
Chapter 7

I woke up with an intense pain that I felt in different parts of my body. I no longer remember at what point I fell asleep in the mixture of fatigue and pain I felt before I ended up in this situation.

I kept my eyes closed when I heard two people talking from a short distance away from me. They are two but I am familiar with only one voice. I have no clue who was the other one. But upon hearing the words she’s saying, I came to I identified her profession.

Even with my eyes shut, I knew where I was. The coldness of the room, the intoxicating smell of medicine, and the familiar mattress where my back rests steadily. I knew that I’m at the hospital.

“She has bruises on most parts of her body and I think it came from bumping excessively to hard objects. And there were cuts on her wrist also. From what I’ve seen from it, this wasn’t the first time that she did this to herself. I saw a lot of healed wounds,” the doctor explained, probably to the man who brought me here.

"Is she suicidal or something?" asked the man full of concern.

“Basing on what I’ve seen on her physical state, most probably yes. But I suggest you bring her to a psychologist. She might be having depression that led her to do these kinds of things.” I heard both of them sigh. “I also saw a healed wound on her neck. And based on what I saw it looks like he planned to slit his neck. Or at least know the feeling of it.”

“Is there a way to stop this?”

“Talking helps. Emotional instability impacts suicidal tendencies. Keep her company and make her happy, help her overcome and recover. I’ll refer you to a psychologist, Mister Vidal.”

“Thank you, Doc Trina.”

Silence followed the sound of the door closing. I've already missed the right timing to open my eyes. I don't even have the courage to see my surroundings now knowing that I would be greeted by a man who saved me for the second time.

I don't know him, not even his name. He is just a bar owner that I met a month ago. I don't even know if he remembers me or if he is just a gentleman for bringing me to this hospital, for saving me again.

“Enlighten me, lady. Why were you cutting your wrist?” he asked dangerously.

I stilled and was caught off guard by his question. Not because he knew I was awake, but because of the way he sounded.

His voice was coated with thick worry and anger. But I couldn’t understand why he was feeling those toward me or my situation. We don't know each other. We only met for the second time after all. We don't even have any background of one another but the way he acts says otherwise. His concern over me confuses me and I couldn’t come up with a reason why he is exerting this time and effort for me.

I slowly opened my eyes. It was a bit blurry at first until the white ceiling of the hospital room became clear in my vision. Slowly and carefully I looked at him and I immediately received his dagger eyes and raised eyebrows...

His eyes held worry as he looked at me as if deciphering what was going on in my complicated mind. “Tell me,” he commanded.

”Why would I? I don't even know you, ”I replied rudely.

I know that I have to act indifferent when it comes to him. I should not invest any time and interest in our interactions because it means nothing at all. This was just something that any other man would do given that they'll be in his shoe. Nothing that I should put colours on.

I slowly sat on the bed and fixed the same clothes I wore yesterday. I don't know how long I was asleep. My body missed the soft bed so much that I fell soundly asleep unintentionally. But I know for sure that a night had already passed by.

Even with the small movements I make, I immediately felt pain in different parts of my body. I was struck by more than a single bruise on both my arms. There were also stains of dry blood on my jogging pants.

I looked like a wreck.

“You may not know me by my name but try to at least remember the red car that I sacrificed just to save you a month ago,” he said sarcastically.

"Thank you, then," I answered lifelessly. “I don’t owe you anything. You blocked your car in front of my car to stop me. I didn’t ask for any help.”

I turned my gaze away from him and turned it to my hand with the IV fluid. I slowly removed the needle that was inserted into my skin even though the nurse was supposed to do that.

He didn't stop me. He just watched me do what I was doing. When it was over I stood up and faced him.

He still has the same expression on his face as he bows down to look at me. I didn't bother to take my eyes away from him even though a part of me was screaming for me to walk away.

“You could've died with what you did last month and last night,” he emphasizes.

"I'm not going to kill myself," I said rashly as I stared at him again. “I know what I was doing. I don’t intend to kill myself that night. I’ll stop my car when the tip of it kisses the barricade. You are the only one with a dirty mind.”

"And what about last night?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Last night was a punishment.” I immediately averted my eyes.

I knew that last night was different. It wasn't part of my plan. It just happened because of the unexpected appearance of my parents.

And that demon reminding me of what had happened months back didn't help at all. There have been a series of happy and painful memories for me but the pain in my heart was more dominant. And it was because of one reason. Because the center of those memories was my child who I was not even able to be born into the world.

My story would've been different if I fought for what was right. But I didn't. And it made my life a living hell now that Harris left me.

I don’t expect him to forgive me even though the information he knows wasn’t one hundred percent true. I know how my parents play their games. I'm very familiar with how they move their chess pieces to destroy something that would get in their way.

They always play dirty, and bloody. And I wouldn't be surprised to know if they twisted the things that Harris knew about what happened to our baby.

“Punishment for what?” he asked with a confused voice. “Did you do something that deserves to be punished?”

I looked at him again, but my face now was drained from any emotion just like how my heart became numb all of a sudden. “I did something that deserves my death. And you should not involve yourself with me if you don't want to be dragged down with my mess.”

There was a look of surprise and confusion on his face because of my answer. But to clarify my confusing explanation was not on my list of options. I didn’t even bother myself to try and do so because I knew he didn’t need to know those things anymore.

We should just remain as strangers, it would always be better that way. Because the longer we connect, the closer he gets to me and my parents may have to do something again just to get what they want.

I don't want anyone to be involved in my chaotic world again. I've learned my lesson and I know how to play their games head-on. I will never let them hurt other people again.

And I could only think of one solution right now. A solution that would end everything in an instant.

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