
Chapter 3

I decided to distract myself by preparing a simple dinner. Mrs Rachel rushed out offering to cook me dinner but I politely declined, Cooking had always been a way for me to find solace, a respite from the demands of my high-powered business life. Tonight, however, my mind was a whirlwind of doubt and uncertainty.

Had I made the right decision by giving Serena my business card and expressing a desire to keep in touch? A part of me felt reckless, as if I had allowed myself to be carried away by an unexpected connection. The world I inhabited was one of caution and control, and this sudden vulnerability made me uneasy.

But then, I remembered the genuine warmth in Serena's hazel eyes and the authenticity of our conversation. She seemed to see beyond the façade of Damian Blackwood, the formidable CEO, and into the depths of the man I kept hidden from the world. In her presence, I felt a sense of liberation, as if I could momentarily shed the weight of my responsibilities.

Despite my reservations, a spark of hope flared within me. Perhaps this unexpected encounter was a sign, a chance to explore a side of myself I had long neglected. The thought of getting to know Serena better, of discovering what made her art so captivating, intrigued me.

As I stirred the pot on the stove, I found myself contemplating the possibilities. Maybe she could be a breath of fresh air in my life, a reminder of the beauty that existed beyond the cold walls of my corporate world. But then, doubts crept in again. What if my vulnerability was taken advantage of once more, as it had been in the past?

It was a delicate balance between caution and curiosity. I didn't want to rush into anything, but I also didn't want to let fear dictate my actions. In the business world, I thrived on calculated risks, but matters of the heart were a different playing field altogether.

After dinner, I retired to my study, my mind still consumed by thoughts of Serena. I decided to take a moment to browse through her website, curious to see more of her artwork. Each stroke seemed to convey emotions that resonated within me, as if her art was a reflection of the emotions I had long kept hidden.

In that quiet moment, I made a decision. I would reach out to her, not with grand gestures or expectations, but with a genuine interest in getting to know the woman behind the art.

As I penned a simple message on my phone, “thank you for making such beautiful art, have a good night rest” my finger hovered over the send button. The fear of vulnerability still lingered, “what if she thinks am a jerk for texting her so soon”. “what if she’s married or engaged” “but her fingers were not wearing any rings” I looked at my phone only to realize that in the mist of my thoughts I had send the message with twelve love emojis.

“Fuck” I cursed at myself. How long was I thinking? And what is happening to me? I really need to get my shit together this is really embarrassing how do I explain this to her, that I sent twelve love emojis by mistake.


A wave of exhaustion washed over me as I stepped into my small apartment that evening. Mum was already asleep and I didn’t want to wake her up. The day at the art studio had been fulfilling, as always, but beneath the surface, there was a lingering worry that weighed heavily on my mind.

I loved my art, and the studio was my sanctuary, a place where I could pour my heart and soul into my paintings. But the reality of running a small art studio in the bustling city was far from easy. Rent was due, and I found myself uncertain about how I was going to keep the studio open for another month.

As I sank onto the worn-out couch, my thoughts drifted back to the encounter at the studio a few days ago. Damian Blackwood, the enigmatic billionaire CEO, had unexpectedly crossed my path, and our brief conversation had left an indelible impression on me.

He had seemed genuinely interested in my art, and the fact that he gave me his business card filled me with both excitement and trepidation. I didn't know what to make of the gesture. Was it just a polite exchange, or did he truly want to keep in touch?

But as the days passed without a message from him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. It was foolish of me to hope for something more, to believe that a connection with someone like Damian was even possible. After all, he lived in a world of opulence and success, while I struggled to make ends meet.

As I pondered over my predicament, the weight of uncertainty about the studio's future added to my worries. Running an art studio was my passion, but passion alone couldn't pay the rent or keep the lights on. I needed a solution, and fast.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself of the resilience and determination that had brought me this far. I had faced challenges before, and I could face this one too. I knew I had to get creative and find a way to keep my dream alive.

Rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, I found some ingredients and decided to make a simple dinner. Cooking always helped me clear my mind and gather my thoughts.

As I cooked, my mind drifted back to Damian. The memory of his steel-blue eyes and the warmth of his smile lingered, adding to the mix of emotions swirling within me. A part of me wished I could share my worries with him, but I knew it was a far-fetched dream.

When dinner was ready, I sat down to eat alone, my thoughts still preoccupied with the uncertainty ahead. As the evening wore on, I found myself contemplating the possibility of reaching out to Damian. Perhaps he could offer some advice or insight that could help me save the studio.

But fear held me back. I didn't want to seem like I was seeking a hand-out or coming across as desperate. So, I pushed the idea aside and resolved to find a solution on my own.

With determination in my heart, I decided to explore different avenues to generate income. I reached out to local galleries, inquired about art commissions, and considered hosting workshops at the studio. I reminded myself that success in the art world often required perseverance and grit. I couldn't rely on chance encounters with billionaires; I had to pave my own way. Though uncertainties still loomed, I held on to the hope that my passion and hard work would guide me through the challenges and uncertainties, and that somehow, the stars would align to bring unexpected opportunities my way. And if the stars don’t align Damian will be the last place I will seek for help.

At that moment my phone rang indicating that I had just received a message. I picked it up and before I could open the message I slipped and fell while walking to the living room and my phone landed in a bowl of water.

I screamed in terror. I bought this phone two months ago and I wasn’t buoyant enough to get another one. By the way who sent me a message, “could it be Damian”?

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