

The night was so long and it never wanted to end and i hated it so so much. I couldn't sleep well because of well the events that happened today and I glanced at the clock every minute. I pulled the blinds but I couldn't help but stare at the window. What if those wolves burst through the window and take me and kill me just like the way they killed my parents.

"Max?" I nearly fell off my bed

"Christ mum! You startled me" I looked at her with tired eyes.

"Sorry dear but I was just wondering why your lights were on"yeah I have my reasons

"Yeah I forgot I slept off " I smiled sheepishly

"Oh alright" she came to my bed and kissed me on my temple.

I never wanted to get to school not because I hated school which was one of my reasons but because of those boys. I didn't want to face them and I couldn't couldn't even face them. I know everything would be weird I'm just glad they didn't push it yesterday. Imagine them finding out that I'm also a wolf I'll be dead literally. I walked through the doors of the school waving and greeting everyone which I hated so much. Humans see it as courtesy but me, I fucking hate it. I walked into my classroom I didn't even bother going to my locker I didn't want to jam the guys by mistake yeah I'm desperately avoiding them like a plague. The classes passed in a blur and I was so glad. School wasn't really my thing I mean I don't even need it. Pft.

"Hey Max" Ashely called as she got to my locker.

"What's up girl" I smiled as I locked my locker and started walking to the cafeteria for lunch. We got our food and sat on our table Which was at the extreme end at the corner.

"Oh my this place is awesome " Caleb set down his lunch tray on my table beside me making me curse underneath my breathe. "Hm...the food tastes so good...common guys try it" the other guys sat opposite i and Ashley.

"Won't you introduce us to your friend huh Max?" Roberto smiled making my blood boil. Okay what exactly do they want with me.

"You can do that yourself can't you" i snapped i really hate this and it's making my food taste bad.

"Easy....he only asked a question" Ashley kicked my foot under the table as she looked at them "and you never mentioned you knew the new students i thought we where best friends" Ashely turned to me with a frown.

"Oh....she knows us alright ..." Damian the devil's minion said stabbing his food without looking up.

"What do you mean?" Ashley looked at me briefly before turning to the boys

"Nothing Damian talks to himself sometimes " i am trying hard not to crush his insides right now. He looked at me as if i was crazy but didn't say a word i think my glare worked. "You know what, Ash I'll catch you later okay?" I kissed her cheeks as i walked out of the lunch hall looks like my day just got pissed on by four hot boys. Trust me when i say it really hurts me to admit that they are actually hot.

Immediately the closing bell rang, i couldn't wait to leave so i gathered my things quickly ran to my locker, and walked out in the sweet sweet breeze. I took out my phone and earphones. Walking wit h loud music is actually the best feeling ever.... At least this will make me feel better and i really really need a long shower. I just hope my mum cooked before leaving if not I'll have to order pizza which isn't that bad but i prefer her cooking. The day she found me and brought me home, she prepared a lovely dinner of mashed potatoes fried rice and chicken it was amazing. I couldn't stop crying so i didn't really enjoy the dinner. I just wish her and dad weren't that busy. You know, always there but dad is always on business trips and she is always at the hospital and comes back late very late. My head bobbed to the song and i whispered some lyrics. Suddenly, i smelled a weird scent. It wasn't of vampire and it wasn't of pure werewolf.. Immediately i turned, i noticed a man with a long trench coat which had a hood . i gasp as i quickened my steps. Fuck! Fuck!.

I kept walking fast but the man seemed faster as we got to an ally, i was immediately off the ground as i slammed my head hard on the wall. I wanted to scream but before i opened my mouth, the man whose hands were around my neck spoke.

"Don't bother no one will hear you even though they do, no one can help you hybrid" the way he said the word hybrid was like acid on his tongue and his grip tightened.

"what do you want from me" i was loosing air but damn this man was strong i really don't want to use my powers.

" know what i want dear " he laughed and growled at the same time.

"I don't fucking know shit mister so i really think you should speak" i spit on his face and i guess it gets into his eyes.

"You little bitch" damn right i am. He brings me forward and slams me back into the wall and i swear i heard my spine crack. " you wanna be bitchy, I'll show you bitchy" he then punched my stomach hard. I coughed a little blood as i used my free leg to kick him on his tight couldn't get the crotch damn it. He released me and i fell with a loud thud on the floor. "C'mere you bitch" he growled and his eyes changed color to red.

"Shit" he's an alpha. I dodged his blow and kick him in the stomach. Well looks like training really paid off. He cursed as his hair began to show. Oh no no. Before i could run, he had me by the neck.

"Prepare to die little hybrid" and he began to strangle me. My wolf kept begging to be released but i didn't let her I'm pretty sure we aren't gonna die here. She kept struggling but i suppressed her but i wasn't strong enough to hide her scent. I screamed as something like a needle penetrated my neck what ever that is stung like hell. It was killing me i swear i felt my hair rising. Then suddenly, his grip loosened and i was on the floor. I tried moving but i couldn't move my whole body felt like i was being stung by a thousand bees.

"I think there's a needle sticking out of her neck" i heard a very familiar voice oh...fuck no no no. What where they doing here i couldn't open my eyes as i was loosing consciousness "we should take her......" Then silence.

†† ††

My eyes are heavy and my head is spinning. I try to move but it hurt like hell. I stretch my hands and feel the surface beneath me and damn it is a bed. Where the hell am i? the last time i checked, i was...oh no no i then try to open my eyes and looking at the ceiling it was really really high a sharp pain pierce through my head. I slowly sit up looking around. It's a room a large one at that and it is all white and really pretty. I then hear footsteps approaching and i quickly tuck myself in and act as though i am asleep. The door unlocks and the footsteps enter and halt.

"What should we do Damian" Roberto asked and i could hear Damian's deep growl .

"I don't know dammit" OK why are his undies in a twist.

" she's harmless" Caleb spoke and my heart softened. I'll get him something special when i get out of here.

"Wolves aren't harmless dummy" Lexus spoke and i swear he sounded pissed.

"But wolves want to kill her they will never kill their kind" Caleb argued

"Maybe she killed one of them or some shit" Roberto said. And i got pissed talking about me like I'm some whimp they don't know shit

"Or maybe you guys can ask me isn't that right?"i sat up looking at them i guess my eyes are changed because i can't feel my contacts and they all took a step back.

"Alright then wolf" Damian said making me growl

"I have a name retard" i swear I'm gonna.

"Sorry about him he really hates your kind" Caleb offered a smile. I want to be snappy but Caleb makes that very hard.

"Alright then but they are not my kind " i glared at Damian.

"Then..." Roberto stepped forward "why did your arm get hairy and we scent wolf all over you"

"Well... Because I'm half wolf half witch and they hate me because I'm a seed of betrayal"

"What do you mean betrayal" Lexus looked really interested.

"Well... I guess you all know witches hate wolves and vice versa" they all nodded including Damian sick bastard."well... My dad fell in love with a witch who happens to be my mum. My dad was an alpha and when he was attacked by some wolves who wanted him dead , my mum saved him. So... He fell for her everyone was against it even when he tried to explain how she saved him and his kind wanted to kill him but no.. No one listened so he took her and ran then they had me. And on the day before my tenth birthday, they where brutally murdered by wolves who heard about me. They said my parents where planning on using me as a weapon to end wolves but..." My eyes where already filled with tears. "But... I know they just wanted a normal life for me we where planning on moving to the city but then those bastards killed my parents so there I'm not their kind and they are sure as hell not my kind so don't you ever call me wolf " i looked straight at Damian "ever"

"Sorry about that Max really so now they want you dead?" Lexus eyes where filled with pity.

"Yeah and they never knew i was here until...."

"We came sorry..." Caleb's eyes looked sad

"No don't be the only wolves that want me dead are just the park that my dad came from the others believe it's a myth so... Why do they want you guys dead apart from the fact that you guys are vampires" Damian looked at me

"You don't wanna know" but i want to tho. I rolled my eyes as he eyed me suspiciously.

"fine.. I'll tell her" Caleb came and see beside my bed. "Damian may have killed the son of the Alpha " i don't know why but it made me smile i men Damian fighting he'll be so.... oh okay my wolf is infecting me right now.

"oh damn" i smiled at Caleb and he smiled too. Damian shifted uncomfortably making me laugh. "So why did you kill then son Damian"

"He was lurking in our lands and i was on look out that day and also his bitch of a father killed our whole family " his jaw tightened.

"Is that why you are on a run?"

"Yes that's why..they won't stop till they kill us" Lexus said

"And me now so where death buddies" i smiled sheepishly.

"What? Death buddies ? That's insane Max" Roberto smiled i swear that's the first time.

"So what do we do now?" I asked

"We just lay low they will definitely hunt us so we just kill anyone the attacks as far as we got each other's back" Caleb smiled i really hate this and when i say hate i means seriously hate the idea of us working together but at this point, i have no choice. They saved my life earlier.

"Right " i nodded along "but urm..What's the time ?"

"9 pm why? " Damian looked at me. 9 fucking pm? Shit shit. I threw the blinds off me as i searched for my things.

"Where are my things "

"Over there" i rushed to get them and retrieved my phone from my bag. Four missed call from dad and over thirty missed calls from mum. Oh my God I'm dead.

"So urm.. I need a ride " i stated "who's gonna take me home" they all turned and looked at Damian.

"What? Me? Why?" He looked confused.

"You better get your ass up and drive before i use my magic to fry it" i wasn't really joking tho.

"Fine chill... Let me get the keys" i ran out of the room after him as he led me out.

"Oh...shit this is yours?" I looked at the car in awe.

"Yeah now get in " his car was sick it's a new model Lamborghini and it was red and sexy oooh my Lawd it's so fine. But all the joy evaporated as he started driving.

"Jesus Damian you will get us killed" i held unto the dashboard with all my might.

"Stop being a baby "y wolf nearly died she whined passionately which drives me crazy all the time i swear i felt it. But the question is did he feel it? Well, there isn't time to think about this because my parents are about to kill me.

"Right here park here" he parked and i got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride and in case i die thanks for saving my life" i can swear he smiled.

"It was nothing " and he drove away no bye? My wolf has bad taste in men or is it demons? I walked slowly to our front porch and slowly opened the door which I'm starting to regret.

"So..Miss where are you coming from"

Well damn.

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