
Chapter 0004

Anita returns home with her parents after they attend her convocation ceremony at school. Her mother is elated, while her father maintains his usual stoic expression as he drives them home.He admires her for not letting her beauty affect her success, but he's still puzzled by how she's the most attractive among her siblings.

Despite his wife's inability to bear a son, he remains unfazed. According to their customs, a married woman is allowed to inherit her father's property. He sighs while driving home, as the university is conveniently located nearby.

Upon returning home, Mr. Joshua enters their modest compound and parks. Their residence is a simple, single-story house with 4 bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and 5 bathrooms.

Mr. Joshua Baker is the current owner of the house, having acquired it directly from the landowners. Anita and her mother Mrs. Tonia Baker, exit the car, and her sisters Flora, Esther, Favour, Lisa, and Glory remained inside and did not come out to greet their parents.

Mrs. Tonia entered the living room, followed by Anita who was carrying two boxes. Meanwhile, her father stayed in the car, talking on the phone.

"Mom!" Esther and Favour quickly approach their mother, while Lisa and Glory follow shortly after. There are separate rooms that the girls share. Anita and Flora share one room, while Esther and Favour share another. Lisa and Glory share the last room, which is occasionally used as a guest room as well.

"Welcome back, Mom. What was the outcome of the event?" Favour consulted her mother, as an 18-year-old girl. "Perhaps you could consult your older sibling for more information?" Mrs. Tonia mentioned that Anita won two awards - one for being the best overall graduating student and another for being the best in her department. Favour didn't seem too happy about it. "Who cares, Mom!" she retorts.

"Please be quiet, Favour." Anita is your older sister and it's important to show her respect. Mrs. Tonia cautioned Favour, to which Esther retorted, "We're not concerned, Mom!"

"Esther!" Mrs. Tonia cautioned Esther, who stood by the middle door entrance, holding the curtain, while Esther responded with an eye roll.

"It's acceptable, Mother." Anita approached her mother and gently tapped her shoulder. However, Mrs. Tonia blamed their father for the situation. 

Mrs. Tonia was on the verge of tears. "What was the cause?!" Mr. Joshua inquired as he entered the living room, while Mrs. Tonia hastily wiped away her tears.

"I was just discussing something trivial," Mrs. Tonia swiftly entered the kitchen as Mr. Joshua's gaze narrowed at Anita, who gave him a faint smile. Anita is not an albino, but her beauty is captivating. Her dimple and chubby cheeks give her an angelic appearance.

"Please bring these bags inside. Where are your sisters?" Flora, Favour! Mr. Joshua addresses them, and they reply."Yes, father! Good evening, Father. Welcome back."

Flora approaches Anita, who is struggling with her boxes, and warmly embraces their father. "Help your sister and bring the luggage inside," Mr. Joshua told Flora affectionately, before giving her a hug. She clenched her lower lip in frustration and reluctantly helped Anita carry her second box to their shared room.

Anita remains silent as Flora carries her box to the room. As Flora departs, Anita expresses her gratitude, but Flora remains silent as she exits the room and returns to the living room. Her father is seated on the couch, removing his shoes.

"How is your day, Flora?" Mr. Joshua inquires, and at that moment, his remaining daughters emerge. "Dad, do you still plan on taking me to that private university?" Esther inquires.

"I recall, however, you have yet to pass your JAMB exams, despite attempting it four times alongside your younger sister Favour." Can't you both learn from your older sister Anita?

"No, father!" Esther and Favour's unexpected responses leave their father speechless.

"What has happened to you ladies?" If you don't pass your JAMB exams this year, you should consider pursuing a trade or learning a handiwork instead. I can't afford to spend my hard-earned money on sponsoring both of you through a private university if you don't even qualify for a government university. Please depart from my presence, young ones. I believe your lack of enthusiasm may have been passed down from your mother. Can you please consider learning from your older sister this time? Despite her beauty, she consistently achieves excellent grades."

"Father!" Flora, Esther, Favour, and Lisa express their disappointment.

"Please refrain from speaking and avoid interrupting me. I have fulfilled my role as a responsible father to all of you, but I am disappointed by your lack of reciprocation as daughters. Experience the consequences of failing your exams once more this year and witness a different side of me!" Mr. Joshua cautioned, rising from the couch. At that moment, his wife emerged from the kitchen and glanced at him and their five daughters in the living room, while Anita remained in her room.

"Pardon me!" Mr. Joshua walks past his daughters and enters the room he shares with his wife, fully aware that he is solely responsible. He has displayed favoritism towards his other daughters over their eldest sister, Anita, causing her to feel excluded. Now, he is experiencing remorse for his actions. He is currently dealing with challenges at work due to a discrepancy in his financial records. If the error is not resolved, he may lose his job as a banker in a government-owned bank.

His expression tightens as his wife enters the room a few minutes later.

"Are you being overly critical of our daughters today?" Mrs. Tonia asked a question, but Mr. Joshua simply glanced at her and looked away. He removes his necktie, long-sleeve shirt, and strips.

"I'm making dinner, it's getting late," Mrs. Tonia tells him, but he doesn't respond as he also loses his trouser belt.

"Honey, why aren't you responding?" Mrs. Tonia finally inquires, and he responds, "What do you expect me to say?" Can't you see that I'm occupied?" He walks past her and enters the bathroom to bathe, while Mrs. Tonia sighs and shakes her head sadly. She has noticed a change in his behavior lately, especially when Anita won the award for best graduating student. He enthusiastically leapt up and exclaimed "Yes!" amidst the crowd of parents and relatives, all gathered to witness the award ceremony for the top graduate. Upon seeing Anita approaching, his smiles and happiness quickly faded. Anita, perceiving his lack of a smile, assumed he disliked her and was not proud of her achievement.

Mrs. Tonia reminisces, recalling her husband's reaction to their daughter's victories. Despite the modest rewards from the school, including cash and medals, Mrs. Tonia firmly believes that her daughter's certificate will open doors to lucrative job opportunities in their country.

Mrs. Tonia sighed once more before leaving the room she shares with her husband. She could hear the sound of water splashing in the bathroom as he took his bath. She enters the kitchen to find the okro soup already heated. She proceeds to serve it into soup plates. At that moment, Glory enters the kitchen to help and bring it to the dining room next to their living room.

Glory, a 14-year-old girl, is currently in JSS3.

"Mom, I aspire to pursue a career in business administration, inspired by my older sister," Gory says, balancing a tray of soups in her arms and looking up at their mom.

"There is no issue with that. It is important to prioritize your studies." Mrs. Tonia offers a reassuring smile as she takes on the role to provide guidance.

"Mom, will sis get married soon?" "Chika informed me that her older sister won't be coming back home because she is pregnant and expecting a child with her fiancé," Glory inquired.

"No. It is likely that Anita will prioritize finding a job before settling down." Mrs. Tonia responds, emphasizing the importance of your sister's ambition to be self-reliant and independent.

"So, Mom, you rely on Dad for financial support as well?" Glory posed a question, catching her mother off guard.

"No. That concludes our discussion. Ensure the prompt delivery of the soups to prevent them from cooling down. Oh! Anita has arrived to help us," Mrs. Tonia remarks with a slight smile, and Glory looks towards Anita by the kitchen door.

Anita couldn't help but smile as she overheard their conversation. "What is the reason for your presence and intense observation?" 

"Please join us in helping with the dinner. I anticipate your father's imminent release in the dining," Mrs. Tonia remarks. 

Anita's expression turned somber upon hearing her father's name, as she harbors negative feelings towards him as well.

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