dare you disturb me with your game and the noise!" he yelled. His eyes turned black, and aura radiated from his entire being. Lily couldn't help but think he must be an Alpha due

Before Lily could reply, the boy swiftly reached over and snatched the game from her grasp.

"Give me back my game, you arrogant brat!" Lily snapped at him. Before she could comprehend what had happened, the boy's hand wrapped around her arm, sending sensations running up and down her skin. The touch was electric, and as quickly as he had grabbed her, he released her. Lily thought that he too must have felt the irresistible attraction.

"I don't want to hear a single sound from you until this plane lands," the boy said, his voice dripping with authority. Initially, Lily wanted to oppose him, but his aura was so strong that she found herself nodding to his command. From that moment on, she didn't utter a word, succumbing to weariness as she fell into a deep sleep. Initially, Lily wanted to oppose him, but his aura was so strong that she found herself nodding in a treaty that moment on, she didn't utter a word, succumbing to weariness as she fell into a deep sleep.

Time slipped away as Lily remained lost in slumber, completely unaware of the passing moments until a soft nudge from a flight attendant woke her up and she snapped back to reality, feeling disoriented and unsure of her surroundings.

Unlocking her eyes, Lily struggled to regain her bearings. Panic surged through her as she realized the plane had landed while she was asleep. Frantically searching for her belongings, she felt her heart sink as she discovered that her game had been taken by the handsome boy beside her and was nowhere to be found.

Quietly cursing herself, anger welled up within Lily. She was frustrated for letting her guard down. She looked around, she noticed a crumpled piece of paper left on the seat where the boy had been sitting. Curiosity mixed with annoyance as she picked it up and unfolded it. The note, hastily written, sparked a surge of anger inside her. It was short but clear.

"Your punishment for snoring loudly is your game."

Lily couldn't help but curse, viewing him as a handsome thief. Regret washed over her for being deceived by the charms of a thief, and she clenched her fists in frustration. However, a faint sense of longing stirred in her heart, wondering if she would ever see him again.

Taking a deep breath, Lily tried to quiet her racing heart as she walked down the stairs toward the area where her mother, Monica, was waiting. Her mother had left her and her father to be with her mate. Standing next to Monica was a younger girl, probably her step-sister, who stared at Lily with angry eyes.

Approaching them, Lily felt a mixture of emotions. Monica awkwardly embraced her, as if unsure how to treat her own daughter. "It's so good to see you again, Lily. I missed you," Monica said with a smile that seemed fake to Lily. This woman had never once contacted Lily's father to ask about her, so her words rang hollow.

"I'm sorry Sam couldn't make it. He's Harriet's brother," Monica added. So, the girl's name was Harriet.

Lily nodded, feeling a sense of confusion amid this unexpected situation. She didn't know what to say or how to act. Thoughts of striking up a conversation with Harriet crossed her mind, hoping to find some common ground.

Harriet's bitter voice broke the silence, making Lily's heart sink. It was clear that Harriet didn't like her. Monica, Lily's mother who had never been there for her, seemed to obey Harriet, immediately heading towards their car.

Walking to the car, Lily felt a knot in her stomach, wondering how she would cope with them.

Finally, the car stopped, and Lily was grateful to stretch her sore legs as she stepped out. Following Monica and Harriet to the front door, it swung open, revealing a large man. His smile vanished when he saw Lily, replaced by a frown that turned into a glare. Lily thought to herself, "I guess he doesn't like my presence either," rolling her eyes inwardly.

"Hi, you must be Lily. Pleased to meet you," he said with a curt nod and a quick smile that vanished as soon as it came. "Please, come in."

His intense stare made Lily uncomfortable. She felt like he didn't want her in the same room as the girl his mate had with another man.

Suddenly, someone came running down the stairs. It was a boy slightly younger than Harriet—Lily knew it had to be Sam.

"I can't believe you're here. It's so good to finally meet you," Sam said, lending Lily a warm hug that made her smile. "Come on, I'll show you to your room," he proceeded, pulling her away before she could react.

Lily felt relieved as he led her away from the rest of the family. She was grateful that he seemed to want her there, and he was completely different from Harriet and his father. She immediately felt at ease around him, and the warmth of his welcome reassured her that this new family might not be all bad.

"This is your room," Sam said, opening the door to a cozy, cream-colored bedroom. Lily couldn't help but smile at his gesture of kindness. "I love it, thank you, Sammie," she replied, using a nickname for him. His face lit up with happiness.

"I have another big sister to annoy. But don't worry, I won't annoy you too much, just a little," Sam rambled, causing Lily to burst into laughter.

"That's alright. I'll just freshen up and get settled in. Thanks again," she said, still chuckling.

As Sam left, Lily shook her head at his innocent and carefree nature. She began unpacking her belongings and placing them in the closet. Her eyes fell upon a picture frame of her father, Joe, that she had brought with her, and a wave of sadness washed over her.

Her father had been a good man, understanding why her mother had to leave him, even if Lily couldn't fully grasp it. Monica leaving her and her father for her new partner had left Lily with resentment. Now, living with her mother, Lily could see that Monica loved her children.

If given the choice, she would have preferred to be alone rather than live with Monica after her father's death. But the decision wasn't hers to make. It had been made for her, and she had no choice but to go along with it.

Lily carefully placed the picture on the bedside table, a silent reminder of her father's presence in her life. She continued unpacking, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle upon her. The long day had taken its toll, and she wondered if she could go without dinner and just collapse into sleep. But as she finished showering and changed into her nightwear, a soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey Sis," Sam's voice came through the slightly ajar door. "Mom said to call you down for dinner."

Lily smiled warmly at her stepbrother's kindness. "Yeah, sure. Let's go, buddy," she replied, following him downstairs.

As they gathered around the dinner table, Monica turned her attention to Lily. "Lily, I know you're looking forward to starting school. Everything has been arranged for it," she said, surprising Lily with her prompt action. It made her realize that perhaps her mother's wealth was greater than she had initially thought.

"Thank you, and yes, I'm ready for it," Lily responded, grateful for Monica's consideration.

Monica gave her a small smile, but before the conversation could continue, Harriet interjected with her snide remarks. "I'm surprised you even know how to use a fork. You probably ate with your hands before you came here," Harriet sneered, taking a jab at Lily's background. "Considering how much of a dump your father was."

A surge of embarrassment and anger welled up inside Lily, her cheeks burning with shame. She wished she could disappear, wishing that Harriet would stop attacking her. And yet, Monica remained silent, only shooting a disapproving look at Harriet, as if that would magically transform her into a better person.

"What, Mom? I'm just saying she doesn't belong here, that's all," Harriet continued, her tone dripping with disdain.

At a point, she thought the hurtful remarks had reached their peak, but then Harriet's father added his own cruel words, wearing a smirk on his face. "She'll learn soon enough. Now that she's with us, her uncultured life will improve better than what her father gave her."

His words pierced through Lily's soul, leaving her feeling wounded and broken. All she had wanted was a chance to prove herself, to find acceptance within this new family. Excusing herself from the dinner table, she hurriedly made her way back to her room, tears streaming down her face.

With a forceful slam, she shut the door, desperately seeking a moment of solace and privacy. She locked the door, hoping to find refuge within the confines of her own space.

But soon, the door opened, shattering her hopes. Harriet walked in, filled with disdain. "You think you're a princess? There's only one princess here, and it's me," she sneered.

Lily couldn't find the words to respond before Harriet's phone rang. Lily glanced at the screen and gasped. The man she admired on the plane, the man she had accused of being a thief. His picture appeared as the caller on Harriet's phone.

"Hello, babe," Harriet said, then turned and left the room, leaving Lily to wrestle with her emotions.

Left alone, Lily's heart was in turmoil, questioning the connection between Harriet and the boy, who had the irresistible scent.

Who was he, and why was he calling Harriet?

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