
Chapter 5

I was quickly wrapped up by annoyance upon being awaken due to the consecutive loud banging on my door. I was barely a few miles away from there so my ear could clearly hear the noise that the person behind it was making.

I stood up and immediately fixed my frizzt hair before opening the door for the person who had ruined my sleep. And I was quickly horrified and angered to see the people behind it.

If only I could close the door again I would have done it a few milliseconds after opening it. I was greeted by a batch of big bodyguards who were securing the two old couple at the center.

Of course, they’ll find me. Why didn't thought of the possibility of them finding me? It was no doubt that there was disgust im their faces.while scanning the environment I was living with.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not hiding my anger for them.

Despite the sharp glance I threw at them, their cold stare didn’t fade, something that was natural to them. They would often act like this, to the point that I already got used to it.

They have no emotion, just like Katiya. They never showed interest in me unless it concerns their reputation and plans for how I should be. But never in my life have I liked what they planned for me. The life that they want me to live. A life where they are shaping me to be just like them. Merciless, almost like a demon.

"I can't believe you chose to stay here instead of our mansion," Mom said with almost every word spoken with disgust.

I didn't answer her and just cursed her with my eyes. There was mockery and anger in her while looking at my current situation as if I have been living in a pig's cage.

"We're taking you with us, daughter." Dad stepped towards me. I unconsciously stepped backwards.

“And you will follow my command, Prescilla Hope Santiago. A Santiago deserves better. And this isn't where you should be.” She gracefully fixed her hair and put it behind her ears. “Our empire is waiting for you. You need to rule our people and prove your worth as our daughter. I already had enough of you tainting our names. I don't want you to live in this kind of place anymore.”

I had goosebumps hearing how controlling she sounded on end at her cold and dangerous speech. The coldness is still there, it actually never left. The name Queen Lady Santiago stands for coldness. And me being her daughter doesn’t excuse me for being treated as if I am her possession and not a child she reared for twenty years.

Not even when I lost my child made her change one bit. She made no room for me to grieve because she immediately sent me to her office to train me.

Funny how she looks so angelic when her inside is the complete opposite. Her soul’s rotten.

My father? He's no different. Fredericko Santiago was just a male version of my Mom. Maybe just a little softer but still demonic. He could give me pity for a moment, but will still be back to the old habit after a while.

"I'm not coming with you. I would never want to have a connection with you again. You disgust me." My face hardened, determined not to be taken by them.

But with one look Mom gave me, I immediately lost. The way she stares speaks as if I was still being blamed for what was going on in my life.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, Prescilla. Blame yourself for being with that Harris. And blame yourself for being a slut and getting yourself pregnant at an early age. If you just followed us, you would not be living in a garbage place like this,” she said with sll her pent-up anger.

She stepped towards me. And an automatic scream out of pain came out of my mouth when she took my arm, digging her long and sharp nails on my skin. "Stop it, Ma!" I tried to remove her hand from holding on to my arm.

“And do you think I came here to listen to you?” She raised an eyebrow at me. “I don’t care whether you like it or not. You. Are. Coming. With. Us.” she said through gritted teeth, giving emphasis to every word she uttered.

Fury filled my heart. “I loathe you! Both of you!"

"Take her," he ordered the two large men who were with him after he turned her back on me.

Dad immediately followed her without doing anything to stop her. I quickly ran out and squeezed myself in between the two men which I easily overcame because of my small body.

But they also quickly grabbed me by my arms and carelessly dragged me closer to the parked car. I fidgeted, I slapped them, kicked in the attempt to get rid of them but I was incomparably weaker to overpower the two.

"Let go of me!" I shouted while still moving to get away. They forced me into the backseat of the car. Mom and Dad were not there. Both of them were in the other car. One man was in the passenger seat while the other was in the driver’s seat.

Without wasting a second, they started the car as soon as the door closed. The silence that enveloped the three of us gave me the freedom to think of a way how I could escape this hell. I busied myself by roaming my eyes around the expensive car I am currently in. No one was watching on either side of me so I would be free to jump out of the car.

I looked at the door and when I saw that the door was not locked, a light bulb over my head came to life. If I would run away now, they would not be able to catch up immediately because they were ahead and I was behind. Mama's car was in front so they were unlikely to catch up with me. Add that we are in the middle of the highway and they can't just stop abruptly.

I don’t feel fear for myself at the thought of doing so. If I were to jump out while we were in the middle of the main road, I would probably be meet speeding cars. And in the worst case scenario, I might die.

No, it wasn’t the worst-case scenario, it’s the best one. To just die and finally taste freedom.

With my closed eyes, I took a deep breath before opening the door without having much though. I did not hesitated upon jumping out of the car. My body bumped and repeatedly rolled on the road because of the speed which. I couldn’t help but squirm relentlessly as my body slammed into the hot cement brought on by the scorching sun.

I rolled over and I also felt a few heavy impact on my head along with the hot liquid slowly flowing down on my cheek from my forehead.

When the body hit the pavement on the side of the road, that’s when I stopped rolling. The severe pain in my body quickly increased as if I was beaten up by a whole gang of bitches.

"Are you committing suicide?!" I heard someone shout from inside his car, anger by the havoc I caused.

The horns of the cars went on and on and even the sound of Mama's angry voice that I could faintly hear as well.

“Estupido! Get her! ” her angry command.

"If you're tired of your life, don't feel pester other people!" another motorist shouted.

I looked at him sharply. But I was quick to look away when I saw Mama's guard approaching my location. Noise filled the already busy road because of what I did. I quickly hailed a taxi and immediately boarded to get away from them. Only when the taxi drive passed them whenmy heart became peaceful.

"Fuck this life," I whispered tiredly. I gasped as I leaned my bruised body against the sear while trying to calm my fast beating heart.

"Miss, will we be dropped off at the hospital? You look like you need assistance," asked the driver, looking at me anxiously.

I glanced at my appearance from the rearview mirror. I couldn't help but wince when I saw the blood coming from my forehead had already spread to my right cheek. I look dirty. The white shirt I was wearing turned grey due to the dust from the road. There was also a cut in my jogging pants that injured my thigh.

I look like a shitty beggar but it’s better to be this way than to be held hostage by my own parents. The dirt doesn’t even match with the dirt that they hold in their hands.

I am also a sinful person and child. But they are even worse than me and I don’t want to get myself even more dirty under their hands.

"Do you know the Cruz Empire?" I asked without answering his question earlier.

"Yes ma'am."

"Take me there," I informed after shutting my eyes close.

"But what about your wounds? You need to be treated, Miss." There was still a streak of concern when he asked that question.

I smiled bitterly at what he said. "I'm evil, I'm not going to die yet."

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