
Chapter nine


I froze at the sound of the voice, I was not expecting anyone to be at home. I tried to hide the surprise on my face as I looked back, Daniel’s eyes were rigid so I gave a fake smile which did not work because he could see through it.

“I asked you a question Anna”, he folded his arms.

“Where the hell have you been?”, he asked again.

I racked my brain for answers, I would be shooting myself in the leg if I told him I went to see Mr Lewis.

“Do I have to tell you?” I asked in my defence and to stall more time to think of a proper lie I would tell him.

He chuckled lightly, unfolded his arms and dipped one hand in his pocket, “I won't ask you one more time”, his voice firm and commanding.

His expression is always scary, I doubt if I can live long if I stared at that face for too long.

“I went out for a walk”, the words slipped out of my mouth. Gosh! I shouldn't have said that.

“You went for a walk in heels?”, he questioned, looking at me from head to toe.

“I took a taxi to the
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