
The Fallen Angel : Cold hearted Alpha
The Fallen Angel : Cold hearted Alpha
Author: Lee_SHH

Chapter 1: TRADEGY

'Princess are you ready yet?' my father yells from downstairs.

'I'm coming dad!' I then grab my phone from my bed and look at myself one more time at the mirror before heading downstairs.

When I get there I see my father wearing a suit. I just stood there frozen never in my life would I have thought I would ever see my father in a suit not in this lifetime anyway.

'Dad... I thought you said and I quote I will never wear a suit in my life.' I say while smiling at him.

'Today is your special day princess, you only graduate once from college and for you I will make an exception.'

I felt my heart flatter and smiled at him. It was just my dad and I. My mother didn't want me after giving birth to me apparently she wanted a boy instead she got well me, so she gave me to my father not once have a ever heard anything from her,no birthday card or anything but at the same time never once did I lack anything he loved me as both my mother and father and I wouldn't change it.

'Okay let's go before we are late.' I say while dragging him out of the door.

We then got to his motor cycle and I climbed at the back. Memories started flooding in about the storied he used to tell me about this motorcycle. According to him he used to drive me as a baby to and from the hospital in this very bike and I chuckled at that I wonder how he managed.

He then gave me a helmet not that I really wanted it but I knew arguing with him would be a lost cause.

I put on the helmet to please him and he climbed on and drove off.

'Dad can you go a little faster we will be late.' one thing I hate when I am riding with my dad is that he tends to drive slow. He just ignores me.

'Dad!' but it was like it got in one ear then exited the next. I then groaned and kept quiet.

After a grueling long and slow drive we finally make it.

I quickly got off and started running towards the school but I was pulling backwards by a strong grip.

' Give your old man a kiss before you run off kiddo.' I grin and I kissed him on the cheek.

I start to run again only to be stopped agaim

'Dad! What now?' he was kinda starting to piss me off.

'Slow down Dre.' I narrow my eyes at him God I hated that nickname.

'Would you please stop calling me that and I'm going to be late.'

'firstly no and princess stop for a second and breath everything is going to be alright you still have a few minutes left.'

'I get you dad but I need to hurry.' he sighs then let's me go and went over and give him one more kiss this time on the other cheek.

'Wish me luck!' I yell while running towards the school.


'Andrea Misticc' I go up the podium my heart beating so fast. I was so nervous. Many thoughts running through my head what if I make a fool out of myself like tripping? God that would be so embarrassing. 

Only one look at my father all my worries vanished. I got up there and grabbed my certificate with my head held high.

'thank you.' I mumur when I get my certificate. I then shook everyone's hands.

As soon as I got off the stage I was ingulfed in a hug from my father. He spun me around two times while telling me how proud he was of me.

'I did it dad.' I say with tears threatening to fall it wasn't an easy journey the long hours of studying, not sleeping but in the end I conquered all odds with the help of my father. 

'I'm proud of you princess.'

'How about we go celebrate.' he was all grin when I looked at him.

'Let's go to our spot.' I suggest.


We were currently at a little dinner waiting for our food. When a group of people who looked like they were from my class came in laughing and some still celebrating their graduation.

I just stared at them, a ping of pain washing through me. I did not have any friends. I was labeled as the weird girl no one wanted to associate themselves with me and in a way I felt like I did not belong but that didn't mean that I didn't want a friend.

'Are you okay princess?' my father asks me.

I smile 'I'm okay.' he gave me a look but he let it go.

After our little meal we then paid the bill and decided to go home since it was starting to get dark too.

We then got on the bike and drove off. We were currently on the road. 'Dad do you think mom would be proud of me?' I ask and I feel him stiffen.

'Of course sweetie she would be proud of the woman you have become.'

'So why are we not allowed to bring up her name?'

Before he could answer a flash of bright light suddenly appears. I couldn't see anything I was surprised my father could see.

'Hold on tight!' my father demands I was confused next thing I knew we were speeding. I then held on tighter.

'Dad!' but he ignores me and keeps on driving like a maniac. 

'Dad what is going on?' I ask starting to panic.

'Da-' suddenly a big dog? Jumps out of nowhere and yanks my father off the motorcycle taking me along with him. 

Next thing I knew I heard a thud and a few cracks. I start to see blurry imagines. 

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