
Chapter 3


 It was a Saturday night and I was sitting at the club with my friends, drinking and watching a strip dance, when my phone decided to ring. I looked at the caller I.D and let out a gasp when I saw it was my dad and he never calls me unless it's really urgent, so I answered.

  “Come over to the mansion straight away, don't waste any time we need to talk right now.” My dad said, ordering me in his stern tone.

  “Well, hello to you too, dad. By the way I’m fine thanks for asking. I can't come right now because I’m kinda really busy at the moment.” I replied, using my best sarcastic tone with him.

  “I know just how busy you are, I am sure you are busy fucking some whore or something. I don't want to listen to any excuses, so you better come home. Your mother and I need to talk to you.” My dad said, raising his voice to me.

  “Well, technically I was watching a strip dance and I wasnt fucking at the moment, but I was about to. I’ll be there.” I replied and angrily hung up the phone on my dad. I bid my friends goodbye and left the club, going straight to my baby, my car, my Aston Martin and one of the perks of being a billionaire. I slid inside my car and settled down on the driver's seat before starting the engine and letting it roar to life. I drove to my parents house as fast as I could, wanting to get this over and done with. I pulled up at the main iron gate of the Sinclair mansion and pressed the intercom button, waiting for someone to answer.

  “Who is it?” An annoying voice asked.

  “The one and only. The great Ian, you douchebag. Now open the damn gate already.” I rudely replied, ordering him. The front gate opened and I parked my car. After stepping out of my car I went inside the mansion and got greeted by my parents. My mother came running and pulled me in for a tight hug and kissed my cheeks, while dad just nodded at me curtly with a disgusting expression on his face. Dad doesn't like my lifestyle and I don't fucking care.

  "My sweet baby I missed you so much." My mom said, pinching my cheek.

  "I am not a baby, mom." I tell her and walked towards the bar to get myself a glass of bourbon.

  "Shut up! No matter how big you get, you will always be my little baby boy." My mom said, taking a seat beside me on the barstool.

  "So what do you guys wanna talk about?" I asked and started the conversation.

  "We want you to get married and settle down. We are getting older day by day and want grandchildren to play with." My mom said, placing her hand on mine as I rested it on the bar counter.

  "Well, NEWS FLASH. I'm never going to marry anyone, like I told you guys before so don't start that conversation again and torture me with it." I snapped not caring about my tone.

  "You will marry the girl we have chosen for you. If you don't then forget about the companies, I'm going to hand over the companies to your cousin instead of you and stop providing you with your monthly allowance." My dad said, threatening me.


  "WELL TRY ME!" My dad yelled back.

  "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!" My mom yelled at both of us, making us silent.

  "Listen, son, you have got to move on, marry and settle down with someone. Not every girl is like that bitch Fiona. She was just after you for money. She never loved you, why don't you understand that? Once she found a wealthier man than you she left you and ran with him, shattering your heart. Why can't you see that?" My mom calmly said.

  "But, I loved her mom. Like really, really loved her." I sadly tell her, while looking down at my glass of drink.

  "I know son. I know." My mom said, giving me a comforting hug because she knows how sensitive this topic is for me. Whenever this topic is brought up I lose it.

  "Well, son so what did you decide?" My dad asked.

  "Who's the girl or should I say a gold digger you have chosen for me?" I asked rudely, while rolling my eyes.

  "She is a really pretty girl. Her name is Ariel Black and she is not a gold digger. She is an independent woman who earns money herself and doesn't depend on anyone." My dad said, smiling.

  "Like THE Ariel Black?" I asked, shocked, my eyes round like saucers.

  "Yup! the one and only." My mom and dad said, simultaneously. After hearing the name I remembered the girl from my childhood. She was so sweet, kind, selfless and always loved to take care of everyone, that's why I call her Angel, but she was nerdy at that time. I still remember that day when she confessed her feelings to me, telling me that she loves me and in return, I told her that I only love her as my sister and as a friend because the way I feel about her was just platonic. I still remember her captivating blue eyes, they were so blue like a pure ocean. A few days after she confessed her feelings to me I moved out of the city with my parents and went to Harvard for further studies and got a degree in business. Where my high school girlfriend Fiona followed me and because we both were so in love. She had blonde hair, green eyes and an hourglass figure. We dated for a few years and after getting my degree I proposed to her.

 We got engaged and just a week before the wedding I went to her home to surprise her without informing her that I will be coming and to my surprise, I found her naked on the bed fucking a guy. I became furious and beat the shit out of the naked man she was fucking and broke up with her and in response, she told me that she is the one breaking up with me and threw me out of the house and ran away with the man. Since that day I became a playboy and decided not to get married or have children, ever. All of my dreams shattered because of Fiona, but to be honest I still love her and that is why I'm unable to move on in my life. How can I still love a woman who cheated on me and never loved me in return?

  "No,dad I won't. I consider her as my sister only and I can't marry her. I made it clear to her years ago on her graduation night when she told me that she loves me. After that I never contacted her for 8 years and I'm sure she hates me now. I'll be the last person she will wanna see and least wanna get married to." I tell them both.

  "That was in the past. Now, convince her to marry you or lose the companies and the fortune." My dad threatened and left the living room.

  "Think about it, son. You are gonna thank us one day for this and that sweet girl is gonna change you. Trust me." My mom said and kissed me on the cheek, as she left me alone at the bar drinking. I sat there for a good fifteen minutes, but got tired and thought of distracting my mind. I decided to call one of my hookups named Shirley for sex, she picked up on the first ring like she was expecting my call.

  "Hello baby." Shirley said in a seductive tone.

  "I need you tonight. I'll be at your place in 10minutes." I said and hung up, leaving and driving to her place. She opened the door for me and like always she was ready for me wearing a babydoll nighty. I didn't waste a single moment and dragged her inside her apartment. I pinned her by the wall and groped her breasts, fucking her mercilessly. After finding my release I fixed my pants and left her place. I went to my penthouse where I showered and put on my black night trousers. I climbed up on my bed and laid down thinking about Ariel and this wedding mess that I wanna get out of at any cost without losing my fortune or companies. 

The next morning I woke up with my phone ringing and let out a groan when I looked at the caller ID, it was my dad calling. As much as I wanted to let it ring, I knew I couldn't and I picked it up.

  "Yes, Dad." I murmured in a sleepy voice.

  "Have you decided? If not then I am changing my will and transferring everything to your cousin." My dad threatened over the phone.

  "I have decided I will marry her, just don't change your will yet." I instantly replied and sat down on the bed.

  "Great! That's what I thought. Meet her today. I'm sending you her address and behave yourself, she really is a sweet girl. I already consider her as my daughter in law, so you better start thinking of her as your wife." My dad said and ended the call. I let out a growl and slid out of my bed. I took a quick shower and put on black slacks and a white T-shirt with a leather jacket. I stepped out of my penthouse building and drove towards Ariel's place.

On the way to her place, I bought a bouquet of pink roses that she loves so much as well as her favorite chocolates, Hershey kisses. After ten minutes of driving, I reached her place and stepped out of my car. I went to her apartment floor and I knocked on the door gently just to be greeted by the most amazing sight of my life or should I say the best intimate moment of my life which just gave me quite a hard-on in my pants only by her one sight. Ariel was standing in front of me wrapped up in a towel that was barely hiding her luscious curves from me. She let out a gasp of shock when she saw me standing in her doorway.

  "Hey, Angel. Long time, no, see? By the way, aren't you gonna invite me in? Well, to be honest, I don't mind admiring your curvy and sexy body hiding underneath a small towel, I was hoping to find out what's underneath it. Will you allow your future husband to see what's his?" I asked in a low husky voice.

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