
The Celebration


I walked happily, into the hospital, happy that I got to see my brother, Simon again today.

As I walked past the nurse's desk, I waved at them, since I knew them. I had become a regular visitor at the hospital, for 10 years.

My brother has been a patient here, for that long after being involved in a very ghastly accident all those years ago. Since both of my parents had died when we were younger, we had no one.

We didn't know any relatives, so we basically had just each other. Simon was my life and if I lost him, I didn't know how I'd cope, that was why I went out of my way to find a good paying job, just so I could keep paying for his medical bills. 

Even when the doctors told me to pull the plug, I didn't because I knew my brother was a fighter and I didn't want to give up on him so easily. 

Three weeks after that decision, he woke up form his ten year long coma and I couldn't have been happier I didn't listen to the doctors.

I walked into his room, with the biggest smile on my face and I met him watching TV. Although he had woken up, he was paralyzed from his neck down. 

The doctors say his muscles haven't yet awakened, due to him being in a coma for ten years, so we just had to wait.

As soon as he saw me, he smiled, as far as it could go and I dropped everything I was carrying on the table and gave him a hug.

“How're you today?" I loved seeing smiles on my brother's face. it made me feel better.

“I'm good. Just tryna catch up on some TV I missed for ten years." Simon always had a sense of humor that seemed to drive away negative emotions.

I smiled at him and remembered the chocolates.

“I brought you chocolates." I held the bars up, to his eye level.

He laughed and said, “Thanks sis. "

Since he couldn't move, I had to do everything for him, so I opened up the bar and fed him, watching the smile on his face grow as he savored the taste.

I watched TV with him and sometime later, the doctor came into the room.

“Hi Sarah." 

“Hi Doctor Sam." I greeted back.

He walked over to Simon, and checked on him. I watched him inject something into Simon's IV tube, and he picked up his writing pas and turned to me.

“Sarah, can i see you in my office?" 

I didn't like how he sounded, so I excused myself and followed him to his office. 

My heart was already beating loudly as Doctor Sam just sat across from me and stared, not being able to speak.

“Doctor, please say something. The suspense is killing me." 

He took a deep breath and leaned forward, removing his glasses. He brought oot a file from his drawer and removed an x-ray from it.

He laid it in front of me and i stared down at it. It was a picture of a brain, but I didn't understand anything beyond that. 

“What is this?" I asked him 

“It's an x-ray of your brother's brain. Since your brother woke up, he had been complaining of headaches and we decide to do a few tests to figure. out what was wrong. We discovered that blood had clotted in his brain and it was now blocking the flow of fresh blood, to his brain." He explained.

“How is that possible? He just woke up. " This made no sense. 

“Because of his comatose state, he never felt the pain after the accident. Now that he's awake, it's affecting him."

I was finally beginning to understand what he was saying.

“Okay, so what's the solution?"

“If he can have surgery as early as possible, everything will be fine." 

“How much is it?" I asked despite being scared of anything relating to money because I knew I didn't have any 

“Well, it's a neurological surgery, so it will be costing you around fifteen thousand dollars. " 

If it were possible for my eyeballs to fall out, it would have fallen out at this point. I didn't have a job!

“I don't have that kind of money, but if you can commence surgery now, I promise to meet up with the payments." 

He looked at me with pity and shook his head.

“I wish there was something I could do. You know I've been really generous with you, all this while. I've delayed your payments for as long as I can, but the authorities are beginning to complain. This time, for a surgery like this, if you don't pay the complete fee, we can't operate on Simon." 

I didn't know what to do. There was no one I could go to for help, that would give me anything close to that amount. I had no job and our house rent was due.

I tried not to cry, and I walked back to Simon's room and I wiped my tears, trying to hide the fact that something was wrong.

“What did he say?" 

“He just called me to confirm some payments. Nothing big" 

I had to lie to him, so he won't overthink the situation.

I was going to look for a way to pay the money. I needed my brother to live no matter what. 

My phone dinged and I looked down at it to see a notification. It was an email, and I already knew what it said.

I opened it with little to no enthusiasm, because I knew it was just another company rejecting me.

However, when I opened the email, it read, 

“Dear Sarah Willing,

I am delighted to inform you that you have been offered the job for a personal secretary to one of the VIPs in our company.

With proper evaluation and discussion, we discovered you were the best person for the job.

Please find attached your appointment letter and you are expected to report to the office, Monday 23rd October, to begin work.

Once again, we say Congratulations. "

I read it a couple more times to make sure I want delusional. Finally, I got a job that would be to pay for my brothers fees.

My brother was going to live. 

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