
Chapter - [ 76 ]

[ Xavier ]

“The son of a bitch. How he dared to blackmail my wife with something that left scars on her memories. He ridiculed her pain. Now he must pay the price.” I punched the nearest wall.

Adeline slept soon after having her dinner, she barely ate anything. After tucking her in her bed, I decided to read the file further that Tristan gave me. I have to bring him down as soon as possible. He preyed on my mother and now he’s after his own daughter who is my wife now. The whole night I couldn’t catch a blink of sleep. Her crying face kept dancing in my mind.

He would be a dead meet if he tries to pull another silly stunt to hurt Adeline mentally or emotionally. I must stop him and I know what exactly I should do.

I furiously dialled my trusted man’s number. Adeline took a promise from me that I’d not harm Lucas’ business. She wants her cousin to have it once her father pays for his crimes, it was already fixed that Lucas Greyson would rot in prison for the crimes he did in his past.

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