
07 Married To Mr Arrogant

"She's bold! I like her already. And there is something about this one, she's quite different and outspoken, you have really met your match, someone who could stand up to you without fear" Dylan said and sat down on the couch.

He turned and met Aaron glaring at him, giving him the "really?" look.

"You know, the last time I checked, you're my best friend and you're supposed to be on my side," Aaron said vehemently, giving Dylan a questionable look.

Dylan giggled and replied "I'm on your side man, we want a better Aaron. And I'm particular that this one is going to blow your mind away real soon"

"Well, let me refresh your memory just in case you've forgotten. I'm still engaged to Lisa and no one, l repeat no one can ever replace her, and I'm going to do anything to find her and marry her" Aaron declared.

"Yet you're getting married to another. And not just anybody, a breathtaking and gorgeous lady, or is there something you're not telling me, Aaron?" Dylan teased and laughed. 

"I'm done with you man. How are we even friends? You're clearly flirting with her already, someone you just met Dylan!" Aaron pointed out. 

"Well, you can't completely blame me. She's way too beautiful and I couldn't help myself. How about we go grab some drinks? You're freaking getting married tomorrow, we should celebrate!" Dylan said excitedly.

"No! I don't want to. This whole wedding thing is a charade without Lisa, you might as well say I'm trying to save my reputation, that's it!... I'm going to throw her out as soon as l find Lisa, who is befitting of my love. So don't push your luck"

"Is crazy enough that you're marrying this girl just to save face. But l won't be a party to not treating her well. Have you ever considered the feelings of this poor girl you're dragging into this mess?" Dylan asked.

"I do not fucking care about her or her feelings. On a second thought, we should go grab some drink, l need to get my mind off things" Aaron said and grabbed his car keys as Dylan scurried behind him.

The next day……

Tessa smiled weakly as she greeted a few friends of the Winstons. She had just tied the knot with Aaron and it all felt surreal. She never knew her dreams of being with the love of her life were going to be this fast. Being married to the most powerful billionaire, Aaron Winston was every woman's dream. She was excited. 

Well, not so happy. Aaron didn't spare her a glance, he flung her hands away as soon as they were out of people's sight.

It felt like she was all alone in the marriage already. l signed up to be his substitute bride, l knew what i was signing up for when i agreed to be his substitute wife. But why does it hurt so much? Seeing that the one man you cared and loved so much, doesn't give a flying fuck about you could drive anyone insane" Tessa thought to herself. 

Tessa forced back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes and declared. "I'm not going to give him the joy of seeing my tears. I'm here as his substitute bride and that's it! I will avoid him and his tantrums by all means until he finds Lisa. I'm not going to gush over a man who doesn't see me or even consider me worthy of his love. Damn him!" 

She smiled at the mirror in front of her and tried to undress. It has been a hectic day and she wanted nothing but to rest.

Suddenly a knock came at the door, even before she could remove her wedding dress.

"Someone by the name Mara is here to see you, ma'am. Should I let her in?" Leilani asked.

Tessa's heart sank. "Mara is here. How?" she questioned inwardly. 

"Yes, please let her in" Tessa said as soon as she got off from her reverie.

"Whoa! You look absolutely stunning Tessa" Mara half screamed and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Why do you look surprised seeing me? I wasn't going to miss my best friend's wedding for anything in the world" Mara retorted with a huge grin on her face.

A smile crossed Tessa's lips and her eyes watered. "Thank you Mara for coming. What would l have done without you? I really needed someone to talk to. But how were you able to enter the premises? There are a lot of securities outside" Tessa asked.

"Well l have my way around these things. They wouldn't let me in at first but as soon as l mentioned l was your friend, they obliged. Seems everyone here loves you already" Maya said with a wink.

Tessa took a sharp breath and shrugged. "Well, aside from Aaron, who can't even survive in the same space with me. He looks at me like I'm one disgusting thing he picked up from trash. I know he would give anything to get rid of me already"

"You didn't ask to be here Tessa, the last time l checked he blackmailed you into being his substitute bride. You should even be the one irritated by his behavior, how dare he, make you feel this way on your big day? I should go talk to that arrogant jerk and let him know you're doing him a favour and not the other way round" Maya replied furiously. 

"No Mara. I don't think you should do that. I just hoped that this will be all over soon and l will get back to my normal life, with you and my grandmother by my side. I don't want to complicate my life any further by letting you talk to him. He might as well increase my punishment, you know how these rich people can behave sometimes" Tessa said, trying to calm Mara down.

"He wouldn't dare!. Look Tessa, l know you've loved this man since I could remember but don't let the way you feel about him, stop you from standing up to him and doing the right thing. I don't know you to be this weak and I won't have anyone talk to you in a condescending manner" Mara retorted and hugged Tessa again.

Tessa felt a surge of relief wash over her. She reached out and took Mara's hand, squeezing it tightly "Thank you Mara for always looking out for me. Don't worry all of this will be over soon, l know he would find Lisa and l will return back to you and granny" Tessa said, giving off a faint smile.

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