
Chapter 5


He's such a jerk!

What an insolent jerk!

I'll fire you in a flash because that's my management style.

You made the kind of mistake that gets people fired.

Oh, I'm such an asshole because I love firing people, ha, ha, ha, ha.

The moment I turned my back on him and left his spacious office, I let myself feel my anger steaming under my skin. How do people get away with being such a pain in the ass of their employees?

His style can kiss my ass.


Why do all the assholes sit in all the top positions in this company?

First, I only had Kyra to deal with, and now him?

Waylon Thorne, from the gates of hell himself?

As soon as I get in the elevators and watch the doors shut in front of me, I yell loudly inside the thick metal-enclosed walls. I yell, yell, and yell, till I can't anymore. It looks like this is how I will be processing my emotions from now on.

What else I'm supposed to do?

Does he think he can bother me? 

He can be the goddamn president of all the successful multinational chains in the country, but I'll never let a cheeky bastard get under my skin.

The second the doors of the elevators open when the car lands on my floor, I straighten my shirt and get out. The pencil skirt I'm wearing today feels too tight against my ribs. I make a mental note to not choose it again for another long day at work unless I want to forget all about breathing through my lungs.

As I pace towards my small office in the back of the hallway, Kyra comes immediately in view as she's standing with her back leaning on the front desk. While the secretary who manages our calls is nowhere to be seen on our floor, I realise maybe Kyra got rid of her to give me the ass-kicking she has prepared in the likely scenario they laid me off. That would unquestionably be the case.

Kick a woman in the rear when she's down.

"Did you meet Wayne?" Kyra raises an eyebrow as soon as she sees me and starts her line of questioning. "What did he say?"

"What would he say?"

I roll my eyes, and she glares at me. Then I lick my lips, thinking I pushed her too far.

"I asked you something, Everett." She plays with the post-it note she has between her fingers before setting her gaze on my face. "Did you explain what was wrong with your work and sort out your mistakes, and was he okay with your new report?"

"He said he was fine with me working for the company, at least for now, and I should not give him another reason to fire me in the future."

Kyra's brow furrows as she shifts on her foot to look closely at me because apparently, I have a liar's face. When she realises I'm not lying, her nose wrinkles.

"Did he say that he was okay with your mistakes?" She gives me a hard once-over before glaring at my fidgety fingers. "Intriguing." She clicks her tongue. "You're probably the only one who has come back alive from the deathly gallows."

My mouth is suddenly the driest it has ever been. I gesture to the right of the hallway where we have the water cooler, and Kyra silently follows behind me, watching my every move with a fine-tooth comb to decipher more information from my demeanour. She is a vixen with those eyes.

"Well, I didn't know the monster had a heart." She laughs. "I guess he took one look at you and decided it would probably be a waste to let you go."

I nod without looking back.

"It was kind of him."

I pace swiftly to the water cooler, draw some water from the filter in a throwaway cup, and bring the cup to my thirsty lips. I finish the drink in one swig. Kyra stands there facing me, saying nothing but yet observing me as if she thinks there's more to the picture. When I finish slurping water, I step aside to throw the cup in the dustbin on the left.

"You know, I have tried seducing him." Kyra pours some water into a new cup. "He hasn't let his eyes wander for more than a minute when I'm around him, but some part of me knows he wants me." Kyra takes a sip from her cup. "It's bloody irritating that he won't make a move, but I wish he did."


That's all I can bring myself to say in this situation when I stare at my boss's face, confused by why is she opening herself to me like that?

"Can you blame me?" She swoons. "He's so goddamn handsome. Those wide shoulders are always so nicely defined in his expensive business attire, and those veiny arms that protrude through his silk shirts make me want to rip his clothes off."

"Ahem, okay?" I wonder where she is going with this. "So, what's stopping you?"

"I'm not sure if he likes me?" She sighs. "I guess there's no one around who would catch his attention." She stares around the room as she steps closer to me. "Like, there's hardly anyone hot enough in this office that a man like him would want to pursue, but I also don't want to misread signals and rid myself of a cushy job."

"Uh, yeah." I run a hand through my hair. "You are raising some good points."

"Plus, I heard that his best friend has joined the office to be his private secretary, and I think I have checked him out from behind." She coughs, and her face reddens. "He also has a really nice ass, and it confuses me so much, you know?"

I nod at what she is saying.

"Who do I choose when they are both so gorgeous and attractive?"

"Neither do I know about what you should do, Kyra." I exhale. "Maybe ask one of them out, and if they decline, you won't have to choose anymore."

"You're so cocky, Everett," Kyra notes with a sarcastic laugh. "Why do you think someone wouldn't reciprocate my feelings? I'm hot, tall, sexy, and definitely the most attractive woman in this office."

"That's the spirit, Kyra." I smile politely. "No one would dare to say no to you."

Internally, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, now, get back to work." She lashes out. "You've been wasting time long enough."


I make my way to my office towards the back of the hallway.


Macy, one of the few paralegals they haven't fired yet, comes out of the document review room and waves standing at my office door. I look at her from a bunch of papers strewn all over my work desk. 

"Hey, I'm heading to make myself some coffee?" She smiles when her eyes find mine. "Would you like something?"

"Yeah." I stand up, pushing the ergonomic chair behind me. Rubbing the knot at the base of my neck, I walk toward her. "I think I need to grab my sandwich from the fridge. I don't think I have eaten lunch today."

"They are working you hard today, huh?" She nods understandably. "Well, I just got a new slew of files to review and send out. I was still making notes on my second round of files when I felt like I should get up and stretch my legs."

We both meander towards the small parallel modular kitchen located between our offices.

"Yeah, I need to do that often, too." I yawn loudly at the back of my hand. "It can all get quite alienating and boring in there."

Macy nods her head.

"Don't I know it."

As Macy puts a clean cup from the kitchen cabinet under the espresso machine after adding a new filter, she pivots to look at me.

"What are your plans for the weekend?" She rests a hand on the countertop as she leans in to talk about whatever is on her mind excitedly. "Us, Laura, Sarah and I are going to this new prawn bar that has opened in Fruitvale Village on Saturday! Would you like to join us?" She grabs my hand good-naturedly. "Tell me you are coming with us, Evie. Oh, we never see you!"

I make a loud groaning sound.

"Shit, I can't." My fingers are balanced on the refrigerator's door as I find the paper bag with my sandwich inside it. I grab it and pivot to face Macy. "I wish I could come, but I hate to say this, but I'll be seeing my boyfriend again. He has something planned for me, and he wants to see me since it's our third year anniversary."

"Aww. . .argh!" Macy mocks me. "I'm so jealous. Your boyfriend sounds perfect. Sheesh. I will hate you if you don't make time for us next weekend because we'd love to hang out with you. We can explore more of Sausalito along with you if you're free since Laura's cousin is throwing an engagement party, and we'll be drinking throughout that weekend."

I laugh, hugging her sideways.

"Oh, I wish to get as drunk again as we did on that fourth of July weekend." I laugh hoarsely. "As long as I shall live, I will never forget that."

"Neither can we." Macy laughs with me. "Laura still sometimes wears her undies inside out, parading herself in the living room to remind me of that legendary weekend."

"Aww, how are you guys?" I unwrap my brown bag and take a bite out of my sandwich. "Did you rent the new apartment you were telling me about?"

"We made an offer, but someone beat us to it." I rub her shoulder to comfort her. "That must suck."

"Her parents were super bummed." Macy sighs. "But it all worked out for the best because her dad stepped in and bought us a new apartment in a newly minted building. It's the stuff of our dreams."

"So, those pictures on your social media are from your new apartment?"

"Du-uh, yeah." She makes a face. "I even sent you an e-invite for a housewarming party, but you never responded." She slaps me on the stomach. "You are always dodging my messages and emails."

"You did?" I look at her, confusion breaking out on my face. "Well, I didn't get it."

"It was three weeks ago." She clicks her fingers in front of my eyes. "Maybe you weren't paying attention, Evie." She makes herself sound serious. "Or maybe it ended up in your spam. Do you even check your mail regularly?"

"Yeah, maybe." I fix my hair behind my ear. "I'd have to check that out. And I'm sorry I didn't make it to your party, and for this weekend too. I wish I could show up. I'll make sure to clear my schedule for next week. Anything for you guys."

She collects her coffee from the machine and gives me a soft pat on my back.

"Have fun on your anniversary night! I hope your lover is good to you-ou!"

"Well, I sure hope so." I give her a bright smile. "You guys have fun too!"

She winks at me.

"Oh, honey. We sure will."

Then she steadies her coffee mug, pulling it away from her chest as she walks back to the document review room, and I'm left eating my lunch alone in the kitchen.

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