
Chapter Twenty-Eight


“I don’t have to go,” Jackson told the beautiful woman laying in bed.

Emma rolled over and hugged the bowl closer to her chest.

“And what are you going to do if you stay here? Sit and watch me throw up?” she asked, motioning to the bowl.

Morning sickness had hit her hard. He’d been surprised to learn that it really should be called All Day sickness as it didn’t occur just in the morning. It actually seemed to be worse for Emma right before bed.

“I don’t like leaving you,” he said, softly. He sat on the edge of the bed and caressed her hair. She hummed slightly, leaning into him.

“I’ll be fine,” she promised. “Honestly, I just want to lay in bed, drink the ginger tea you got me, and watch horrible, trashy TV. There’s a new episode.”

Jackson rolled his eyes and then narrowed them. “You aren’t hyping the morning sickness so you can stay home and watch the new episode are you?”

“Me?” Emma’s eyes got big and innocent as she held up a hand to her chest. “I would never.”

“You so woul
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