
Chapter 5

"I still don't care. I can handle you."

"I am not doing this with you. You need to leave if you want to catch the first period of classes." He released my neck and gives a second glance at the bruise I'm sure is blooming there.

" Just give me your contact info. We can talk about this after school."

He snarled, " Are you deaf little girl?, Whatever happened between us last night was a mistake. It never should have happened. "

" Don't say that, you're lying. I know you don't mean it."

He smirked, "I mean it. I never lie remember?Whatever happened between us was a mistake. And it should not have happened."

" No. I refuse to believe you." I know he felt it too. That connection that made it easy for us to come together.

" Are you being naive or you enjoy making a fool of yourself. Now I understand how easy it was for your bestfriend and your boyfriend to make a fool out of you. Are you always this needy and pathetic?"

Those words hit too close to home. They sound identical to exactly what Ben and Patricia said to me yesterday.

Maybe they are right? Am I needy?

I stepped away from him as I consider those words. Maybe they were all right. I am needy. If I wasn't I would have confronted Patricia when she began rubbing herself all over Ben at the slightest chance. I would have confronted Ben when I noticed he'd changed. And I certainly wouldn't have begged Blue eyes to not leave me. I didn't do anything wrong, it's not my fault he's eight years older than i am.

I really am pathetic for begging people not to leave me, even when they were the ones who wronged me.

Tears of embarrassment escape as I run out of an Apartment building for the second time in less than twelve hours.

Even amidst the pain, one thing scared me the most.

I could be pregnant right now. We never used protection.

And with how rotten my luck is, I'm sure I am pregnant.

Fuck. How does a seventeen years old, high schooler handle being pregnant.

Still hurt and numb, the worse thing happens.

I can't breathe. I have no idea what's wrong with me, Maybe it's because of the trauma I've had to endure in less than twelve. I was hurt by Ben, Patricia and blue eyes.

I'm so sad I have nothing to do, nowhere to go,even the class that was important seems so trivial because I couldn't even have to bring myself to care anymore.

I just don't know what to do and it's so annoying because I feel so pathetic right now but it's sad.

My phone rings again and I definitely would have sent it straight to voicemail if it weren't my twin April.


"May!, where have you been? I've been so worried about you. You never came home last night and you didn't even let anybody at home know ahead? Didn't you get my calls?, and you couldn't be bothered enough to return them? Mom almost went mad with worry, I had to cover up for you and told her you were spending the night at Patricia's."

I sigh, "I'm sorry. I didn't see your missed calls until a few minutes ago."

"What's wrong?" And that's my twin, she knew immediately that something happened. She always knew when I was feeling down or said without me even saying anything.

"A lot, April. I don't even know what to do right now." I sniffle holding back tears.

"Okay. Where are you right now?" Her voice came down the line, strong and reassuring.

I look around me trying to pinpoint my location, after escaping blue eyes place I started walking without realizing how far I'd gone. "I'm close to the ice cream shop on Dunkin's lane."

" That's great. You are not far from school. You should be able to get here before the second warning bell."

" I don't think I should come to school today. I don't feel so good. "

" May, you have a geometry test today, remember? You shouldn't miss it. Just get here. You can spend the whole day at the school clinic and go for geometry when it's time."


As I walked into school, the cool breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside me. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being lost and alone, like a small boat adrift in a stormy sea. The events of the past twelve hours swirled in my mind like a vortex, making it real hard to focus. I had to take a geometry test in my first class, and I was already feeling anxious about it.

I tune out the noise from other students as I took my seat, and the test was placed in front of me. I got in just in time. The rustling of papers and scratching of pencils filled the air as I stared blankly at the questions. My mind was a complete blank, and my thoughts kept drifting back to the stranger, and the way he made me feel. Lost, alone, and yet, somehow, seen. The test was a blur, and I couldn't remember answering a single question.

Hours later, at lunchtime, I walked into the cafeteria, the hum of conversation and clinking of utensils against plates filling the air. The room was a flurry of activity, with students laughing and chatting over lunch. I spotted April at our usual table, surrounded by her cheerleader friends, all of them looking like they just stepped out of a magazine. April waved me over, her bright smile a stark contrast to my gloomy mood.

As I made my way towards them, I felt like an outsider, like I didn't belong in this world of carefree teenagers. My mind was still reeling from the events of the past twelve hours, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being lost and alone. The smell of pizza and fries wafted through the air, making my stomach growl with hunger, but I had no appetite.

"Hey, sis!" April exclaimed, as I slid into the seat beside her. "What's going on? You look like you've lost your last marble." Her bright blue eyes sparkled with concern, and her long, curly brown hair bounced as she nodded.

I forced a smile, trying to brush it off. "Just a rough morning, that's all." My voice sounded weak, even to myself.

April raised an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Just a rough morning? That's not like you, May. You're always so strong and put-together. What's really going on?" She leaned in, her voice low and conspiratorial.

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "Honestly, I just didn't get much sleep last night. I'll be fine, April. Let's just focus on the rest of the day, okay?" I tried to sound convincing, but my voice cracked, betraying my emotions.

April looked skeptical, but she let it slide. We chatted for a bit, but my mind kept wandering back to the stranger, and the way he made me feel. Lost, alone, and yet, somehow, seen. As we finished up our lunch and headed to our next class, April turned to me, her voice firm but gentle. "May, I know something's going on, and I'm here for you. Don't forget that."

I nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards my twin. I knew I could always count on her, and that thought gave me the strength to face the rest of the day.

As we walked out of the cafeteria, I felt a sense of determination wash over me. I was going to get through this day, and I was going to figure out what was going on inside my head. I was going to find a way to move forward, no matter what lay ahead. I made a mental note to find a way to buy a plan B pill on my way to school the next day without April finding out.

Right there and then, I made a decision. I was done letting anyone treat me like dirt. I have been putting up with a lot of nonsense from people who don't deserve me. I won't let anyone walk over me. And I'll make sure I get even with those who have.

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