
Chapter 2_ New CEO

At BENSON GROUP, Mr. Taiye Jackson commands the attention of the conference hall as he leads a meeting with the various boards of members from his other companies, all of which bear his name.

With a gentle voice, he leans in close to his personal assistant and instructs them to introduce the new leader to the group.

They anxiously gather in the meeting hall, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the newly appointed CEO. 

Despite his name being announced, none of the workers have caught a glimpse of him just yet. Mr. Taiye Jackson served as the CEO, following in the footsteps of his late father, Mr. Benjamin Jackson, who founded the Benson Group of Companies, also known as the "Benjamin and Sons Group of Companies."

Anticipation fills the air as everyone eagerly awaits the unveiling of Mr. Taiye's only son, Liam Jackson, and his approach to managing the company.

There are whispers about his demeanor - distant, lacking in filial piety - and the employees anticipate that his return as the new CEO will bring with it arrogance, cruelty, and a lack of gratitude. 

However, it cannot be denied that he is diligent, tirelessly managing his private ventures in the United States. His father recently revealed his retirement plans, urging him to come back and oversee the multimillion-dollar enterprises in their home country.

Liam initially declined, expressing his reluctance to go back to his homeland, Nigeria. He doesn't appear to find anything captivating there, apart from his mother, who is a devout Christian woman. She always dresses modestly and faithfully attends church to pray for her husband and child, as he is her only offspring.

It became clear to him that his mother had faced numerous challenges in her early years of marriage with his father. His late grandfather, Mr. Benjamin Jackson, strongly opposed the union between his son, Mr. Taiye, and Mrs. Juliet. 

Despite the attention Mr. Taiye received from other women and the hurtful comments about his wife's fertility, he remained faithful and chose to marry only Mrs. Juliet, demonstrating his genuine love for her. 

He remained loyal to his wife, Mrs. Juliet Jackson, despite his family's objections and their belief that she couldn't conceive another child after 10 years of trying. 

His wife experienced numerous losses, and Liam understood that his mothers anxiety about his father's potential departure and remarriage played a role. 

She tragically lost all the babies she had carried in her womb, except for him. At the ripe age of 30, he finds himself in the company of his 60-year-old mother and 68-year-old father.

Liam still loves his parents, despite his father deceiving him by falsely claiming to be ill. He went to great lengths, orchestrating a clever ruse involving a phony doctor who contacted him with news of his father's declining health, urging him to come back from the States. 

Upon his return to his homeland, he was filled with frustration as he observed his father's robust health, his active movements, and his participation in business class meetings. He's furious that his father had deceived him into coming back and denied him the opportunity to return to the United States.

Currently, within the headquarters of the Benson group of companies, they house various divisions including oil manufacturing, gas implant, steel production, and other essential amenities. Their company has gained global recognition for its operations. 

Liam is in a private room on the second floor, meticulously adjusting his necktie. He's dressed in a crisp white shirt, black trousers, and his suit is neatly laid out on the table. His father had mentioned the possibility of introducing him to the various boards of members and partners involved in their business ventures.

Exhaling with a sigh, Liam reluctantly grabs his suit to put on. At that moment, his newly-assigned assistant, Brown Anderson, who has been by his side since his very first day at the company, taps on the door to his private room. "Enter," he says in response.

"Boss, it's time to start the introduction," Brown informs him. He nods and adjusts his black suit with precision. As he emerges, his father's spokesperson declares to the esteemed individuals gathered in the grand meeting hall, "Please welcome Master Liam Jackson, the newly appointed CEO of Benson Group of Companies Limited."

The room erupts in applause as he strides to the front and ascends the podium. His father, seated in the front row, watches proudly as his assistant, Mr. Silas Greystone, passes him the microphone to address their staff.

"Thank you everyone for accepting our invitation and being present to witness my appointment as the new CEO of BENSON GROUP. Well, I believe it's important for us to uphold our values and put in the necessary effort to further develop our company into a more reputable and trustworthy brand. 

Thank you everyone for being a part of my exciting new adventure. Thank you," After passing the microphone back to Mr. Silas, Laim gracefully descended from the podium. The applause grew louder as he made his way to his seat, with a few prominent figures rising to greet him with handshakes as he approached.

Liam politely greets them with a handshake before taking his seat. They also settle back into their seats, while his father, Mr. Taiye Jackson, offers a subtle smile and rises to deliver his own speech. Silas will then conclude with the final closing remarks.

"Thank you everyone for accepting my invitation and joining us today to celebrate this exciting new chapter with our newly appointed CEO, my son Liam Jackson. I want to express my gratitude to all the dedicated individuals who have contributed their efforts towards enhancing our company's reputation and fostering a culture of transparency. 

It is through their hard work that we have established ourselves as one of the leading production companies in Nigeria. I kindly request that everyone, regardless of their tenure or retirement status, show respect and collaborate harmoniously with our recently appointed CEO.

 It is evident that he has returned from the States to join us with the goal of expanding our company's global presence. Let us all support and adhere to the decisions he makes for our collective growth. Thank you all once again, Silas. I'll leave it to you to conclude today's meeting."

After Mr. Taiye finished speaking, he passed the microphone back to Silas, who proceeded to share some fresh updates regarding the products and their prices. Following that, he concluded the meeting with his final remarks as the attendees and staff rose from their seats and departed the meeting hall, marking the end of their encounter with the new CEO.

Liam stayed in the meeting hall with his father once the crowd had thinned out. He rose from his seat and approached his father, who was engaged in conversation with his friend, Mr. John Patrick, one of their managing accountants.

Liam approaches his father, seeking a moment of his time. He wishes to conclude his discussion with his friend, Mr. John Patrick, who holds a position of responsibility as one of their trusted managing accountants, overseeing the company's finances.

"Alright, I'll be with you in a moment," Mr Taiye replied, as Mr John finally shifted his attention towards Liam. "Oh Master Liam, congratulations on your recent promotion," Mr. John smiled warmly at Liam.

"Thank you, sir." "It's a pleasure to meet you all and be a part of this team," Liam responds.

"You can always rely on us, Liam. I am delighted to witness you stepping into your father's role, as he is not only my boss but also a dear friend. I have faith in your ability to guide us towards a future of greater prosperity, surpassing the achievements of your father and grandfather."

"Thank you, sir," Liam smiles faintly, appreciating the kind words from his friends, colleagues, and even elders. Their encouragement serves as a strong motivation for him to continue working diligently.

"You're welcome, Liam. Goodbye, Mr. Taiye." Mr. John expresses his regret to Mr. Taiye about missing his daughter's school convocation, despite receiving a call from her to attend with her mother at the university.

"I simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to witness your son's grand introduction as the new CEO. I took the liberty of requesting her mother and elder brother to attend her convocation in my place. Needless to say, she may not be too pleased with me for that."

"Oh, my sincerest apologies, Mr. John. I hope she comprehends," Mr. Taiye apologizes.

"Yes boss, she will," Mr. John nodded with a faint smile on his face, eager to depart. 

"What if I make amends for that and introduce her to my son, potentially expanding our family bond to marriage?" "I'm sure she will be pleased with that," Mr Taiye suggested.

 Liam's face twisted into a frown as he stood in place. He stood patiently next to his father, eagerly awaiting the end of his conversation with his friend, Mr. John.

"Oh, thank you Boss, but I highly doubt she'll agree," Mr. John promptly declines, fully aware of his daughter's stubborn nature and his desire to avoid any conflicts between himself and his boss.

"Why is she refusing to accept? Liam is quite the charmer, attracting the attention of many admirers. What was her area of focus in university again?" Mr. Taiye inquires, and Liam's expression grows more serious as he gazes from his father to Mr. John. 

Liam has no interest in women, and he is not pleased with his father's attempts to arrange a meeting with a lady he has never met and doubts he will have any connection with, solely because of their fathers' friendship.

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