
An awkward ride

One awkward car ride later and we arrive at a very tall skyscraper. Before I can open my door, the driver has made his way over and opened it for me. The kind man extends his hand to assist me out of the vehicle and I take it. Austin steps out after me and begins to walk into the building, his confidence evident in his swagger. As we head into the building I am astonished by all the stares, surely there are other things more interesting than Austin Aves stepping out of a vehicle with a woman. As a camera clicks, my face blushes.

“Why are they all staring?” I ask him quietly.

“I am guessing it is because it is not often I am seen with a woman on my arm, so much so that there were rumours that I wasn’t exactly straight.”

“Well, are you? Straight I mean.”

“What do you think?” he says, turning towards me and raising an eyebrow.

Before I can answer, the ding of the elevator arriving sounds. With a hand on my lower back Austin ushers me in. Due to the fact we are not alone in the elevator I decided not to answer his question. I watch as he pushes the button for the top most floor and steps back. I move foot to foot in an almost nervous little dance as we climb higher and higher within the building.

As the elevator empties floor by floor, my anxiety rises. What is going to happen once we get there? Is he expecting sex straight away or? I know he said that he has an appointment but it my, albeit limited experience, it does not take that long to ‘do the deed’.

The elevator is finally empty apart from the two of us before he speaks again. “Now you will find everything you need in the apartment. Toiletries, a phone, clothes and the like. If there is something that you need, feel free to contact my assistant Erin, her number is programmed into the phone I have left for you, as is my own, but I don’t expect you to use that number often. If I need you I will contact you myself.”

“I have my own phone, can’t we just add your number into that?” I reply.

“Because I would rather that you use the one that I provide. I meant it when I said all your needs would be taken care of, now are we going to have an argument about this? We both know that it will end in you being punished.”

I sigh, as he continues to say “In fact I would prefer it if after you have changed over any pertinent contacts that you give my assistant your phone for the duration of our contract.”

“That’s crazy! I mean why would you even want that?”

“It's what I want so it is what will happen. Or would you rather I end this contract now?”

“Fine, but I will only give it to you after transferring photos and contacts. There are some photos on there that I cannot bear to part with.”

The doors open before he can say anything else. Standing in the small entranceway is a vibrant and bubbly redhead.

“Victoria, let me introduce you to my executive assistant Erin. Erin, this is Victoria. I fully expect you to help her get settled.” He says, gesturing to the woman. 

Looking at her, I cannot help but feel jealous. Where I am short, she has long legs. Her unblemished skin makes me almost beg her to tell me her skin care routine, and on top of all of this, she is impeccably dressed in what can only be the latest threads from the top designers.

She nods in response and I swear there is not a hair out of place as she does so.

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