



The battle raged on, with Aaron being taken captive by the Moon Pack warriors. He cast one final, longing look back at his beloved Sun Pack, his heart heavy with worry for their safety. The radiant warriors continued to fight valiantly, but the outcome of the battle remained uncertain.

Bridget, still confined within the palace, strained to hear the events that had unfold at the battle field. Her heart sank as she was turned that the battle had taken a dire turn, with Aaron now a prisoner of her father’s pack. Her determination to prevent this war and save innocent lives weighed heavily on her shoulders.

Bridget heard with a mix of relief and sadness as her father’s pack was forced to withdraw. Her heart ached for Aaron, now a captive, and for the wounded warriors on both sides. She knew that the path to peace would be long and challenging, but she remained committed to the cause, determined to heal the wounds and bridge the divide that had torn their packs apart.

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