

I looked at my parents and I could hear my heartbeat In my ear.

"So...where are you coming from miss?" she looked pissed? worried?I can't tell. I shrugged slightly and looked at them both.

"I went to a friends place" i looked at my hands i really couldn't lie to these people but i really had to.

" Who Ashley?" My mum said with a frown which earned an eye roll from me. "you could have at least called "

"No mum I have other friends and I'm sorry I forgot to call"

"You do?" My dad chipped in looking surprised.

"Yes I do I went to study and I'm really tired now can I go upstairs now?” I forced a yawn.

" Sit Maxine" my mum's face was serious now. And I slowly walked towards the couch and sat. Her face grew worried as she stood beside dad. "I heard a terrifying news Maxine and we are worried about you"

"What do you mean ?" She sighed lowly.

"The Parkers who live very close to the forest passed on some news that they heard howling not once or twice but a lot and also not any type of howl you know what I'm talking about " she arched her brows. I nodded slightly. "Well...I hope your secret is still sealed because they saw werewolves too" she gave me a look.

"Yeah I swear " my head and heart hurt from the lies.

"Good" my dad spoke up this time. "We want what's best for you and we also want you to be safe Maxine we have tried really hard so please keep away from the woods and don't think we don't know about your trip to the woods the other day" so...they knew.

"Sorry mum I'll stop"

"Goodnight Maxine" they both kissed me and walked up the stairs leaving me there. The headache came back and I sat on the kitchen island what exactly have I done. What If my parents Aren't safe here?. And those boys what if they are trouble. Everything was going well till they came along. Sighing, I went to my room and prepared for bed.

The sky was dark everything around me was dark the only light was the reflection of the moon which was directly on the lake. I was hurt hurt bad which made it harder to run and every step was like another stab to my side. I held my side as I tried to walk faster. I could hear their heavy pawn on the ground and their sniffing they where looking for me. I was too weak to cast a camouflaging spell and I have lost to many blood.

"Hydridddd" the name made my blood boil no matter what they say I'm still a living being. They hissed the word hybrid as they ran to where I was. The steps where getting louder as I shuffled through the thick forest. My throat suddenly became dry and I took off towards the lake. Panting heavily, I knelt down ready to drink. My head was pulled back with force yanking my on my feet.

"Gotcha" I peered into the deep red eyes. Alpha. I tired to rip his hands off but it only made my wound worse. "You want a drink?" His voice was deep and made my ear sting "here drink" he dipped my whole head into the water making me struggle for breathe.

"Stop please" I cried and laughter erupted around the whole forest everything was laughing at me. Even the ground was shaking

"This is your patents blood drink dear" I screamed as I looked at the water which was suddenly blood thick black blood.

My eyes snapped open with my heart pounding hard against my chest. The Nightmares are back.

I stretched my hands and searched for my phone which was under my pillow but I guess it fell off. I finally found it and switched it on to check the time. 5:53. I rubbed my eyes and dreaded the fact that today was a school day. I really need rest for real. I walked my drawer and quickly downed the aspirin and walked to the kitchen for coffee.

"Morning mum" I chimed as she walked down. I guess I startled her because she brought her hands to her chest with her mouth hanging open.

"Christ Maxine you scared me shitless" I chuckled slightly.


"Yes please" she sat down as I got up and poured her a mug. "You OK?" She searched my face and I nodded

"Yes ma....I'm fine" she took a sip of her coffee and she watched me for a while but didn't say anything. We sat in silence as we both sipped our coffee.

"Maxine...." She said softly and I recognised that tone. She only used this when she was to enter a deep topic which I hated so much because it made me uncomfortable. "Your mum will be so proud of the girl you have become" I smiled and my eyes stung will she though? Wouldn't she want me to tell her best friend Lydia the truth?.

" thanks ma" she reached over and took my hands in hers

"Just be safe OK?"

"I will ma I will" she kissed me dropped her cup in the sink and walked upstairs I guess to prepare for work.

After clearing the kitchen, I went up and prepared for school. After what happened yesterday, I promised myself I would never walk to school again. So, I took my car.

Now, I know why I hate driving to school. Parking. Parking at my school was one of the hardest things because everyone loved to show off their expensive cars. It took me almost thirty minutes to find a parking spot. I walked into the building hoping that I won't see those boys. Especially since one of them made my wolf go crazy. It was really frustrating but since I'm a witch, I knew how to calm her down.

"Hey Max" Ashely walked up to me smiling wholeheartedly.

"Hey Ash how are you"

"Great great those hot boys are they sitting with us today?" My heart clenched hot boys eww.

"I,hope not " I grumbled as I walked towards our class with Ashley trying to catch up with me.

"You never told me how you met them" I looked at her like she was crazy and I guess my face said it all "what? I mean I didn't know you had friends apart from me " she smiled and hugged me from behind

"They are not my friends Ash" I rolled my eyes fighting a smile.

"Ouch Maxine ouch" I heard Roberto's voice as I froze not today Satan not today. I didn't look back and I kept on walking.

"A good morning would be nice" Damian said which made my heart beat faster.

"Morning " I more of grumbled I turned around to grab Ash but she was far behind talking to Lexus and Caleb. I sighed and kept walking. Thankfully Damian left me alone and concentrated on Roberto as I walked to class.

"Good morning everyone " Mrs. Gerald our English teacher said as she entered the class "please find your seats " everyone scattered trying to find their seats. I took out my notebook and pen waiting for the class to commence. Someone kicked my leg slightly without turning, I knew it was Ashley.

"What was that for" I turned to her.

" left me standing there clueless "

"I mean you where busy talking to Lexus and Caleb and I really needed to get to class" I tired to whisper but I guess I was quite loud because Mrs. Gerald gave me a look.

"Yeah you could've waited" Ash rolled her eyes" do you have a problem with them?" Where did she get that idea.

"No why?"

"You always leave when they come around and you give them one lined answers and they asked" she gave me a pointed look.

"Girls keep it down" our teacher eyed us and continued talking. They think I ave a problem, oh my they should know I have a problem I mean they are vampires for crying out loud and because of them my life is in danger I mean come on. I sighed and tired to concentrate for the next hour but it was impossible I couldn't get a particular boy off my mind.

"Sorry to interrupt Mrs Gerald " our principal walked in "we have a new student for your class"

Whispers erupted all around the room. There was excitement and curiosity plastered on everyone's faces. And Ashley kicked my seat again with a grin

"Do you think it's one of the boys?" Obviously

"I hope so" I smiled trying to his the counter thought. I hope not.

"Me too" she squealed and clapped excitedly. Which made my stomach sink.

The principal clapped trying to get our attention. "Please students give a warm welcome to your newest classmate Damian Jacobs" The whispers grew louder

"Damn Max it's the hottest of them all" Ashley chimed. Can my day get any better?.

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