
Chapter Twelve


He was lying on a sofa in his sitting room, staring up at the ceiling. It was now twenty two days after one of the worst experiences in the line of duty. He lived in a self-contained bungalow at GwarinPa estate on the outskirts of Abuja. Rent was one of the major headaches of living in the capital city but he was well paid so he could afford it.

Muhammad now had an idea about who he was dealing with because he now knew that he was no match for The First One when it came down to physique, speed or killer instincts. The only chance he might have against The First One is his psychological abilities and that was what he was going to use to take down the psycho. He needed to find a way to stay alive if he was going to end up being the last man standing in their inevitable showdown. There was a car parked outside his house with members of the Tactical Assault Team (TAT) of the SSS keeping watch over him but he was still not taking any chances because he had a tactical knife strapped
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