
chapter 12

For the next couple of weeks I stayed busy the project that I was working on was a success like always I'm starting to feel better now that everything is over out the way I can now breathe again. I start doing things that I used to do that used to make me happy I started working out more start dressing sexy but tasteful at the same time. I start going out with my friends to parties that wasn't too outrageous. I start living life again I started feeling like myself returning slowly.

During this time Allen did text me everyday just to make sure I was okay he always said something like hello beautiful how was your day today hope all is well. we always talk about our days our life our jobs what we do day to day. he always makes me smile and laugh out loud when he contact me just to check on me.

Allen has helped me reflect on myself on who I used to be the last couple of weeks and I'm happy to say that I love the person I used to be. now everyday I start doing something for myself I buy me something nice to wear getting my hair done pampering myself loving fining myself again and love myself. and some people say sometimes self-love is the best love so I'm glad to be doing that for myself again it feels good to be me and be free.

No I don't have to hold myself back bottle up my feelings my emotions my lust and pleasure I can let it all out and enjoy myself for once in my life. and when I'm saying pleasure I'm not talking about sex as of yet pleasure in just loving myself again.

I even went out of town on vacation I have not done that in years due to me working constantly over the years so now it was time for a break be a little adventurous and boy was I enjoying the ride a fun and happiness and joy I am blessed to be stressed. laughing out loud I can say that now especially since I'm not bore at all just pure fun awaits.

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