
Chapter 3: The First Day


I got to work very early the next day. I had stopped to get coffee for my co-workers, I desperately wanted to make a good first impression. When I got to my space in the large office, I arranged my notepad and the laptop that was given to me by the company on my desk. I proceeded to give the coffee I brought to my co-workers, earning smiles from them. 

By 10 a.m, I proceeded to the meeting that was slated the previous day. I was the second person to get there. Everyone who came in looked like they knew what they were doing, I fidgeted with the helm of my skirt, I felt nervous but I was determined to carve a name for myself too.

Mr. Jerkins was the last person to be seated.

“Welcome everyone” he began. “It’s an honour to be a part of this team. Here, we work together in unity and… I listened while he went on about the office rules and regulations, what was expected of them and so on. 

Now, it was time for introduction, Mr. Jerkins gave room for everyone to introduce themselves. Everyone took turns, “Hi everyone, I’m Acadia Dimitri, my friends call me Dia, I’m a newbie and I look forward to working on tasks and deadlines together.” They clapped and Mr. Jerkins signalled the end of the meeting.

On my way to my desk, someone approached me. “Hi, I’m Scarlet.” the person offered.

“Hi” I smiled and replied. I remembered her from the meeting.

“I’m holding a party this evening, would you like to come?

“Yes, I would love to. Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome.” I suddenly noticed the blush that appeared on Scarlet’s face. I turned towards the direction that she was looking at to notice that her eyes were fixated on a man I remember as David from the meeting. This made me smile, she obviously had a crush on the man but was too scared to let him know. Scarlet was very pretty, her long brunette hair swayed with elegance. Any man would want to be with her.

David walked up to us and Scarlet found an excuse to leave. I noticed the subtle disappointment in David’s eyes before he successfully hid it and I made a mental note to bring them together.

“Acadia, welcome to the content marketing department. We could use a new face.” he joked and winked.

I laughed at his joke. My day was going well until I was informed that the CEO requested to  see me. When I got to his office, I earned a glare from his secretary, making me wonder. His secretary was a petite young woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties. From the way she looked, it seemed like she put an effort to impress her boss.

“I’m here to see the CEO, he wanted to see me.” 

Looking at me in a condescending manner, the secretary replied. “Give me a moment” 

She made a call through the intercom phone. “You may go in”

“Thank you” I said but got no response.

Knocking on the rich mahogany door that stood between me and the CEO, I stood in anticipation wondering why he suddenly wanted to see her.

“Come in.” a deep voice replied.

Dante's office was an elegant and imposing space, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a sweeping view of the city. He stood by the windows, his presence commanding and enigmatic. He commanded so much power without putting in an effort.

“You may sit.” He said still not looking at me. What is it with this man acting like I was not there and why did it annoy me this much? For goodness sake, the man is my boss. He had every right to act however he felt. But my explanation did not stop the anger creeping through me, was I that unattractive to cause him to always act this way. I was sure I wasn’t his type but did he have to rub it in my face?

“You must be wondering why I requested to see you,”  he started. 

“As you already know,  this company has carved a position in the top five prestigious companies in the state. This is as a result of the hard work of the employees. So to work here effectively, you need to make yourself invaluable. Are you ready to do that?

“Yes, I am.” 

He nodded and looked into my eyes, I saw an unreadable emotion flashed through his eyes. But it was gone before I knew what it was. I almost felt uncertain about seeing it in the first place.

He cleared his throat “Good. You may leave. He said without sparing me a glance. “Tell the secretary to come in after you,” he added. I stifled a cuss and walked out of his office.

I conveyed the message to the secretary and her face lightened up as if she had been asked to go on a date with her crush. She quickly re-adjusted her little tight blouse to show her cleavage. I scrunched up my face.  Was that outfit even allowed? With one final touch of lipstick on her lip, she walked into his office. I scoffed and  thought it was best not to think too much about what happened.

I went back to her office. “Acadia” Scarlet called out. “I’ve been looking for you, where did you go? 

“The CEO sent for me”

“Interesting, why? Scarlet asked.

“He wanted to tell me to give my new job all I've got, I guess.”

“Wow, I guess he thinks you're special because he barely does that.”

“No, I don't think so. If anything, I think he hates me,” I said between gritted teeth. “He can’t stand being in the same room with me”

Scarlet’s face scrunched up in confusion at my sudden outburst “That’s strange. Anyways, do you mind inviting David to the party i told you about earlier”

I smiled, finding it cute that I got to see the side of her. “No, I don't mind but it wouldn’t hurt if you do it yourself.”

“I know but I'm too scared to do it.” 

I chuckled. “Alright, i’ll do it for you”

“Thank you!  You're a God-sent.” she said and hugged me.

The day ended well and I went home to get a little rest before the party. My phone ringtone woke me up, it was Emily, I smiled.

“Hi lily”

“Mama mia, how was your first day at work?

I told her everything that happened, well aside the way Dante made me feel. The last thing I need is my best friend blowing it out of proportion. I just want to forget how he made me feel, I knew well not to expect anything good out of it.

I looked at her wall clock and realised I was almost late for the party.

“Oops, I better go now. I don’t want to show up late for Scarlet’s party.”

“Alright sis, have a good time.”

“Thank you. I love you.”

“I know you do”. Emily replied, causing us to both laugh.

Dropping the call, I hurried to get ready.

Scarlet’s house was comfortable, it was painted in pink and lilac with portraits of her and her mom hanging on the wall. It brought a sense of calmness to her. Soft music played in the living room, the room was filled with people. I knew a lot of people would be there, but nothing prepared me for the people that turned up. I looked around for Scarlet and spotted her chatting with some friends.

Finding my way towards her, “Acadia, you made it.” she said and hugged me.

“Sorry, I'm late. I brought you this.” I said, handing over the box of cupcakes  to her.

“Aww, you didn’t have to. But thank you.”

I nodded, “where is David?

“He went outside to take a call, he’ll be back soon.”


I nodded, noting how just the mention of his name made her blush. These two needed to act on their feelings.

The party went on successfully, I headed home to prepare for the next day.

The days at D. M. Corps Ltd. passed in a whirlwind of activity. I’d thrown herself into my role as a content writer with an unwavering determination to prove myself in the competitive world of corporate communications. My mornings began early, her nights often ended late, and I revelled in the challenges that each day brought.

My small apartment, tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, became a haven of creativity. Late into the night, I would sit at my desk, my laptop glowing in the dim light and taking seeps of my green tea, as I crafted compelling narratives and persuasive messages. The weight of responsibility never felt burdensome; it felt like the culmination of years of hard work and dreams.

My dedication did not go unnoticed. Colleagues and supervisors alike praised my work ethic, and I quickly became a respected member of the content department. But as the weeks passed, it wasn't just my professional accomplishments that began to draw attention. It became apparent that my passion and authenticity did not go unnoticed. 

“Acadia” Mr. Jerkins called out.  “Meet me in my office”.

“Yes, sir.” I answered wondering what I had done.

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