
*** Semi Explicit *** Dinner with Austin

As I enter the dining room, I see Austin sitting at the table reading over some papers. Taking in the view of him dressed immaculately in a white button down shirt and black slacks I sigh a little. There could be worse things than being this man's mistress I think. 

As I enter, my heels clacking on the floor, he raises his head and looks me up and down. He gives a slight nod of approval before indicating for me to take a seat. I open my mouth to greet him but before I can speak a word he holds up one finger, indicating for me to wait. Biting my tongue I do as he asks. He continues to read before setting the papers to the side.

“Victoria, nice to see you. How have you been settling in? I trust everything is going well?”

“Everything is perfect” I say. “Connie has made settling in much easier than being stuck here on my own.”

“Connie is wonderful. I’m glad she is making you more comfortable here.” He says, a smile warming his face. It is obvious to see that he genuinely cares for the woman. “I am also glad to see you can follow instructions.” The suggestive tone of his voice makes it clear that he hopes that will extend to the bedroom.

Before anything further can be said, Connie walks into the room carrying two plates of steaming roast lamb, the scent of which makes my mouth instantly water.

“Thank you Connie, that will be all this evening.”

“You are welcome, you two have a good evening” she says with a knowing look. “Also before I forget there is dessert in the oven. Night.”

I wave goodnight to her and start to dig into the amazing meal she has prepared for us. We eat in companionable silence for a while and before long we have finished our meal.

I get up to clear our plates when Austin stops me.

“Leave it” he orders. 

Stopping what I am doing, I do what he asks.

“Now sit on the other end of the table and spread your legs. I want to check that you really did what I asked.”

I walk to the end of the table and hop up. Self consciousness overcomes me and I find it difficult to spread my legs like he had asked.

“I said to spread your legs. Do you want to be punished?” he stalks towards me.

Taking a deep breath, I very slowly do what he asks and spread my legs, my face growing redder and redder the further apart my knees get.

“Good girl.” He says as he gently strokes my arm, up and down, sending tingles all over my body. “Now open your eyes and keep them open.”

Snapping my eyes open, I think I hadn’t even realised I had closed them!.

He walks around to stand in front of me. He begins to slowly spread my legs even further apart before standing between them. Before I can say anything his hands start to slide up my thighs, past where I am comfortable with a semi stranger going. I attempt to use my hands to stop him when he says “Place your hands on the table and leave them there.”

My breath quickens as I do what he says, his hands rising ever higher. In just a few moments he has reached his destination. He makes an agreeable sound at discovering that I did indeed follow his directions.

“I think you deserve to be rewarded” he says before sliding a finger between my now slick folds.To my shock I can feel myself grow wetter. I’ve never been so turned on I think remembering all my not so wonderful previous encounters.

As if by a heat seeking missile he finds my most sensitive spot and begins to gently rub. Closing my eyes as pleasure courses through my body, I am rudely jolted back to reality when Austin not so gently pinches me.

“Ow! What was that for?” I say slightly peeved by the fact he has stopped.

“I told you to keep your eyes open.”

“But… Ow!” He pinches me again this time following through with a gentle caress over the spot he had pinched. Suddenly he moves away from me and stalks from the room, leaving me exposed and turned on.

“What the hell?” I yell out, but there is no answer except for the sound of a door opening down the hall.

A short time passes before Austin bursts back into the room. He notes that I haven’t moved from where he had left me, the shock of his departure still evident on my face. Moving closer to the table on which I am perched, he quickly tosses a foil packet down beside me before beginning to unbutton his shirt. As each inch of perfect skin is revealed I cannot help but stare.

He glances up and catches me staring and smirks. “You might want to wipe your mouth.” he says.

“What?” I say, utterly confused.

“You have a little bit of drool.” he says, laughing a little.

Blushing I wipe my arm across my mouth, only to find nothing there.

“There was nothing there” he chuckles, and then turns serious. “And I thought I told you to leave your hands on the table. Since you haven’t listened, hop down, turn around and lift your dress. Place your hands on the table and if they leave it I will double your punishment, and make it quick.”

I hurry to do as he says, feeling very self conscious as I lift my dress and place my hands on the table in front of me. Not hearing him move I cannot help but jump as the palm of his hand makes contact with my ass. Without a pause, it happens again. It happens one more time before he stops and asks “Are you going to listen to me now?”

I nod in agreement before another slap hits my rear.

“Answer me out loud.”

“Yes, yes I’m going to listen to you now.”

“Good.” he says before I hear the sound of a zipper and the rip of a foil package.

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