
Chapter 12

Lucy's POV

In the softly lit room's hush, Katherine's words broke the silence, gently revealing the details of who I was. With each word, the room filled with the gravity of revelations, hinting at changes in how I saw myself and understood my life. The calmness of the room allowed her voice to weave a narrative that unfolded slowly, like the petals of a flower opening to the sunlight.

In a quiet moment, Katherine, her voice adopted a gentle cadence tinged with a touch of apprehension, initiated a conversation with me.

"Lucy, it's time you learn the truth about your family and where you come from," She expressed, her gaze fixed on me.

My eyes widened with curiosity as I took a deep breath in, more than ready to know the whole truth about myself. In that moment, a sense of expectation hung in the air and I could feel the anticipation building within me as I prepared to hear a story that held the potential to transform the core of who I thought I was.

"Mason," the name slipped from Katherine's lips.

With her utterance, diverse thoughts raged within my mind. I adjusted myself from where I sat, my heart pounding, waiting expectantly to hear the remainder of her words behind the name.

"Mason." Katherine uttered again, her tone breaking in-between. She looked really scared and unsure. Her eyes kept moving around, avoiding looking at me directly, and her lips trembled as if she wanted to say something but couldn't. 

I could feel the heaviness of her fear in the room, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. It was obvious that talking was hard for her, and every time she glanced around, I could sense the struggle within her. I could tell she silently wished for me to understand the fear that was difficult for her to put into words.

Not until I drew nearer and held her firmly around her shoulder, she was unable to stare at me in the face. She took a deep breath in and eventually spoke up.

"Mason, Ma… Ma… Mason is not your Father," 

Her words sounded like a bomb in a shell. I suddenly changed, and my voice, which was usually calm, started to stutter. The heavy truth seemed to make me uncomfortable. No, I was uncomfortable and it was evident in the way I spoke. My usual calm and collected manner wavered as I tried to come to terms with the significant impact of the newfound revelation.

With just her words, everything about the man I thought of as a father transformed into something different. He became more of a guardian, a protector, rather than the fatherly figure I had always seen him as. The impact of this revelation echoed in my thoughts, reverberating through the depths of my mind and shaping the way I perceived things.

I knew there were other shocking truths about to be revealed by her. I had to hold my peace but yet, I could not resist the tears dropping from my eyes as I held a fistful of my tattered gown, firmly. 

"I'm listening," I said to her with a stammering tone. She held back a little bit as I could sense the crack in her tone. She took a brief look at me before looking straight to the ground.

Katherine began to unfurl the saga of my lineage. She spoke of my parents. My Father was an Alpha and my mother the Luna of the Cyclone pack and I'm their only daughter. 

Their unwavering strength and wisdom had guided our pack through the ebb and flow of time. With the help of Mason, who was the right hand Man of my Father, he helped protect the pack against intruders.

But then again, my mother, a seer and a wolf of unparalleled prowess, who stood at the heart of the tale. Her abilities, a potent blend of foresight and instinct, made her a beacon coveted by rogues who sought to harness her power for their own nefarious ends.

In the heart of the forest that surrounded the pack, my mother could see things that others couldn't, like the future and dangers that were coming. When a big threat approached the pack, she became very important. She would warn my Father about the danger using the visions she had.

Sometimes, she would stay near the pack, watching out for any danger. She would quietly give advice to My Father helping the pack to avoid bad situations. Her special ability made her like a guardian for the pack, always on the lookout for trouble and keeping everyone safe.

But when my Mother was pregnant with me, something happened and that led to the loss of my parents. As her belly swelled with the promise of new life, her visions began to wane. The life growing within her seemed to harness her powers, muffling the whispers of the future that once flowed freely through her mind. 

"Thinking about that hurt, I never meant to do that… I felt like it was all my fault," 

I was the seed that tampered with her powers. I can't get it off my mind, how she felt towards me.

Since Katherine was the closest handmaiden of my Mother, she was watched as my Father watched with concern as his beloved struggled with her gift. He knew that her visions were their pack's shield against danger, and without them, they were vulnerable.

As the moon waxed and waned, my Mother's belly grew rounder, and her visions grew fainter. The pack sensed the shift in the air, a palpable tension that hung over them like a storm cloud. Without my Mother's guidance, they felt exposed, unsure of what dangers lurked beyond the safety of their den.

One fateful night, the night my Mother gave birth to me and as the pack slept beneath the watchful gaze of the stars, a threat descended upon them like a shadow. Wolves, driven by hunger and desperation, encroached upon their territory, their eyes glinting with malice. My Mother stirred from her slumber, her senses tingling with a sense of foreboding.

With a heavy heart, she realized that her visions had failed her when they were needed most. The life within her she had just conceived, had sapped her powers, leaving her unable to protect her pack from the impending danger. As the wolves closed in, my Mother instincts kicked into overdrive, her maternal instincts driving her to protect her unborn pup at all costs.

With Katherine's words, I was made to believe that she loved me. Yes, I felt guilty, anyone could have after knowing I'm the cause of it all… if not for me, maybe my parents would still be alive.

Katherine held me by my shoulder when I could no longer hold my tears. She asked me to look into her eyes and she continued with the story.

In the aftermath of the war that engulfed the Cyclone pack, my cry as a baby cut through the chaos. My parents gazed at me with a mixture of love and sorrow. The battlefield, strewn with remnants of the conflict, echoed the price they paid to protect their pack.

"She has my powers but she is too young to wield it… it will consume her," My Mother whispered.

Katherine watched as she pressed her palm against my forehead with her eyes closed. She whispered a few words that no one understood and in no time, opened her eyes. 

She turned to Katherine and said to her. "She can't know who she is until she is of age… Her powers will try to force their way out… that'll be the best time to tell her the truth,"

Katherine nodded as she didn't understand at that moment what she meant by her words.

Faced with the uncertainties of the ongoing struggle, a difficult decision loomed. In an act of immense sacrifice, my parents turned to Mason and entrusted me to the care of Mason, the loyal beta. His solemn eyes held the weight of the responsibility bestowed upon him. The air buzzed with tension as my tiny form was passed into his protective arms, shielded from the turbulent aftermath of war.

Mason, a steadfast guardian, cradled me with unwavering devotion. Katherine was allowed to follow Mason and see to my safety. The howls of distant wolves and the echoes of a fading war became the backdrop to my newfound existence. In that moment, the war-worn landscape bore witness to an act of parental love transcending the boundaries of conflict.

As Mason carried me away from the battleground, his steps resonated with purpose. The burden of protecting the Alpha's legacy rested on his capable shoulders. Behind us, the Cyclone pack began the process of healing, but the scars of war lingered, etched into the collective memory of our pack. And so, my journey unfolded under the watchful eye of Mason, the silent guardian entrusted with safeguarding the fragile threads of a post-war legacy.

But then, during my escape, Katherine claimed to have seen Alpha Eric, Leo's Father, riding in the pack with his guards. Meaning, he could have been the one who started the war. 

I don't know why but that's a question I'm willing to find an answer to.

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